Projects STRLCPY Cipherops Commits c4f376e2
  • .gitbook/assets/Google Dorks (2013) (1).pdf
    Binary file.
  • .gitbook/assets/Google Dorks (2013).pdf
    Binary file.
  • .gitbook/assets/google hacking (1).pdf
    Binary file.
  • .gitbook/assets/google hacking.pdf
    Binary file.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 17 lines
    18 18   * [All DAMN vulnerable resources](overview/resourses/
    19 19   * [Hacking Resources](overview/resourses/
    20 20  * [👣 OSINT](
    21  -* [Google Dorks](overview/
     21 +* [Google Hacking using Dorks](overview/google-hacking-using-dorks/
     22 + * [Books and References](overview/google-hacking-using-dorks/
     23 + * [Shodan Dorks](overview/google-hacking-using-dorks/
     24 + * [Github Dorks](overview/google-hacking-using-dorks/
    22 25   
    23 26  ***
    24 27   
    skipped 60 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -# Google Dorks
    2  - 
    3  -Title: Google Dorks for Targeted Information Search
    4  - 
    5  -People and Accounts:
    6  - 
    7  -1. Search for emails based on a username:
    8  - 
    9  - ```
    10  - "username*com"
    11  - ```
    12  -2. Search for online resumes of a person:
    13  - 
    14  - ```
    15  - inurl:resume "john smith"
    16  - intext:resume "john smith"
    17  - ```
    18  -3. Search for people with a specific job title and location on LinkedIn:
    19  - 
    20  - ```
    21  - site: "<job title>" ( OR ☏ OR ✆ OR
    22  - ```
    23  -4. Find people within GitHub code:
    24  - 
    25  - ```
    26  - site:*/people
    27  - ```
    28  -5. Search for lists of attendees or finalists:
    29  - 
    30  - ```
    31  - intitle:final.attendee.list OR inurl:final.attendee.list
    32  - ```
    33  -6. Search for login information on exposed Trello boards:
    34  - 
    35  - ```
    36  - site: password + admin OR username
    37  - ```
    38  - 
    39  -Documents:
    40  - 
    41  -1. Search for specific documents within a domain in PDF format:
    42  - 
    43  - ```
    44  - site:<domain> filetype:PDF
    45  - ```
    46  -2. Search for PDF documents containing possible email information within a specific domain:
    47  - 
    48  - ```
    49  - filetype:pdf <domain> "email"
    50  - ```
    51  -3. Search for XLS files within government websites:
    52  - 
    53  - ```
    54  - filetype:xls
    55  - ```
    56  - 
    57  -Cloud, Buckets, and Databases:
    58  - 
    59  -1. Search for confidential or top-secret documents within open Amazon S3 buckets:
    60  - 
    61  - ```
    62  - site: confidential OR "top secret"
    63  - ```
    64  -2. Search for confidential login information within XLS files on Amazon buckets:
    65  - 
    66  - ```
    67  - s3 site: filetype:xls password
    68  - ```
    69  -3. Search for copies of databases:
    70  - 
    71  - ```
    72  - ext:sql intext:"-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump"
    73  - ```
    74  - 
    75  -Social Media:
    76  - 
    77  -1. Search for a specific tweet shared on other media, excluding Twitter:
    78  - 
    79  - ```
    80  - "text of a tweet" -site:
    81  - ```
    82  -2. Search for links or information related to a specific username not coming directly from their Twitter timeline:
    83  - 
    84  - ```
    85  - @dutch_osintguy
    86  - ```
    87  - 
    88  -Please note that these Google Dorks are intended for authorized purposes and should be used responsibly.
