Projects STRLCPY GoReSym Commits 91d04418
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     1 +#This script labels Go stripped binaries in Ghidra based on GoReSym output.
     2 +#Script requests GoReSym json output file and uses its results to rename
     3 +#user functions (including standard functions if available) and labels
     4 +#runtime_pclntab and runtime_firstmoduledata based on TabMeta.VA and ModuleMeta.VA.
     5 +#Script was tested and works with both Jython/Python2.7 in Ghidra and Python3 in Ghidratron.
     6 +#@category Analysis
     7 + 
     8 +from ghidra.program.model.symbol import SourceType
     9 + 
     10 +import collections
     11 +import json
     12 +import re
     13 + 
     14 +# No estimation is done
     15 +CHOICE_EST_NONE = "no estimation"
     16 +# Maps entry function to the longest _rt0_ function found by GoReSym
     17 +CHOICE_EST_ENTRY_ADDR = "entry to _rt0_ function mapping"
     18 +# Maps pclntab section to TabMeta VA mapping, useful only when pclntab section is present
     19 +CHOICE_EST_PCLNTAB = "pclntab to TabMeta VA mapping"
     20 +# Tries to map addresses against known function names in Ghidra with functions found by GoReSym
     21 +CHOICE_EST_KNOWN_FUNCS = "known function names mapping"
     22 +# All available choices
     24 + 
     25 +def iterable(obj):
     26 + if obj is None:
     27 + return False
     28 + 
     29 + try:
     30 + iter(obj)
     31 + except TypeError:
     32 + return False
     33 + 
     34 + return True
     35 + 
     36 +def extract_funcs(hints):
     37 + funcs = []
     38 + for f in ["UserFunctions", "StdFunctions"]:
     39 + if iterable(hints[f]):
     40 + funcs += hints[f]
     41 + return funcs
     42 + 
     43 +def _entry_addr_estimator(hints):
     44 + if not iterable(hints["StdFunctions"]):
     45 + print("No StdFunctions present, required for entry addr estimation")
     46 + return None
     47 + 
     48 + # StdFunctions should have _rt0_[ARCH]_[OS](_lib)?, this maps to entry
     49 + candidates = [f for f in hints["StdFunctions"] if "_rt0_" in f["FullName"]]
     50 + 
     51 + if len(candidates) == 0:
     52 + print("No rt0 functions found")
     53 + return None
     54 + 
     55 + func = max(candidates, key=lambda f: len(f["FullName"]))
     56 + 
     57 + fm = currentProgram.getFunctionManager()
     58 + for f in fm.getFunctions(True):
     59 + if f.getName() == "entry":
     60 + return f.getEntryPoint().getOffset()-func["Start"]
     61 + 
     62 + return None
     63 + 
     64 +def _pclntab_estimator(hints):
     65 + # Expected pclntab name per exec format
     66 + exec_fmt = currentProgram.getMetadata()["Executable Format"]
     67 + pclntabs = []
     68 + block_name = ".text"
     69 + if exec_fmt == "Executable and Linking Format (ELF)":
     70 + #
     71 + pclntabs.append(".gopclntab")
     72 + elif exec_fmt == "Portable Executable (PE)":
     73 + #
     74 + pclntabs.append("runtime.pclntab")
     75 + pclntabs.append("runtime.epclntab")
     76 + elif exec_fmt == "Mac OS X Mach-O":
     77 + #
     78 + pclntabs.append("__gopclntab")
     79 + block_name = "__TEXT"
     80 + else:
     81 + # Try legacy
     82 + #
     83 + pclntabs.append("pclntab")
     84 + pclntabs.append("epclntab")
     85 +
     86 + # Check if pclntab is present
     87 + for p in pclntabs:
     88 + pclntab = currentProgram.getMemory().getBlock(p)
     89 + if pclntab is not None:
     90 + # With pclntab, offset should be a matter of TabMeta VA
     91 + tmva = hints["TabMeta"]["VA"]
     92 + text = currentProgram.getMemory().getBlock(block_name)
     93 + return text.getStart().getOffset()-tmva
     94 + 
     95 + return None
     96 + 
     97 +def _func_map_estimator(hints):
     98 + offs = []
     99 + # Try to guess with known function names
     100 + hfuncs = extract_funcs(hints)
     101 + grs_funcs = {f["FullName"]: f for f in hfuncs}
     102 + 
     103 + # Match function lists and collect possible offsets
     104 + fm = currentProgram.getFunctionManager()
     105 + for f in fm.getFunctions(True):
     106 + name = f.getName()
     107 + if "FUN_" in name or name == "entry":
     108 + continue
     109 + if name in grs_funcs:
     110 + offs.append(f.getEntryPoint().getOffset()-grs_funcs[name]["Start"])
     111 + 
     112 + # Count given offsets, most counts is our estimate
     113 + counter = collections.Counter(offs)
     114 + winner, winner_count = counter.most_common()[0] if len(counter) > 0 else (None, 0)
     115 + return winner
     116 + 
     117 +def estimate_offset(choice, hints):
     118 + if choice == CHOICE_EST_KNOWN_FUNCS:
     119 + estimator = _func_map_estimator
     120 + elif choice == CHOICE_EST_PCLNTAB:
     121 + estimator = _pclntab_estimator
     122 + elif choice == CHOICE_EST_ENTRY_ADDR:
     123 + estimator = _entry_addr_estimator
     124 + else:
     125 + # No estimation
     126 + return 0
     127 + 
     128 + e = estimator(hints)
     129 + if e is not None:
     130 + return e
