Projects STRLCPY NETworkManager Commits 017299de
  • Translate '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx' in 'it_IT' (#628)

    * Apply translations in it_IT
    at least 15% translated updated for the source file '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx'
    on the 'it_IT' language.
     Manual sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format
    * Apply translations in it_IT
    at least 50% translated updated for the source file '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx'
    on the 'it_IT' language.
     Manual sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format
    * Apply translations in it_IT
    translation completed updated for the source file '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx'
    on the 'it_IT' language.
    * Apply translations in it_IT
    translation completed for the source file '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx'
    on the 'it_IT' language.
    Co-authored-by: transifex-integration[bot] <43880903+transifex-integration[bot]>
  • Loading...
  • 017299de
    1 parent f0283600
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    3005 3005   <data name="HiddenNetwork" xml:space="preserve">
    3006 3006   <value>Rete nascosta</value>
    3007 3007   </data>
     3008 + <data name="DevelopedAndMaintainedByX" xml:space="preserve">
     3009 + <value>Sviluppato e mantenuto da {0} con l'aiuto di</value>
     3010 + </data>
     3011 + <data name="ExternalService_ipify_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3012 + <value>Una API semplice di indirizzi pubblici</value>
     3013 + </data>
     3014 + <data name="Library_AirspaceFixer_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3015 + <value>AirspacePanel risolve tutti i problemi di AirSpace con Winforms hostati su WPF.</value>
     3016 + </data>
     3017 + <data name="Library_ControlzEx_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3018 + <value>Controlz condiviso per WPF e ... altro</value>
     3019 + </data>
     3020 + <data name="Library_DnsClientNET_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3021 + <value>DnsClient.NET è una libreria open source semplice ma molto potente e ad alte prestazioni per .NET Framework per eseguire ricerche DNS</value>
     3022 + </data>
     3023 + <data name="Library_Dragablz_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3024 + <value>Controllo struttura a schede trascinabile per WPF</value>
     3025 + </data>
     3026 + <data name="Library_IPNetwork_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3027 + <value>La libreria C # si occupa di reti complesse, IP, IPv4, IPv6, maschere di rete, CIDR, sottoreti, subnetting, supernet e supernetting per gli sviluppatori .NET.</value>
     3028 + </data>
     3029 + <data name="Library_LiveCharts_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3030 + <value>Grafici, mappe e indicatori semplici, flessibili, interattivi e potenti per .Net</value>
     3031 + </data>
     3032 + <data name="Library_LoadingIndicatorsWPF_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3033 + <value>Una raccolta di indicatori di carico per WPF</value>
     3034 + </data>
     3035 + <data name="Library_MahAppsMetroIconPacks_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3036 + <value>Alcune fantastiche icone per WPF e UWP tutte insieme ...</value>
     3037 + </data>
     3038 + <data name="Library_MahAppsMetro_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3039 + <value>Un insieme di strumenti per la creazione di app WPF in stile Metro / Modern UI.</value>
     3040 + </data>
     3041 + <data name="Library_NewtonsoftJson_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3042 + <value>Json.NET è un popolare framework JSON ad alte prestazioni per .NET</value>
     3043 + </data>
     3044 + <data name="Library_Octokit_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3045 + <value>Una libreria client API GitHub per .NET</value>
     3046 + </data>
     3047 + <data name="Library_PSDicoveryProtocol_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3048 + <value>cattura e analizza i pacchetti CDP e LLDP in computer locali o remoti</value>
     3049 + </data>
     3050 + <data name="Library_SharpSNMP_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3051 + <value>Libreria Sharp SNMP - SNMP open source per .NET e Mono</value>
     3052 + </data>
     3053 + <data name="Resource_Flag_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3054 + <value>Una collezione di bandiere delle nazioni in SVG</value>
     3055 + </data>
     3056 + <data name="Resource_ListTLD_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3057 + <value>Elenco dei domini di primo livello da, usato per interrogare i server whois del TLD da tramite la porta 43</value>
     3058 + </data>
     3059 + <data name="Resource_OUI_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3060 + <value>Dati IEEE OUI ripuliti da</value>
     3061 + </data>
     3062 + <data name="Resource_ServiceNamePortNumber_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3063 + <value>Registro del nome del servizio e del numero di porta del protocollo di trasporto da</value>
     3064 + </data>
     3065 + <data name="License_ApacheLicense2dot0" xml:space="preserve">
     3066 + <value>Licenza Apache 2.0</value>
     3067 + </data>
     3068 + <data name="License_BDS2Clause" xml:space="preserve">
     3069 + <value>Clausola BSD-2</value>
     3070 + </data>
     3071 + <data name="License_MITLicense" xml:space="preserve">
     3072 + <value>Licenza MIT</value>
     3073 + </data>
     3074 + <data name="License_Unlicense" xml:space="preserve">
     3075 + <value>Senza licenza</value>
     3076 + </data>
     3077 + <data name="Library_CsWinRT_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3078 + <value>C # / WinRT fornisce il supporto della proiezione in pacchetti WinRT per il linguaggio C #.</value>
     3079 + </data>
     3080 + <data name="Library_PowerShellSDK_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3081 + <value>Runtime per hosting PowerShell</value>
     3082 + </data>
     3083 + <data name="Library_WebView2_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3084 + <value>Il controllo WebView2 consente di incorporare tecnologie web (HTML, CSS e JavaScript) nelle applicazioni native basate su Microsoft Edge (Chromium).</value>
     3085 + </data>
     3086 + <data name="Library_XamlBehaviorsWpf_Description" xml:space="preserve">
     3087 + <value>Aggiungi facilmente interattività alle tue app usando XAML Behaviors per WPF.</value>
     3088 + </data>
     3089 + <data name="License_MicrosoftWebView2License" xml:space="preserve">
     3090 + <value>Licenza Microsoft WebView2</value>
     3091 + </data>
    3008 3092  </root>
    3009 3093   
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