Projects STRLCPY Cipherops Commits ee078455
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    19 19   
    20 20  ***
    21 21   
     22 +* [Damn Vulnerabilities List Lab](
    22 23  * [PORT SCANNING](
     24 +* [Offensive virtual machine's](
     25 +* [Essential Linux Commands](
     26 +* [osint](
    23 27   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Damn Vulnerabilities List Lab
     2 + 
     3 +```
     4 +# Damn Vulnerabilities List Lab
     5 + 
     6 +Explore a wide range of deliberately vulnerable applications and environments for cybersecurity training and practice. These resources provide hands-on experience in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities.
     7 + 
     8 +1. **AWSGoat**: A Damn Vulnerable AWS Infrastructure
     9 + - Link: [AWSGoat](
     10 + 
     11 +2. **AzureGoat**: A Damn Vulnerable Azure Infrastructure
     12 + - Link: [AzureGoat](
     13 + 
     14 +3. **Webpentest**: A Damn Vulnerable Web Application
     15 + - Link: [Webpentest](
     16 + 
     17 +4. **API**: A Damn Vulnerable Web Sockets
     18 + - Link: [API](
     19 + 
     20 +5. **Mobile**: Damn Vulnerable Hybrid Mobile App
     21 + - Link: [Mobile](
     22 + 
     23 +6. **CICD**: Deliberately vulnerable CI/CD environment
     24 + - Link: [CICD](
     25 + 
     26 +7. **GraphQL**: Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application
     27 + - Link: [GraphQL](
     28 + 
     29 +8. **Webservice**: Damn Vulnerable Web Services
     30 + - Link: [Webservice](
     31 + 
     32 +9. **VamPI**: Vulnerable API
     33 + - Link: [VamPI](
     34 + 
     35 +10. **DVSA**: Damn Vulnerable Serverless Application
     36 + - Link: [DVSA](
     37 + 
     38 +11. **DVTA**: DVTA is a Vulnerable Thick Client Application
     39 + - Link: [DVTA](
     40 + 
     41 +12. **DVJA**: Damn Vulnerable Java Application
     42 + - Link: [DVJA](
     43 + 
     44 +13. **DVID**: Damn Vulnerable IoT Device
     45 + - Link: [DVID](
     46 + 
     47 +14. **DVPWA**: Damn Vulnerable Python Web Application
     48 + - Link: [DVPWA](
     49 + 
     50 +15. **DVAS**: Damn Vulnerable Application Scanner
     51 + - Link: [DVAS](
     52 + 
     53 +16. **DVB**: Damn Vulnerable Bank
     54 + - Link: [DVB](
     55 + 
     56 +17. **DVWPS**: Damn Vulnerable WordPress Site
     57 + - Link: [DVWPS](
     58 + 
     59 +18. **DVNA**: Damn Vulnerable NodeJS Application
     60 + - Link: [DVNA](
     61 + 
     62 +19. **DVRA**: Damn Vulnerable Ruby on Rails
     63 + - Link: [DVRA](
     64 + 
     65 +20. **DVGM**: Damn Vulnerable Grade Management
     66 + - Link: [DVGM](
     67 + 
     68 +21. **Tiredful**
     69 + - Link: [Tiredful](
     70 + 
     71 +22. **DVCSharp**: Damn Vulnerable C# Application
     72 + - Link: [DVCSharp](
     73 + 
     74 +```
     75 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Essential Linux Commands
     2 + 
     3 +Here is a list of essential Linux commands for various operations:
     4 + 
     5 +### <mark style="color:green;">File Operations</mark>:
     6 + 
     7 +* `ls: Lists all files and directories in the present working directory.`
     8 +* `ls -R: Lists files in sub-directories as well.`
     9 +* `ls -a: Shows hidden files.`
     10 +* `ls -al: Lists files and directories with detailed information.`
     11 +* `cd directoryname: Changes the directory.`
     12 +* `cd ..: Moves one level up.`
     13 +* `pwd: Displays the present working directory.`
     14 +* `cat > filename: Creates a new file.`
     15 +* `cat filename: Displays the file content.`
     16 +* `cat file1 file2 > file3: Joins two files and stores the output in a new file.`
     17 +* `touch filename: Creates or modifies a file.`
     18 +* `rm filename: Deletes a file.`
     19 +* `cp source destination: Copies files from the source path to the destination path.`
     20 +* `mv source destination: Moves files from the source path to the destination path.`
     21 +* `find / -name filename: Finds a file or a directory by its name starting from root.`
     22 +* `file filename: Determines the file type.`
     23 +* `less filename: Views the file content page by page.`
     24 +* `head filename: Views the first ten lines of a file.`
     25 +* `tail filename: Views the last ten lines of a file.`
     26 +* `lsof: Shows which files are opened by which process.`
     27 +* `du -h --max-depth=1: Shows the size of each directory.`
     28 + 
     29 +### <mark style="color:green;">Directory Operations</mark>:
     30 + 