    89  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Google Hacking using Dorks
     2 + 
     3 +Title: Google Dorks for Targeted Information Search
     4 + 
     5 +People and Accounts:
     6 + 
     7 +1. Search for emails based on a username:
     8 + 
     9 + ```
     10 + "username*com"
     11 + ```
     12 +2. Search for online resumes of a person:
     13 + 
     14 + ```
     15 + inurl:resume "john smith"
     16 + intext:resume "john smith"
     17 + ```
     18 +3. Search for people with a specific job title and location on LinkedIn:
     19 + 
     20 + ```
     21 + site: "<job title>" ( OR ☏ OR ✆ OR
     22 + ```
     23 +4. Find people within GitHub code:
     24 + 
     25 + ```
     26 + site:*/people
     27 + ```
     28 +5. Search for lists of attendees or finalists:
     29 + 
     30 + ```
     31 + intitle:final.attendee.list OR inurl:final.attendee.list
     32 + ```
     33 +6. Search for login information on exposed Trello boards:
     34 + 
     35 + ```
     36 + site: password + admin OR username
     37 + ```
     38 + 
     39 +Documents:
     40 + 
     41 +1. Search for specific documents within a domain in PDF format:
     42 + 
     43 + ```
     44 + site:<domain> filetype:PDF
     45 + ```
     46 +2. Search for PDF documents containing possible email information within a specific domain:
     47 + 
     48 + ```
     49 + filetype:pdf <domain> "email"
     50 + ```
     51 +3. Search for XLS files within government websites:
     52 + 
     53 + ```
     54 + filetype:xls
     55 + ```
     56 + 
     57 +Cloud, Buckets, and Databases:
     58 + 
     59 +1. Search for confidential or top-secret documents within open Amazon S3 buckets:
     60 + 
     61 + ```
     62 + site: confidential OR "top secret"
     63 + ```
     64 +2. Search for confidential login information within XLS files on Amazon buckets:
     65 + 
     66 + ```
     67 + s3 site: filetype:xls password
     68 + ```
     69 +3. Search for copies of databases:
     70 + 
     71 + ```
     72 + ext:sql intext:"-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump"
     73 + ```
     74 + 
     75 +Social Media:
     76 + 
     77 +1. Search for a specific tweet shared on other media, excluding Twitter:
     78 + 
     79 + ```
     80 + "text of a tweet" -site:
     81 + ```
     82 +2. Search for links or information related to a specific username not coming directly from their Twitter timeline:
     83 + 
     84 + ```
     85 + @dutch_osintguy
     86 + ```
     87 + 
     88 +Please note that these Google Dorks are intended for authorized purposes and should be used responsibly.
     89 + 
     90 +```
     91 +Few top Google Dorks for hacking!
     92 + 
     93 intitle:"index of" drupal intitle:"index of" admin inurl:login.cgiPages Containing Login Portals site:/joomla/administrator
     94 +inurl:"server-status" intitle:"Apache Status" intext:"Apache Server Status for"
     95 +inurl:/login/index.jsp -site:hertz.*
     96 +intitle:"Index of" inurl:wp-json/oembed
     97 +intitle:"Index of" phpmyadmin
     98 +intitle:"Index of" wp-admin
     99 +intitle:index.of.?.sql
     100 +inurl: /filemanager/dialog.php
     101 +s3 filetype:log
     102 +inurl:cgi/
     103 and intext:scheduled for
     104 +site:*/auth intitle:login
     105 +inurl: admin/login.aspxPages Containing Login Portals
     106 +"Index of" inurl:webalizer
     107 +"Index of" inurl:phpmyadmin
     108 +"Index of" inurl:htdocs inurl:xampp
     109 +s3 intext:dhcp filetype:txt inurl:apollo
     110 +inurl:/index.aspx/login
     111 inurl:login.php
     112 +intitle:"IIS Windows Server" -inurl:"IIS Windows Server"
     113 +intitle:"Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works"
     114 +inurl:/filedown.php?file=
     115 +inurl:Dashboard.jspa intext:"Atlassian Jira Project Management Software"
     116 +inurl:app/kibana intext:Loading Kibana
     117 +site: edit
     118 +intitle:"index of" unattend.xml
     119 +inurl:/admin/index.php
     120 intitle:index of
     121 +inurl:office365 AND intitle:"Sign In | Login | Portal"
     122 +intext:"" AND intext:"" filetype:sql
     123 +intitle:OmniDB intext:"user. pwd. Sign in."
