Projects STRLCPY LIEF Commits fe432fe8
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 211 lines
    212 212   cmake_args.append(
    213 213   "-DLIEF_PYTHON_EDITABLE=ON",
    214 214   )
    215  - if
    216  - # For some reasons, this condition is not met:
    217  - #
    218  - #
    219  - cmake_args.append(
    220  - f"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={}",
    221  - )
    222  - 
    223 215   return cmake_args
    224 216   
    225 217   @property
    skipped 14 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 107 lines
    108 108   *config.cmake_generator,
    109 109   *config.get_cmake_args(is_editable),
    110 110   ],
    111  - # 'wheel.exclude' does not exist but the 'wheel' is aware of it
    112  - # Note(romain): It could be worth to have a wheel.exclude for wheel.
    113  - # the directories in wheel.packages
    114  - "sdist.exclude": Config.DEFAULT_EXCLUDE,
     111 + "wheel.exclude": Config.DEFAULT_EXCLUDE,
    115 112   }
    116 113   return config_settings
    117 114   
    skipped 55 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  tomli==2.0.1
    2  -scikit-build-core==0.6.0
     2 +scikit-build-core==0.8.1
    3 3  # For Ninja: msvc.msvc14_get_vc_env
    4  -setuptools==68.2.2
     4 +setuptools==69.1.0
    5 5  # For the "env" feature
    6  -pydantic==2.4.2
    7  -pydantic-core==2.10.1
     6 +pydantic==2.6.1
     7 +pydantic-core==2.16.2
    8 8  # Implicit from scikit-build-core
    9 9  pyproject_metadata==0.7.1
    10  -pathspec==0.11.2
     10 +pathspec==0.12.1
    11 11  build==1.0.3
    12  -wheel==0.41.3
     12 +wheel==0.42.0
    13 13   
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