Projects STRLCPY GoReSym Commits 9d2d6c56
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    261 261   
    262 262  func printForHuman(metadata ExtractMetadata) {
    263 263   fmt.Println("----GoReSym----")
    264  - fmt.Println("Some information is ommitted, for a full listing do not use human view")
     264 + fmt.Println("Some information is omitted, for a full listing do not use human view")
    265 265   fmt.Printf("%-20s %s\n", "Version:", metadata.Version)
    266 266   fmt.Printf("%-20s %s\n", "Arch:", metadata.Arch)
    267 267   fmt.Printf("%-20s %s\n", "OS:", metadata.OS)
    skipped 105 lines
    373 373   printTypes := flag.Bool("t", false, "Print types automatically, enumerate typelinks and itablinks")
    374 374   typeAddress := flag.Int("m", 0, "Manually parse the RTYPE at the provided virtual address, disables automated enumeration of moduledata typelinks itablinks")
    375 375   versionOverride := flag.String("v", "", "Override the automated version detection, ex: 1.17. If this is wrong, parsing may fail or produce nonsense")
    376  - humanView := flag.Bool("human", false, "Human view, print information flat rather than json, some information is ommited for clarity")
     376 + humanView := flag.Bool("human", false, "Human view, print information flat rather than json, some information is omitted for clarity")
    377 377   
    378 378   flag.Parse()
    379 379   
    skipped 18 lines
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