Projects STRLCPY LoggerPlusPlus Commits 3f80f879
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    2 2  ExtensionType: 1
    3 3  Name: Logger++
    4 4  RepoName: logger-plus-plus
    5  -ScreenVersion: 3.19.3a
     5 +ScreenVersion: 3.20.0
    6 6  SerialVersion: 20
    7 7  MinPlatformVersion: 0
    8 8  ProOnly: False
    9  -Author: Soroush Dalili & Corey Arthur, NCC Group
     9 +Author: Corey Arthur, NCC Group
    10 10  ShortDescription: Logs requests and responses for all Burp tools in a sortable table.
    11 11  EntryPoint: releases/LoggerPlusPlus.jar
    12 12  BuildCommand: gradle jar
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    9 9  public class Globals {
    10 10   public static final String APP_NAME = "Logger++";
    11  - public static final String VERSION = "3.19.4";
     11 + public static final String VERSION = "3.20.0";
    12 12   public static final String AUTHOR = "Corey Arthur (@CoreyD97), Soroush Dalili (@irsdl) from NCC Group";
    13 13   public static final String TWITTER_URL = "";
    14 14   public static final String IRSDL_TWITTER_URL = "";
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