     31 +* `mkdir directoryname: Creates a new directory in the present working directory.`
     32 +* `rmdir directoryname: Deletes a directory.`
     33 +* `cp -r source destination: Copies directories recursively.`
     34 +* `mv olddir newdir: Renames directories.`
     35 +* `find / -type d -name directoryname: Finds a directory starting from root.`
     36 + 
     37 +### <mark style="color:green;">Process Operations</mark>:
     38 + 
     39 +* `ps: Displays currently active processes.`
     40 +* `top: Displays all running processes.`
     41 +* `kill pid: Kills the process with the given PID.`
     42 +* `pkill name: Kills the process with the given name.`
     43 +* `bg: Resumes suspended jobs without bringing them to the foreground.`
     44 +* `fg: Brings the most recent job to the foreground.`
     45 +* `fg n: Brings job n to the foreground.`
     46 +* `renice +n [pid]: Changes the priority of a running process.`
     47 + 
     48 +### <mark style="color:green;">File Permissions</mark>:
     49 + 
     50 +* `chmod octal filename: Change the permissions of a file.`
     51 +* `chown ownername filename: Change file owner.`
     52 +* `chgrp groupname filename: Change group owner.`
     53 + 
     54 +### <mark style="color:green;">Networking</mark>:
     55 + 
     56 +* `ping host: Ping a host and output results.`
     57 +* `whois domain: Get whois information for a domain.`
     58 +* `dig domain: Get DNS information for a domain.`
     59 +* `netstat -pnltu: Display various network related information.`
     60 +* `ifconfig: Displays IP addresses of all network interfaces.`
     61 +* `ssh user@host: Remote login into the host as a user.`
     62 +* `scp: Transfers files between hosts over SSH.`
     63 +* `wget url: Download files from the web.`
     64 +* `curl url: Sends a request to a URL and returns the response.`
     65 +* `traceroute domain: Prints the route that a packet takes to reach the domain.`
     66 +* `mtr domain: Combines the functionality of traceroute and ping.`
     67 +* `ss: Investigates sockets.`
     68 +* `nmap: Network exploration tool and security scanner.`
     69 + 
     70 +### <mark style="color:green;">Archives and Compression</mark>:
     71 + 
     72 +* `tar cf file.tar files: Create a tar archive containing files.`
     73 +* `tar xf file.tar: Extract files from a tar archive.`
     74 +* `gzip file: Compresses a file.`
     75 +* `gzip -d file.gz: Decompresses a file.`
     76 +* `zip -r files: Create a zip archive.`
     77 +* `unzip Extract the contents of a zip file.`
     78 + 
     79 +### <mark style="color:green;">Text Processing</mark>:
     80 + 
     81 +* `grep pattern files: Search for a pattern in files.`
     82 +* `grep -r pattern dir: Search recursively for a pattern in a directory.`
     83 +* `echo 'text': Prints text.`
     84 +* `sed 's/string1/string2/g' filename: Replaces string1 with string2 in a file.`
     85 +* `diff file1 file2: Compares two files and shows the differences.`
     86 +* `wc filename: Count lines, words, and characters in a file.`
     87 +* `awk: A versatile programming language for working on files.`
     88 +* `sed -i 's/string1/string2/g' filename: Replace string1 with string2 in a file.`
     89 +* `cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd: Cut out the first field of each line in /etc/passwd.`
     90 + 
     91 +### <mark style="color:green;">Disk Usage</mark>:
     92 + 
     93 +* `df: Shows disk usage.`
     94 +* `du: Shows directory space usage.`
     95 +* `free: Show memory and swap usage.`
     96 +* `whereis app: Show possible locations of an app.`
     97 + 
     98 +### <mark style="color:green;">System Info</mark>:
     99 + 
     100 +* `date: Show the current date and time.`
     101 +* `cal: Show this month's calendar.`
     102 +* `uptime: Show current uptime.`
     103 +* `w: Display who is online.`
     104 +* `whoami: Who you are logged in as.`
     105 +* `uname -a: Show kernel information.`
     106 +* `df -h: Disk usage in a human-readable format.`
     107 +* `du -sh: Disk usage of the current directory in a human-readable format.`
     108 +* `free -m: Show free and used memory in MB.`
     109 + 
     110 +### <mark style="color:green;">Package Installations</mark>:
     111 + 
     112 +* sudo `apt-get update: Updates package lists for upgrades.`
     113 +* `sudo apt-get upgrade: Upgrades all upgradable packages.`
     114 +* `sudo apt-get install pkgname: Install a package.`
     115 +* `sudo apt-get remove pkgname: Removes a package`.
