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Subdomain Takeover Resources

Here is a list of subdomain takeover resources along with their descriptions:

1. [Subdomain Takeover of]( This report details a subdomain takeover vulnerability found on

2. [Subdomain Takeover via Unclaimed WordPress site]( This report describes a subdomain takeover vulnerability that occurred through an unclaimed WordPress site.

3. [Subdomain Takeover Through Expired Cloudfront Distribution |]( This blog post explains a subdomain takeover vulnerability that took place through an expired Cloudfront distribution on

4. [Hostile Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go]( This is a tool called Subjack written in Go that helps identify and exploit subdomain takeover vulnerabilities.

5. [UBER Wildcard Subdomain Takeover]( This blog post discusses a wildcard subdomain takeover vulnerability discovered in UBER.

6. [Subdomain Takeover]( This report describes a subdomain takeover vulnerability found on an undisclosed website.

7. [AWS S3 bucket - Subdomain takeover]( This blog post explains a subdomain takeover vulnerability related to an AWS S3 bucket.

8. [MIT Subdomain Takeover]( This Medium article discusses a subdomain takeover vulnerability discovered at MIT.

9. [Second-order subdomain takeover scanner]( This is a tool called Second-order that scans for second-order subdomain takeover vulnerabilities.

10. [Subdomain takeover at]( This report details a subdomain takeover vulnerability found on

11. [SubdomainDB]( SubdomainDB is a self-hosted API that allows users to maintain their own subdomain database.

12. [SubOver - The Most Powerful Subdomain Takeover Tool Available]( SubOver is a powerful subdomain takeover tool designed to detect and exploit vulnerabilities.

13. [How I could make more than 1,700 Subdomain Takeovers on Amazon S3 in a few minutes]( This Medium article describes a technique to perform numerous subdomain takeovers on Amazon S3.

14. [Subdomain takeover on]( This report outlines a subdomain takeover vulnerability discovered on

15. [Hacker pro tip: when you takeover a subdomain on Heroku but the website still displays the "No such app" page, try to use an app in a different region](

- [$4500 Bounty — How I got lucky](
- [Subdomain takeover with Shopify, Heroku and something more](
- [Subdomain takeover on](
- [Subdomain takeover on and](
- [ Subdomain take over](
- [Subdomain takeover on](
- [Subdomain Takeover: Yet another Starbucks case](
- [Guide To Subdomain Takeovers](
- [Subdomain takeover at](
- [Subdomain Takeover: Going beyond CNAME](
- [How to do 55.000+ Subdomain Takeover in a Blink of an Eye](
- [Subdomain Takeover worth 200$](
- [Subdomain Takeover via Unsecured S3 Bucket Connected to the Website](
- [Takeover script extracts CNAME record of all subdomains at once. TakeOver saves researcher time and increase the chance of finding subdomain takeover vulnerability.](
- [Subdomain Takeover — New Level](
- [Subdomain Takeover: Second Order Bugs](
- [Subdomain takeover [Awarded $200]](
- [Subdomain takeover on](
- [subdomain take over at](
- [Subdomain takeover of](
- [Subdomain takeover of](
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