Projects STRLCPY DonPAPI Commits d5015226
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    2 2  Dumping revelant information on compromised targets without AV detection
    3 3   
    4 4  ## DPAPI dumping
    5  -Lots of credentials are protected by DPAPI (link )
     5 +Lots of credentials are protected by [DPAPI](
     6 + 
    6 7  We aim at locating those "secured" credentials, and retreive them using :
    7  -- user password
    8  -- domaine DPAPI BackupKey
    9  -- Local machine DPAPI Key (that protect TaskScheduled Blob)
     8 +- User password
     9 +- Domaine DPAPI BackupKey
     10 +- Local machine DPAPI Key (protecting `TaskScheduled` blob)
    10 11   
    11  -## Curently gathered info:
     12 +## Curently gathered info
    12 13  - Windows credentials (Taskscheduled credentials & a lot more)
    13 14  - Windows Vaults
    14 15  - Windows RDP credentials
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    21 22  - mRemoteNG password (with default config)
    22 23   
    23 24  ## Check for a bit of compliance
    24  -- smb signing enabled
     25 +- SMB signing status
    25 26  - OS/Domain/Hostname/Ip of the audited scope
    26 27   
    27 28  ## Operational use
    28  -with local admin account on a machine, we can :
    29  -- gather Machine protected DPAPI secrets, like ScheduledTask, that will contains cleartext login/password of the account that should run the task (Also Wifi passwords)
    30  -- extract Masterkey's hash value for every users profiles (masterkeys beeing protected by the user's password, let's try to crack them with Hashcat)
    31  -- Identify who is connected from where, in order to identify Admin's personal machines.
    32  -- extract other non-dpapi protected secrets (VNC/Firefox/mRemoteNG)
    33 29   
    34  -With a user password, or the domain PVK we can unprotect it's DPAPI Secrets.
    35  -you can pass a full list of credentials that will be tested on the machine.
    36  -- gather protected secrets from IE, Chrome, Firefox and start reaching the Azure tenant.
     30 +With local admin account on a host, we can :
     31 +- Gather machine protected DPAPI secrets
     32 + - ScheduledTask that will contain cleartext login/password of the account configured to run the task
     33 + - Wi-Fi passwords
     34 +- Extract Masterkey's hash value for every user profiles (masterkeys beeing protected by the user's password, let's try to crack them with Hashcat)
     35 +- Identify who is connected from where, in order to identify admin's personal computers.
     36 +- Extract other non-dpapi protected secrets (VNC/Firefox/mRemoteNG)
     37 +- Gather protected secrets from IE, Chrome, Firefox and start reaching the Azure tenant.
    37 38   
    38  -## Exemples
    39  -dump all secrets of our target machine with an admin account :
     39 +With a user password, or the domain PVK we can unprotect the user's DPAPI secrets.
    40 40   
    41  -```python Domain/user:passw0rd@target```
     41 +## Examples
    42 42   
    43  -connect with PTH
     43 +Dump all secrets of the target machine with an admin account :
    44 44   
    45  -```python -Hashes XXXXXXXXXX Domain/user@target```
     45 +```bash
     46 domain/user:passw0rd@target
     47 +```
    46 48   
    47  -can do kerberos (-k), and local auth (-local_auth)
     49 +Using user's hash
    48 50   
    49  -connect with an account that have LAPS rights:
     51 +```bash
     52 --hashes <LM>:<NT> domain/user@target
     53 +```
    50 54   
    51  -```python -laps Domain/user:passw0rd@target```
     55 +Using kerberos (-k) and local auth (-local_auth)
    52 56   
    53  -you have a few users passwords ? just give them to DonPAPI and it will try to use them to decipher masterkeys of these users. (the file have to contain user:pass, one per line)
     57 +```bash
     58 -k domain/user@target
     59 -local_auth user@target
     60 +```
    54 61   
    55  -```python -credz credz_file Domain/user:passw0rd@target```
     62 +Using a user with LAPS password reading rights
    56 63   
    57  -you got domain admin access and dumped the domain backup key ? (impacket backupkey --export). them dump all secrets of all users of the domain !