     116 + 
     117 +### <mark style="color:green;">Others (mostly used in scripts)</mark>:
     118 + 
     119 +* `command1 ; command2: Run command1 and then command2.`
     120 +* `command1 && command2: Run command2 if command1 is successful.`
     121 +* `command1 || command2: Run command2 if command1 is not successful.`
     122 +* `command &: Run command in the background.`
     123 + 
     124 +### <mark style="color:green;">Version Control (Git commands)</mark>:
     125 + 
     126 +* `git init: Initialize a local Git repository.`
     127 +* `git clone url: Create a local copy of a remote repository.`
     128 +* `git add filename: Add a file to the staging area.`
     129 +* `git commit -m "Commit message": Commit changes with a message.`
     130 +* `git status: Check the status of the working directory.`
     131 +* `git pull: Pull latest changes from the remote repository.`
     132 +* `git push: Push changes to the remote repository.`
     133 +* `git branch: List all local branches.`
     134 +* `git branch branchname: Create a new branch.`
     135 +* `git checkout branchname: Switch to a branch.`
     136 +* `git merge branchname: Merge a branch into the active branch.`
     137 +* `git stash: Stash changes in a dirty working directory.`
     138 +* `git stash apply: Apply changes from a stash.`
     139 +* `git log: View commit history.`
     140 +* `git reset: Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit.`
     141 +* `git rm filename: Remove a file from version control.`
     142 +* `git rebase: Reapply commits on top of another base tip.`
     143 +* `git revert: Create a new commit that undoes all the changes made in a particular commit.`
     144 +* `git cherry-pick commitID: Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits.`
     145 + 
     146 +### <mark style="color:green;">Environment Variables</mark>:
     147 + 
     148 +* `env: Display all environment variables.`
     149 +* `` `echo $V ``
     150 + 
     151 +<mark style="color:green;">ARIABLE\`: Display the value of an environment variable</mark>.
     152 + 
     153 +* `export VARIABLE=value: Set the value of an environment variable.`
     154 +* `alias new_command='old_command options': Create a new command that executes the old command with the specified options.`
     155 +* `echo $PATH: Print the PATH environment variable.`
     156 +* `export PATH=$PATH:/new/path: Add /new/path to the PATH.`
     157 + 
     158 +### <mark style="color:green;">Job Scheduling (Cron Jobs)</mark>:
     159 + 
     160 +* `crontab -l: List all your cron jobs.`
     161 +* `crontab -e: Edit your cron jobs.`
     162 +* `crontab -r: Remove all your cron jobs.`
     163 +* `crontab -v: Display the last time you edited your cron jobs.`
     164 +* `crontab file: Install a cron job from a file.`
     165 +* `@reboot command: Schedule a job to run at startup.`
     166 + 
     167 +### <mark style="color:green;">Package Installations (using pip, a Python package installer)</mark>:
     168 + 
     169 +* `pip install packagename: Install a Python package.`
     170 +* `pip uninstall packagename: Uninstall a Python package.`
     171 +* `pip freeze > requirements.txt: Freeze the installed packages into a requirements file.`
     172 +* `pip install -r requirements.txt: Install packages from a requirements file.`
     173 + 
     174 +### <mark style="color:green;">Shell Scripting</mark>:
     175 + 
     176 +* `#!/bin/bash: Shebang line to specify the script interpreter.`
     177 +* `$0, $1, ..., $9, ${10}, ${11}: Script arguments.`
