Projects STRLCPY DonPAPI Commits 0c964b7c
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  import logging
    2 2  import binascii,os,json,datetime,shutil,base64
    3  -from datetime import date
     3 +from datetime import date,datetime,timedelta
    4 4  from lib.toolbox import bcolors
    5 5   
    6 6   
    skipped 69 lines
    76 76   <html>
    77 77   <head>
    78 78   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    79  - <title>MySeatBelt - Result for %s</title>
     79 + <title>DonPapi - Result for %s</title>
    80 80   </head>
    81  - <body>\n""" % ('res/style.css', "[client_name]")
     81 + <body onload="toggleAll()">
     82 + \n""" % ('res/style.css', "[client_name]")
    82 83   self.add_to_resultpage(data)
    83 84   
    84 85   # Tableau en top de page pour les liens ?
    85 86   data = """<table class="statistics"><TR><Th><a class="firstletter">M</a><a>enu</A></Th></TR>\n"""
    86 87   data = """<div class="navbar">\n"""
    87  - for menu in ['wifi', 'taskscheduler', 'credential-blob', 'browser-internet_explorer', 'SAM', 'LSA', 'DCC2',
     88 + for menu in ['wifi', 'taskscheduler', 'credential-blob', 'browser-internet_explorer', 'cookies', 'SAM', 'LSA', 'DCC2',
    88 89   'Files', 'Connected-users', 'Local_account_reuse', 'Scope_Audited']:
    89 90   # data += f"""<TR><TD class="menu_top"><BR><a href="#{menu}"> {menu} </A><BR></TD></TR>\n"""
    90 91   data += f"""<a href="#{menu}"> {menu.upper()}</A>\n"""
    skipped 4 lines
    95 96   data = """<DIV class="main">\n"""
    96 97   data += """<table class="main"><TR><TD>\n"""
    97 98   
    98  - data += """<table><TR><TD class="menu_top"><a class="firstletter">P</a><a>assword Audit - %s</a></TD></TR>\n""" % '[client_name]'.upper()
     99 + data += """<table><TR><TD class="menu_top"><a class="firstletter">D</a><a>onPapi Audit</a></TD></TR>\n"""
    99 100   data += """<TR><TD class="menu_top"><BR> %s <BR></TD></TR></TABLE><BR>\n""" %"%d/%m/%Y")
    100 101   
    101 102   data += """<table><TR><TD><img class="logo_left" src='%s'></TD>""" % os.path.join('res','Logo_LOGIN.PNG')
    skipped 26 lines
    128 129   }
    129 130   }
    130 131   }
     132 +
     133 + function toggleAll() {
     134 + toggle_it("cookies");
     135 + toggle_it("wifi");
     136 + toggle_it("taskscheduler");
     137 + toggle_it("credential-blob");
     138 + toggle_it("browser-internet_explorer");
     139 + toggle_it("browser-firefox");
     140 + toggle_it("browser-chrome");
     141 + toggle_it("SAM");
     142 + toggle_it("LSA");
     143 + toggle_it("DCC2");
     144 + toggle_it("VNC");
     145 + toggle_it("MRemoteNG");
     146 + }
    131 147   </script>
    132 148   """
    133 149   self.add_to_resultpage(data)
    134 150   
    135 151   results = self.get_credz()
    136 152   
    137  - data = """<table class="statistics"><TR><Th><a class="firstletter">U</a><a>sername</A></Th>
     153 + data = """<table class="statistics"><TR>
     154 + <Th><a class="firstletter">U</a><a>sername</A></Th>
    138 155   <Th><a class="firstletter">P</a><a>assword</A></Th>
    139 156   <Th><a class="firstletter">T</a><a>arget</A></Th>
    140 157   <Th><a class="firstletter">T</a><a>ype</A></Th>
    skipped 6 lines
    147 164   cred_id, file_path, username, password, target, type, pillaged_from_computerid, pillaged_from_userid = cred
    148 165   if type != current_type:
    149 166   current_type=type
    150  - data += f"""<TR id={current_type}><TD colspan="6" class="toggle_menu" onClick="toggle_it('{current_type}')"><A>{current_type}</A></TD></TR>"""
     167 + current_type_count=self.get_credz_count(current_type)[0][0]
     168 + data += f"""<TR id={current_type}><TD colspan="6" class="toggle_menu" onClick="toggle_it('{current_type}')"><A>{current_type} ({current_type_count})</A></TD></TR>"""
    151 169   
    152 170   
    153 171   #Skip infos of
    skipped 79 lines
    233 251   data += """</TABLE><BR>"""
    234 252   self.add_to_resultpage(data)
    235 253   ###
     254 + ##### List cookies
     255 + results = self.get_cookies()
     256 + 
     257 + data = """<table class="statistics"><TR>
     258 + <Th><a class="firstletter">N</a><a>ame</A></Th>
     259 + <Th><a class="firstletter">V</a><a>alue</A></Th>
     260 + <Th><a class="firstletter">U</a><a>ntil</A></Th>
     261 + <Th><a class="firstletter">T</a><a>arget</A></Th>
     262 + <Th><a class="firstletter">P</a><a>illaged_from_computerid</A></Th>
