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Try-Hack-me Roadmap

# Level 1 - Intro
- [ ] [OpenVPN](
- [ ] [Welcome](
- [ ] [Intro to Researching](
- [ ] [Learn Linux](
- [ ] [Crash Course Pentesting](

Introductory CTFs to get your feet wet

- [ ] [Google Dorking](
- [ ] [OHsint](
- [ ] [](

# Level 2 - Tooling
- [ ] [Tmux](
- [ ] [Nmap](
- [ ] [Web Scanning](
- [ ] [Sublist3r](
- [ ] [Metasploit](
- [ ] [Hydra](
- [ ] [Linux Privesc](
- [ ] [Web Scanning](

More introductory CTFs
- [ ] [Vulnversity](
- [ ] [Blue](
- [ ] [Simple CTF](
- [ ] [Bounty Hacker](

# Level 3 - Crypto & Hashes with CTF practice
- [ ] [Crack the hash](
- [ ] [Agent Sudo](
- [ ] [The Cod Caper](
- [ ] [Ice](
- [ ] [Lazy Admin](
- [ ] [Basic Pentesting](

# Level 4 - Web
- [ ] [OWASP top 10](
- [ ] [Inclusion](
- [ ] [Injection](
- [ ] [Vulnversity](
- [ ] [Basic Pentesting](
- [ ] [Juiceshop](
- [ ] [Ignite](
- [ ] [Overpass](
- [ ] [Year of the Rabbit](
- [ ] [DevelPy](
- [ ] [Jack of all trades](
- [ ] [Bolt](

# Level 5 - Reverse Engineering
- [ ] [Intro to x86 64](
- [ ] [CC Ghidra](
- [ ] [CC Radare2](
- [ ] [CC Steganography](
- [ ] [Reverse Engineering](
- [ ] [Reversing ELF](
- [ ] [Dumping Router Firmware](

# Level 6 - PrivEsc
- [ ] [Sudo Security Bypass](
- [ ] [Sudo Buffer Overflow](
- [ ] [Windows Privesc Arena](
- [ ] [Linux Privesc Arena](
- [ ] [Windows Privesc](
- [ ] [Blaster](
- [ ] [Ignite](
- [ ] [Kenobi](
- [ ] [Capture the flag](
- [ ] [Pickle Rick](

# Level 7 - CTF practice
- [ ] [Post Exploitation Basics](
- [ ] [Smag Grotto](
- [ ] [Inclusion](
- [ ] [Dogcat](
- [ ] [LFI basics](
- [ ] [Buffer Overflow Prep](
- [ ] [Overpass](
- [ ] [Break out the cage](
- [ ] [Lian Yu](

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