     178 +* `if [condition]; then ... fi: if statement in Bash scripts.`
     179 +* `for i in {1..10}; do ... done: for loop in Bash scripts.`
     180 +* `while [condition]; do ... done: while loop in Bash scripts.`
     181 +* `function name() {...}: Define a function.`
     182 + 
     183 +### <mark style="color:green;">System Monitoring and Performance</mark>:
     184 + 
     185 +* `iostat: Reports CPU statistics and input/output statistics for devices, partitions, and network filesystems.`
     186 +* `vmstat: Reports information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, disks, and CPU activity.`
     187 +* `htop: An interactive process viewer for Unix systems.`
     188 + 
     189 +### <mark style="color:green;">Search and Find</mark>:
     190 + 
     191 +* `locate filename: Find a file by its name.`
     192 +* `whereis programname: Locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command.`
     193 +* `which commandname: Shows the full path of shell commands.`
     194 + 
     195 +### <mark style="color:green;">Compression / Archives</mark>:
     196 + 
     197 +* `tar -cvf archive.tar dirname/: Create a tar archive.`
     198 +* `tar -xvf archive.tar: Extract a tar archive.`
     199 +* `tar -jcvf archive.tar.bz2 dirname/: Create a compressed bz2 archive.`
     200 +* `tar -jxvf archive.tar.bz2: Extract a bz2 archive.`
     201 + 
     202 +### <mark style="color:green;">Disk Usage</mark>:
     203 + 
     204 +* `dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/output.img bs=8k count=256k: Create a file of a certain size for testing disk speed.`
     205 +* `hdparm -Tt /dev/sda: Measure the read speed of your hard drive.`
     206 + 
     207 +### <mark style="color:green;">Others</mark>:
     208 + 
     209 +* `yes > /dev/null &: Use this command to push a system to its limit.`
     210 +* `:(){ :|:& };::: A fork bomb – handle with care. Do not run this command on a production system.`
     211 + 
     212 +Remember, you can always use the `man` command (e.g., `man ls`) to get more information about each command.
     213 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Offensive virtual machine's
     2 + 
     3 +```markdown
     4 +👍 OSINT Virtual machines and distributions for Practice ⬇️
     5 + 
     6 +1. **Osintux**
     7 + - Website: [Osintux](
     8 + 
     9 +2. **BackBox**
     10 + - Website: [BackBox](
     11 + 
     12 +3. **osintBOX**
     13 + - Repository: [osintBOX](
     14 + 
     15 +4. **CSI Linux**
     16 + - Website: [CSI Linux](
     17 + 
     18 +5. **Kali Linux**
     19 + - Website: [Kali Linux](
     20 + 
     21 +6. **ArchStrike**
     22 + - Website: [ArchStrike](
     23 + 
     24 +7. **Offen Osint**
     25 + - Repository: [Offen Osint](
     26 + 
     27 +8. **Huron Osint**
     28 + - Repository: [Huron Osint](
     29 + 
     30 +9. **Septor Linux**
     31 + - Website: [Septor Linux](
     32 + 
     33 +10. **Pentoo Linux**
     34 + - Website: [Pentoo Linux](
     35 + 
     36 +11. **Tsurugi Linux**
     37 + - Link: [Tsurugi Linux](
     38 + 
     39 +12. **BlackArch Linux**
     40 + - Website: [BlackArch Linux](
     41 + 
     42 +13. **Falcon Arch Linux**
     43 + - Link: [Falcon Arch Linux](
     44 + 
     45 +14. **Fedora Security Lab**
     46 + - Website: [Fedora Security Lab](
     47 + 
     48 +These OSINT virtual machines and distributions offer comprehensive tools and resources for practicing OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) techniques. Choose the one that suits your requirements and dive into the world of OSINT exploration!
