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    80 80  | [Credz-Plz](https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/Flipper-Zero-BadUSB/tree/main/Payloads/Flip-Credz-Plz) | A script used to prompt the target to enter their creds to later be exfiltrated |✅ | Jakoby |
    81 81  | [Shortcut Jacker](https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/Flipper-Zero-BadUSB/tree/main/Payloads/Flip-ShortcutJacker) | A script used to embed malware in the shortcut on your targets desktop |⛔ | Jakoby |
    82 82  | [Wifi Grabber](https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/Flipper-Zero-BadUSB/blob/main/Payloads/Flip-WifiGrabber/README.md)| Grabs your targets wifi passwords and uploads them to either Dropbox, Discord, or both |✅ | Jakoby |
     83 +| [IP Grabber](https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/Flipper-Zero-BadUSB/tree/main/Payloads/Flip-IP-Grabber) | Grabs your targets IP addresses and uploads them to either Dropbox, Discord, or both |✅ | Jakoby |
    83 84  | [Browser Data](https://github.com/I-Am-Jakoby/Flipper-Zero-BadUSB/blob/main/Payloads/Flip-BrowserData/README.md)| This payload can be used to retrieve the browsing history and bookmarks of your target |✅ | Jakoby |
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