Projects STRLCPY LoggerPlusPlus Commits b624552e
  • Upgrade Montoya API + add additional debug logging to log processor.

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  • Corey committed 1 year ago
    1 parent fb67ba27
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    14 14  }
    15 15   
    16 16  dependencies {
    17  - implementation 'net.portswigger.burp.extensions:montoya-api:1.0.0'
     17 + implementation 'net.portswigger.burp.extensions:montoya-api:2023.3'
    18 18   implementation 'org.swinglabs:swingx:1.6.1'
    19 19   implementation 'com.github.CoreyD97:Burp-Montoya-Utilities:07e3e02b'
    20 20   implementation 'org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client:7.15.2'
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    116 116   Annotations annotations = responseReceived.annotations();
    117 117   if (responseReceived.toolSource().isFromTool(ToolType.PROXY)) {
    118 118   //If the request came from the proxy, the response isn't final yet.
     119 + //Instead, the response must be taken from the proxy response handler.
    119 120   //Just tag the comment with the identifier so we can match it up later.
    120 121  // Integer identifier = System.identityHashCode(responseReceived.initiatingRequest());
    121 122  // annotations = LogProcessorHelper.addIdentifierInComment(identifier, annotations);
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    229 230   * @param response The HTTP request response object.
    230 231   */
    231 232   private void updateRequestWithResponse(Integer entryIdentifier, Date arrivalTime, HttpResponse response) {
     233 + log.debug("Updating entry with response for ID: " + entryIdentifier);
    232 234   if (entriesPendingProcessing.containsKey(entryIdentifier)) {
    233 235   //Not yet started processing the entry, we can add the response so it is processed in the first pass
    234 236   final LogEntry logEntry = entriesPendingProcessing.get(entryIdentifier);
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    291 293   }
    292 294   
    293 295   private void submitNewEntryProcessingRunnable(final LogEntry logEntry){
     296 + log.debug("Adding log process request for ID: " + logEntry.getIdentifier());
    294 297   entriesPendingProcessing.put(logEntry.getIdentifier(), logEntry);
    295 298   RunnableFuture<LogEntry> processingRunnable = new FutureTask<>(() -> {
    296 299   entriesPendingProcessing.remove(logEntry.getIdentifier());
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