     131 + 
     132 + return 0
     133 + 
     134 +def ask_offset(default):
     135 + msg = "Please specify optional memory offset for entrypoints, script estimated {} with chosen strategy".format(default)
     136 + offset = askString("Optional offset", msg, str(default))
     137 + return int(offset)
     138 + 
     139 +def rename_funcs(items, offset, simulate=False):
     140 + if not iterable(items):
     141 + return 0, 0
     142 + 
     143 + fm = currentProgram.getFunctionManager()
     144 + rename_counter, create_counter = 0, 0
     145 + for func in items:
     146 + try:
     147 + # ' ' is considered as invalid char
     148 + #
     149 + addr, name = func["Start"], func["FullName"].replace(" ", "_")
     150 + entrypoint = toAddr(addr+offset)
     151 + 
     152 + f = fm.getFunctionAt(entrypoint)
     153 + if f is None:
     154 + create_counter += 1
     155 + if not simulate:
     156 + print("Creating new func at {}".format(entrypoint))
     157 + createFunction(entrypoint, name)
     158 + else:
     159 + rename_counter += 1
     160 + if not simulate:
     161 + print("Renaming func {} to {}".format(f.getName(), name))
     162 + f.setName(name, SourceType.USER_DEFINED)
     163 + except Exception as e:
     164 + print(u"error renaming {} at {}: {}".format(name, hex(addr), e))
     165 + 
     166 + return rename_counter, create_counter
     167 + 
     168 +def annotate(items, offset):
     169 + if not iterable(items):
     170 + return
     171 + 
     172 + for i in items:
     173 + if i["VA"] != 0:
     174 + # ' ' is considered as invalid char
     175 + createLabel(toAddr(i["VA"]+offset), i["Str"].replace(" ", "_"), True)
     176 + 
     177 +def offset_estimation_sim(hints):
     178 + # Simulate all offset calculation strategies
     179 + # Returns stats for all choices in a dict and a suggested choice
     180 + choices_dict, suggested = {}, None
     181 + 
     182 + # Since CHOICES contains "no estimation" as first strategy,
     183 + # we will perform a rename without offset first and then try
     184 + # all other strategies. If we detect that another strategy
     185 + # has more renames, we return it as suggested
     186 + for choice in CHOICES:
     187 + estoff = estimate_offset(choice, hints)
     188 + hfuncs = extract_funcs(hints)
     189 + renamed, created = rename_funcs(hfuncs, estoff, True)
     190 + print("{} renamed {} and created {} functions".format(choice, renamed, created))
     191 + 
     192 + choices_dict[choice] = {"renamed": renamed, "created": created, "offset": estoff}
     193 + if suggested is None or choices_dict[suggested]["renamed"] < renamed:
     194 + suggested = choice
     195 + 
     196 + return choices_dict, suggested
     197 + 
     198 + 
     199 +# Load input file
     200 +grsfile = askFile("GoReSym output file", "Choose GoReSym output file")
     201 +with open(grsfile.getAbsolutePath(), "rb") as fp:
     202 + buf =
     203 +hints = json.loads(buf)
     204 + 
     205 +# Run simulation and estimate offsets, offsets are returned in choices_dict
     206 +choices_dict, suggested = offset_estimation_sim(hints)
     207 +offset = choices_dict[suggested]["offset"]
     208 + 
     209 +# Ask for offset estimation strategy and suggest the most appropriate
     210 +# only if "no estimation" resulted in less renames than another strategy
     211 +if suggested != CHOICE_EST_NONE:
     212 + msg = "Please choose offset estimation strategy, script got most renames with [{}]".format(suggested)
     213 + choice = askChoice("Offset estimation", msg, CHOICES, suggested)
     214 + # Ask for offset, use chosen strategy offset as default
     215 + offset = ask_offset(choices_dict[choice]["offset"])
     216 + 
     217 +# Perform labeling
     218 +rename_funcs(hints["UserFunctions"], offset)
     219 +rename_funcs(hints["StdFunctions"], offset)
     220 +annotate(hints["Interfaces"], 0)
     221 +annotate([
     222 + {"VA": hints["TabMeta"]["VA"], "Str": "runtime_pclntab"},
     223 + {"VA": hints["ModuleMeta"]["VA"], "Str": "runtime_firstmoduledata"}
     224 +], 0)
     225 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    26 26   
    27 27  message ModuleData {
    28 28   uint64 va = 1 [json_name="VA"];
    29  - uint64 textVa = 2 [json_name="TextVA"];
    30  - uint64 types = 3 [json_name="Types"];
    31  - uint64 etypes = 4 [json_name="ETypes"];
    32  - GoSlice typeLinks = 5 [json_name="Typelinks"];
    33  - GoSlice itabLinks = 6 [json_name="ITablinks"];
    34  - GoSlice legacyTypes = 7 [json_name="LegacyTypes"];
     29 + uint64 types = 2 [json_name="Types"];
     30 + uint64 etypes = 3 [json_name="ETypes"];
     31 + GoSlice typeLinks = 4 [json_name="Typelinks"];
     32 + GoSlice itabLinks = 5 [json_name="ITablinks"];
     33 + GoSlice legacyTypes = 6 [json_name="LegacyTypes"];
     34 + uint64 textVa = 7 [json_name="TextVA"];
    35 35  }
    36 36   
    37 37  message Type {
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