     124 +intitle:"qBittorrent Web UI" inurl:8080
     125 +site:com inurl:jboss filetype:log
     126 +intitle:"index of" ".cpanel/caches/config/"
     127 +inurl:'/scopia/entry/index.jsp'
     128 +inurl:/index.aspx/login
     129 +intitle: "index of" "./" "./bitcoin"
     130 +inurl:/portal/apis/fileExplorer/
     131 +intitle:"index of" "/aws.s3/"
     132 +intitle:"index of" hosts.csv | firewalls.csv | linux.csv | windows.csv
     133 +intitle:Test Page for the Nginx HTTP Server on Fedora
     134 +inurl:_cpanel/forgotpwd
     135 +intitle:"index of /" intext:/backup
     136 +intitle:"Swagger UI - " + "Show/Hide"
     137 /preview intext:movie inurl:flv | wmv | mp4 -pdf -edit -view
     138 +intext:"class JConfig {" inurl:configuration.php
     139 +"index of" ""
     140 +ext:(doc | pdf | xls | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw | psw | ppt | pps | xml) (intext:confidential salary | intext:"budget approved") inurl:confidentialext:inc "pwd=" "UID="
     141 +ext:ini intext:env.ini
     142 +ext:ini Version=... password
     143 +ext:ini Version= password
     144 +ext:ini eudora.ini
     145 +ext:ini intext:env.ini
     146 +ext:mdb inurl:*.mdb inurl:fpdb shop.mdb
     147 +filetype:SWF SWF
     148 +filetype:TXT TXT
     149 +filetype:XLS XLS
     150 +filetype:asp DBQ=" * Server.MapPath("*.mdb")
     151 +filetype:asp "Custom Error Message" Category Source
     152 +filetype:asp + "[ODBC SQL"
     153 +filetype:asp DBQ=\" * Server.MapPath(\"*.mdb\")
     154 +filetype:asp “Custom Error Message” Category Source
     155 +filetype:bak createobject sa
     156 +filetype:bak inurl:"htaccess|passwd|shadow|htusers"
     157 +filetype:conf inurl:firewall -intitle:cvs
     158 +filetype:conf inurl:proftpd. PROFTP FTP server configuration file reveals
     159 +filetype:dat "password.dat
     160 +filetype:dat \"password.dat\"
     161 +filetype:eml eml +intext:"Subject" +intext:"From" +intext:"To"
     162 +filetype:eml eml +intext:\"Subject\" +intext:\"From\" +intext:\"To\"
     163 +filetype:eml eml +intext:”Subject” +intext:”From” +intext:”To”
     164 +filetype:inc dbconn
     165 +filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
     166 +filetype:inc mysql_connect OR mysql_pconnect
     167 +filetype:log inurl:"password.log"
     168 +filetype:log username putty PUTTY SSH client logs can reveal usernames
     169 +filetype:log “PHP Parse error” | “PHP Warning” | “PHP Error”
     170 +filetype:mdb inurl:users.mdb
     171 +filetype:ora ora
     172 +filetype:ora tnsnames
     173 +filetype:pass pass intext:userid
     174 +filetype:pdf "Assessment Report" nessus
     175 +filetype:pem intext:private
     176 +filetype:properties inurl:db intext:password
     177 +filetype:pst inurl:"outlook.pst"
     178 +filetype:pst pst -from -to -date
     179 +filetype:reg reg +intext:"defaultusername" +intext:"defaultpassword"
     180 +filetype:reg reg +intext:\"defaultusername\" +intext:\"defaultpassword\"
     181 +filetype:reg reg +intext:â? WINVNC3â?
