Projects STRLCPY NETworkManager Commits 00ccf1b4
  • Translate '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx' in 'es_ES' (#622)

    * Apply translations in es_ES
    at least 15% translated updated for the source file '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx'
    on the 'es_ES' language.
     Manual sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format
    * Apply translations in es_ES
    at least 50% translated updated for the source file '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx'
    on the 'es_ES' language.
     Manual sync of partially translated files: untranslated content is included with an empty translation or source language content depending on file format
    * Apply translations in es_ES
    translation completed updated for the source file '/Source/NETworkManager.Localization/Resources/Strings.resx'
    on the 'es_ES' language.
    Co-authored-by: transifex-integration[bot] <43880903+transifex-integration[bot]>
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  • 00ccf1b4
    1 parent 3ba423aa
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    skipped 2126 lines
    2127 2127   <data name="Official" xml:space="preserve">
    2128 2128   <value>Oficial</value>
    2129 2129   </data>
    2130  - <data name="HelpTranslateOnTransifex" xml:space="preserve">
    2131  - <value>Ayude a traducir en Transifex</value>
    2132  - </data>
    2133 2130   <data name="NetworkConnectionType" xml:space="preserve">
    2134 2131   <value>Tipo de conexión de red</value>
    2135 2132   </data>
    skipped 848 lines
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