     64 +```bash
     65 -laps domain/user:passw0rd@target
     66 +```
    58 67   
    59  -`python -pvk domain_backupkey.pvk -credz file_with_Login:pass Domain/user:passw0rd@domain_network_list`
     68 +It is also possible to provide the tool with a list of credentials that will be tested on the target. DonPAPI will try to use them to decipher masterkeys.
    60 69   
    61  -target can be an IP, IP range, CIDR, file containing list of the above targets (one per line)
     70 +This credential file must have the following syntax:
     71 + 
     72 +```plain
     73 +user1:pass1
     74 +user2:pass2
     75 +...
     76 +```
     77 + 
     78 +```bash
     79 -credz credz_file.txt domain/user:passw0rd@target
     80 +```
     81 + 
     82 +When a domain admin user is available, it is possible to dump the domain backup key using impacket `` tool.
     83 + 
     84 +```bash
     85 backupkey --export
     86 +```
     87 + 
     88 +This backup key can then be used to dump all domain user's secrets!
     89 + 
     90 +`python -pvk domain_backupkey.pvk domain/user:passw0rd@domain_network_list`
     91 + 
     92 +Target can be an IP, IP range, CIDR, file containing list targets (one per line)
    62 93   
    63 94   
    64 95  ## Opsec consideration
    65  -The RemoteOps part can be spoted by some EDR.
    66  -has it's only real use is to get DPAPI Machine key, it could be deactivated (--no_remoteops). but no more taskscheduled credentials in that case.
     96 +The RemoteOps part can be spoted by some EDR. It can be disabled using `--no_remoteops` flag, but then the machine DPAPI key won't be retrieved, and scheduled task credentials/Wi-Fi passwords won't be harvested.
    67 97   
    68  -# INSTALL
     98 +## Installation
    69 99  ```
    70 100  git clone
    71  -pip install -r requirements.txt
     101 +cd DonPAPI
     102 +python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    72 103  python3
    73 104  ```
    74 105   
    75  -# Credits
     106 +## Credits
    76 107  All the credits goes to these great guys for doing the hard research & coding :
    77  -- Benjamin Delpy (@gentilkiwi) for most of the DPAPI research (always greatly commented - <3 your code)
    78  -- Alberto Solino (@agsolino) for the tremendous work of Impacket ( Almost everything we do here comes from impacket.
    79  -- Alesandro Z (@) & everyone who worked on Lazagne ( for the VNC & Firefox modules, and most likely for a lots of other ones in the futur.
    80  -- dirkjanm @dirkjanm for the base code of adconnect dump ( & every research he ever did. i learned so much on so many subjects thanks to you. <3
    81  -- @Byt3bl3d33r for CME (lots of inspiration and code comes from CME : )
    82  -- All the Team of @LoginSecurite for their help in debugging my shity code (special thanks to @layno & @HackAndDo for that)
     108 +- Benjamin Delpy ([@gentilkiwi]( for most of the DPAPI research (always greatly commented, <3 your code)
     109 +- Alberto Solino ([@agsolino]( for the tremendous work of Impacket ( Almost everything we do here comes from impacket.
     110 +- [Alesandro Z]( & everyone who worked on Lazagne ( for the VNC & Firefox modules, and most likely for a lots of other ones in the futur.
     111 +- dirkjanm [@_dirkjan]( for the base code of adconnect dump ( & every research he ever did. I learned so much on so many subjects thanks to you. <3
     112 +- [@byt3bl33d3r]( for CME (lots of inspiration and code comes from CME : )
     113 +- All the Team at [@LoginSecurite]( for their help in debugging my shity code (special thanks to [@layno]( & [@HackAndDo]( for that)
    83 114   
    84  -# TODO
    85  -- finish ADSync/ADConnect password extraction
     115 +## Todo
     116 +- Dinish ADSync/ADConnect password extraction
    86 117  - CREDHISTORY full extraction
    87  -- extract windows Certificates
    88  -- further analyse ADAL/msteams
    89  -- implement Chrome <v80 decoder
    90  -- find a way to implement Lazagne's great modules
     118 +- Extract windows Certificates
     119 +- Further analysis ADAL/msteams
     120 +- Omplement Chrome <v80 decoder
     121 +- Find a way to implement Lazagne's great modules
     122 + 
     123 +# Changelog
     124 + 
     125 + ```
     126 + v1.0
     127 + ----
     128 + Initial release
     129 + ```
     130 + 
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