Projects STRLCPY NETworkManager Files
68 lines | ISO-8859-1 | 2 KB

Version: 2020.5.0
Release date: 11.05.2020

FileChecksum [SHA256]

What's new?

  • Ping view removed #272{:target="_blank"}
  • Ping Monitor
    • Latency graph added #286{:target="_blank"}
  • HTTP Headers removed #276{:target="_blank"}
  • View improved


  • Network Interace
    • Bandwidth graph animation disabled to increase performance
    • Graph improved
  • WiFi
    • Channel graph animation disabled to increase performance
    • Graph improved
  • IP Scanner
    • IPv6 support added #283{:target="_blank"}
    • Statistik removed
  • Port Scanner
    • IPv6 support added #283{:target="_blank"}
    • Statistik removed
  • Traceroute
    • Statistik removed
  • DNS Lookup
    • Statistik removed
  • PuTTY
    • Private key option added to settings, profile and connect dialog #282{:target="_blank"}
    • Log path drag and drop support added #285{:target="_blank"}
    • PuTTY profile can now contain spaces
  • Command line arguments
    • Help added


  • IP Scanner, Port Scanner, Ping Monitor, Traceroute, Remote Desktop, PowerShell, PuTTY, TigerVNC, WebConsole, Whois
    • Disable Enter key while searching for profiles #275{:target="_blank"}
  • DNS Lookup
    • View fixed
  • Ping Montitor
    • Searching by Host fixed
  • PuTTY
    • Fixed some bugs with "Username" and "PuTTY Profile"


  • Libraries updated
  • Language files updated
    • Hungarian added
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