     49 +```
     50 + 
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     1 +# osint
     2 + 
     3 + 
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    1 1  # Subdomain Enumeration
    2 2   
    3  -1. Sublist3r - Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers
    4  - * Repository: [Sublist3r](
    5  -2. Amass - In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery
    6  - * Repository: [Amass](
    7  -3. massdns - A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration)
    8  - * Repository: [massdns](
    9  -4. Findomain - The fastest and cross-platform subdomain enumerator, do not waste your time.
    10  - * Repository: [Findomain](
    11  -5. Sudomy - Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool to collect subdomains and analyzing domains performing automated reconnaissance (recon) for bug hunting / pentesting
    12  - * Repository: [Sudomy](
    13  -6. chaos-client - Go client to communicate with Chaos DNS API. domained
    14  - * Repository: [chaos-client](
    15  -7. domained - Multi Tool Subdomain Enumeration
    16  - * Repository: [domained](
    17  -8. bugcrowd-levelup-subdomain-enumeration - This repository contains all the material from the talk "Esoteric sub-domain enumeration techniques" given at Bugcrowd LevelUp 2017 virtual conference
    18  - * Repository: [bugcrowd-levelup-subdomain-enumeration](
    19  -9. shuffledns - shuffleDNS is a wrapper around massdns written in Go that allows you to enumerate valid subdomains using active bruteforce as well as resolve subdomains with wildcard handling and easy input-output…
    20  - * Repository: [shuffledns](
    21  -10. censys-subdomain-finder - Perform subdomain enumeration using the certificate transparency logs from Censys.
    22  - * Repository: [censys-subdomain-finder](
    23  -11. Turbolist3r - Subdomain enumeration tool with analysis features for discovered domains
    24  - * Repository: [Turbolist3r](
    25  -12. censys-enumeration - A script to extract subdomains/emails for a given domain using SSL/TLS certificate dataset on Censys
    26  - * Repository: [censys-enumeration](
    27  -13. tugarecon - Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers.
    28  - * Repository: [tugarecon](
    29  -14. as3nt - Another Subdomain ENumeration Tool
    30  - * Repository: [as3nt](
    31  -15. Subra - A Web-UI for subdomain enumeration (subfinder)
    32  - * Repository: [Subra](
    33  -16. Substr3am - Passive reconnaissance/enumeration of interesting targets by watching for SSL certificates being issued
    34  - * Repository: [Substr3am](
    35  -17. domain - Setup script for Regon-ng
    36  - * Repository: [domain](
    37  -18. altdns - Generates permutations, alterations, and mutations of subdomains and then resolves them
    38  - * Repository: [altdns](
    39  -19. brutesubs - An automation framework for running multiple open sourced subdomain bruteforcing tools (in parallel) using your own wordlists via Docker Compose
    40  - * Repository: [brutesubs](
    41  -20. dns-parallel-prober - This is a parallelized domain name prober to find as many subdomains of a given domain as fast as possible.
    42  - * Repository: [dns-parallel-prober](
    43  -21. dnscan - dnscan is a python wordlist-based DNS subdomain scanner.
    44  - * Repository: [dnscan](
    45  -22. knock - Knockpy is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist.
    46  - * Repository: [knock](
    47  -23. hakrevdns - Small, fast tool for performing reverse DNS lookups enmass
    48  - * Repository: [hakrevdns](
    49  -24. dnsx - Dnsx is a fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit that allows you to run multiple DNS queries of your choice with a list of user-supplied resolvers.
    50  - * Repository: [dnsx](
    51  -25. subfinder - Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites.
    52  - * Repository: [subfinder](
    53  -26. assetfinder - Find domains and subdomains related to a given domain
    54  - * Repository: [assetfinder](
    55  -27. crtndstry - Yet another subdomain finder
    56  - * Repository: [crtndstry](
    57  -28. VHostScan - A virtual host scanner that performs reverse lookups
    58  - * Repository: [VHostScan](
    59  -29. scilla - Information Gathering tool - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration
    60  - * Repository: [scilla](
    61  -30. sub3suite - A research-grade suite of tools for subdomain enumeration, intelligence gathering, and attack surface mapping.
    62  - * Repository: [sub3suite](
    63  - 
    64  -## Subdomain Enumeration Tools
     3 +## <mark style="color:green;">Subdomain Enumeration Tools</mark>
    65 4   
    66 5  Below is a list of powerful subdomain enumeration tools that can aid in reconnaissance and penetration testing:
    67 6   
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