     182 +filetype:reg reg +intext:”defaultusername” +intext:”defaultpassword”
     183 +filetype:reg reg HKEY_ Windows Registry exports can reveal
     184 +filetype:reg reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER SSHHOSTKEYS
     185 +filetype:sql "insert into" (pass|passwd|password)
     186 +filetype:sql ("values * MD5" | "values * password" | "values * encrypt")
     187 +filetype:sql (\"passwd values\" | \"password values\" | \"pass values\" )
     188 +filetype:sql (\"values * MD\" | \"values * password\" | \"values * encrypt\")
     189 +filetype:sql +"IDENTIFIED BY" -cvs
     190 +filetype:sql password
     191 +filetype:sql password
     192 +filetype:sql “insert into” (pass|passwd|password)
     193 +filetype:url +inurl:"ftp://" +inurl:";@"
     194 +filetype:url +inurl:\"ftp://\" +inurl:\";@\"
     195 +filetype:url +inurl:”ftp://” +inurl:”;@”
     196 +filetype:xls inurl:"email.xls"
     197 +filetype:xls username password email
     198 +index of: intext:Gallery in Configuration mode
     199 +index.of passlist
     200 +index.of perform.ini mIRC IRC ini file can list IRC usernames and
     201 +index.of.dcim
     202 +index.of.password
     203 +intext:" -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users)
     204 +intext:""BiTBOARD v2.0" BiTSHiFTERS Bulletin Board"
     205 +intext:"# -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users) "# -FrontPage-" inurl:service.pwd
     206 +intext:"#mysql dump" filetype:sql
     207 +intext:"#mysql dump" filetype:sql 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
     208 +intext:"A syntax error has occurred" filetype:ihtml
     209 +intext:"ASP.NET_SessionId" "data source="
     210 +intext:"About Mac OS Personal Web Sharing"
     211 +intext:"An illegal character has been found in the statement" -"previous message"
     212 +intext:"AutoCreate=TRUE password=*"
     213 +intext:"Can't connect to local" intitle:warning
     214 +intext:"Establishing a secure Integrated Lights Out session with" OR intitle:"Data Frame - Browser not HTTP 1.1 compatible" OR intitle:"HP Integrated Lights-
     215 +intext:"Fatal error: Call to undefined function" -reply -the -next
     216 +intext:"Fill out the form below completely to change your password and user name. If new username is left blank, your old one will be assumed." -edu
     217 +intext:"Generated by phpSystem"
     218 +intext:"Host Vulnerability Summary Report"
     219 +intext:"HostingAccelerator" intitle:"login" +"Username" -"news" -demo
     220 +intext:"IMail Server Web Messaging" intitle:login
     221 +intext:"Incorrect syntax near"
     222 +intext:"Index of" /"chat/logs"
     223 +intext:"Index of /network" "last modified"
     224 +intext:"Index of /" +.htaccess
     225 +intext:"Index of /" +passwd
     226 +intext:"Index of /" +password.txt
     227 +intext:"Index of /admin"
     228 +intext:"Index of /backup"
     229 +intext:"Index of /mail"
     230 +intext:"Index of /password"
     231 +intext:"SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near"
     232 +intext:"Thank you for your order" +receipt
     233 +intext:"Thank you for your order" +receipt
     234 +intext:"Thank you for your purchase" +download
     235 +intext:"The following report contains confidential information" vulnerability -search
     236 +intext:"phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump" "INSERT INTO" -"the"
     237 +intext:"phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump" filetype:txt
     238 +intext:"phpMyAdmin" "running on" inurl:"main.php"
     239 +intextpassword | passcode) intextusername | userid | user) filetype:csv
     240 +intextpassword | passcode) intextusername | userid | user) filetype:csv
     241 +intitle:"index of" etc/shadow
     242 +intitle:"index of" htpasswd
     243 +intitle:"index of" members OR accounts
     244 +intitle:"index of" mysql.conf OR mysql_config
     245 +intitle:"index of" passwd
     246 +intitle:"index of" people.lst
     247 +intitle:"index of" pwd.db
     248 +intitle:"index of" spwd
     249 +intitle:"index of" user_carts OR user_cart
     250 +intitle:"index.of *" admin news.asp configview.asp
     251 +inurl:admin inurl:userlist Generic userlist files
     252 +inurl:php?id=
     253 +inurl:index.php? intitle:"index of" drupal intitle:"index of" admin inurl:login.cgiPages Containing Login Portals site:/joomla/administrator
     254 +inurl:"server-status" intitle:"Apache Status" intext:"Apache Server Status for"
     255 +inurl:/login/index.jsp -site:hertz.*
     256 +intitle:"Index of" inurl:wp-json/oembed
     257 +intitle:"Index of" phpmyadmin
     258 +intitle:"Index of" wp-admin
     259 +intitle:index.of.?.sql
     260 +inurl: /filemanager/dialog.php
     261 +s3 filetype:log
     262 +inurl:cgi/
     263 and intext:scheduled for
     264 +site:*/auth intitle:login
     265 +inurl: admin/login.aspxPages Containing Login Portals
     266 +"Index of" inurl:webalizer
     267 +"Index of" inurl:phpmyadmin
     268 +"Index of" inurl:htdocs inurl:xampp
     269 +s3 intext:dhcp filetype:txt inurl:apollo
     270 +inurl:/index.aspx/login
     271 inurl:login.php
     272 +intitle:"IIS Windows Server" -inurl:"IIS Windows Server"
     273 +intitle:"Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works"
     274 +inurl:/filedown.php?file=
     275 +inurl:Dashboard.jspa intext:"Atlassian Jira Project Management Software"
     276 +inurl:app/kibana intext:Loading Kibana
     277 +site: edit
     278 +intitle:"index of" unattend.xml
     279 +inurl:/admin/index.php
     280 intitle:index of
     281 +inurl:office365 AND intitle:"Sign In | Login | Portal"
     282 +intext:"" AND intext:"" filetype:sql
     283 +intitle:OmniDB intext:"user. pwd. Sign in."