     263 + <Th><a class="firstletter">P</a><a>illaged_from_userid</A></Th></TR>\n"""
     264 + 
     265 + # <a href="#" id="toggle" onClick="toggle_it('tr1');toggle_it('tr2')">
     266 + current_type = 'cookies'
     267 + data += f"""<TR id=cookies><TD colspan="6" class="toggle_menu" onClick="toggle_it('cookies')"><A>Cookies ({len(results)})</A></TD></TR>"""
     268 + for index, cred in enumerate(results):
     269 + name,value,expires_utc,target,type,pillaged_from_computerid,pillaged_from_userid = cred
     270 + # Skip infos of
     271 + # Get computer infos
     272 + res = self.get_computer_infos(pillaged_from_computerid)
     273 + for index_, res2 in enumerate(res):
     274 + ip, hostname = res2
     275 + computer_info = f"{ip} | {hostname}"
     276 + # pillaged_from_userid
     277 + if pillaged_from_userid != None:
     278 + res = self.get_user_infos(pillaged_from_userid)
     279 + for index_, pillaged_username in enumerate(res):
     280 + pillaged_from_userid = pillaged_username[0]
     281 + else:
     282 + pillaged_from_userid = str(pillaged_from_userid)
     283 + 
     284 + if index % 2 == 0:
     285 + data += f"""<TR class=tableau_resultat_row0 {current_type}=1>"""
     286 + else:
     287 + data += f"""<TR class=tableau_resultat_row1 {current_type}=1>"""
     288 + 
     289 + special_style = ""
     290 + 
     291 + ###Print block
     292 + for info in [name,value]:
     293 + data += f"""<TD {special_style} ><A title="{info}"> {str(info)[:48]} </A></TD>"""
     294 + for info in [expires_utc]:
     295 + data += f"""<TD {special_style} ><A title="{info}"> {(datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=info)).strftime('%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S')} </A></TD>"""
     296 + 
     297 + # check if info contains a URL
     298 + if 'http:' in target or 'https:' in target:
     299 + info2 = target[target.index('http'):]
     300 + special_ref = f'''href="{info2}" target="_blank" title="{target}"'''
     301 + elif 'ftp:' in target:
     302 + info2 = target[target.index('ftp'):]
     303 + special_ref = f'''href="{info2}" target="_blank" title="{target}"'''
     304 + elif "Domain:target=" in target:
     305 + info2 = f'''rdp://full%20address=s:{target[target.index('Domain:target=') + len('Domain:target='):]}:3389&username=s:{username}&audiomode=i:2&disable%20themes=i:1'''
     306 + special_ref = f'''href="{info2}" title="{target}"'''
     307 + elif "LegacyGeneric:target=MicrosoftOffice1" in target:
     308 + target = f'''{target[target.index('LegacyGeneric:target=') + len('LegacyGeneric:target='):]}'''
     309 + special_ref = f'''href="" target="_blank" title="OfficeLogin"'''
     310 + else:
     311 + special_ref = f'''title="{target}"'''
     312 + data += f"""<TD {special_style} ><A {special_ref}> {str(target)[:48]} </A></TD>"""
     313 + 
     314 + for info in [type, computer_info, pillaged_from_userid]:
     315 + data += f"""<TD {special_style} ><A title="{info}"> {str(info)[:48]} </A></TD>"""
     316 + data += """</TR>\n"""
     317 + 
     318 + data += """</TABLE><BR>"""
     319 + self.add_to_resultpage(data)
    236 320   ##### List gathered files
    237 321   results = self.get_file()
    238 322   
    skipped 206 lines
    445 529   self.logging.debug(ex)
    446 530   self.logging.debug(f"Export Done!")
    447 531   
     532 + def get_credz_count(self,current_type):
     533 + with self.conn:
     534 + cur = self.conn.cursor()
     535 + cur.execute(f"SELECT count(id) FROM credz WHERE LOWER(type)=LOWER('{current_type}')")
     536 + results = cur.fetchall()
     537 + return results
     538 + 
    448 539   def get_credz(self, filterTerm=None, credz_type=None):
    449 540   """
    450 541   Return credentials from the database.
    skipped 92 lines
    543 634   results = cur.fetchall()
    544 635   return results
    545 636   
     637 + def get_cookies(self):
     638 + with self.conn:
     639 + cur = self.conn.cursor()
     640 + cur.execute(f"SELECT name,value,expires_utc,target,type,pillaged_from_computerid,pillaged_from_userid FROM cookies ORDER BY pillaged_from_computerid ASC, expires_utc DESC ")
     641 + results = cur.fetchall()
     642 + return results
    546 643  class database:
    547 644   
    548 645   def __init__(self, conn,logger):
    skipped 1019 lines
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