     284 +intitle:"qBittorrent Web UI" inurl:8080
     285 +site:com inurl:jboss filetype:log
     286 +intitle:"index of" ".cpanel/caches/config/"
     287 +inurl:'/scopia/entry/index.jsp'
     288 +inurl:/index.aspx/login
     289 +intitle: "index of" "./" "./bitcoin"
     290 +inurl:/portal/apis/fileExplorer/
     291 +intitle:"index of" "/aws.s3/"
     292 +intitle:"index of" hosts.csv | firewalls.csv | linux.csv | windows.csv
     293 +intitle:Test Page for the Nginx HTTP Server on Fedora
     294 +inurl:_cpanel/forgotpwd
     295 +intitle:"index of /" intext:/backup
     296 +intitle:"Swagger UI - " + "Show/Hide"
     297 /preview intext:movie inurl:flv | wmv | mp4 -pdf -edit -view
     298 +intext:"class JConfig {" inurl:configuration.php
     299 +"index of" ""
     300 +ext:(doc | pdf | xls | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw | psw | ppt | pps | xml) (intext:confidential salary | intext:"budget approved") inurl:confidentialext:inc "pwd=" "UID="
     301 +ext:ini intext:env.ini
     302 +ext:ini Version=... password
     303 +ext:ini Version= password
     304 +ext:ini eudora.ini
     305 +ext:ini intext:env.ini
     306 +ext:mdb inurl:*.mdb inurl:fpdb shop.mdb
     307 +filetype:SWF SWF
     308 +filetype:TXT TXT
     309 +filetype:XLS XLS
     310 +filetype:asp DBQ=" * Server.MapPath("*.mdb")
     311 +filetype:asp "Custom Error Message" Category Source
     312 +filetype:asp + "[ODBC SQL"
     313 +filetype:asp DBQ=\" * Server.MapPath(\"*.mdb\")
     314 +filetype:asp “Custom Error Message” Category Source
     315 +filetype:bak createobject sa
     316 +filetype:bak inurl:"htaccess|passwd|shadow|htusers"
     317 +filetype:conf inurl:firewall -intitle:cvs
     318 +filetype:conf inurl:proftpd. PROFTP FTP server configuration file reveals
     319 +filetype:dat "password.dat
     320 +filetype:dat \"password.dat\"
     321 +filetype:eml eml +intext:"Subject" +intext:"From" +intext:"To"
     322 +filetype:eml eml +intext:\"Subject\" +intext:\"From\" +intext:\"To\"
     323 +filetype:eml eml +intext:”Subject” +intext:”From” +intext:”To”
     324 +filetype:inc dbconn
     325 +filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
     326 +filetype:inc mysql_connect OR mysql_pconnect
     327 +filetype:log inurl:"password.log"
     328 +filetype:log username putty PUTTY SSH client logs can reveal usernames
     329 +filetype:log “PHP Parse error” | “PHP Warning” | “PHP Error”
     330 +filetype:mdb inurl:users.mdb
     331 +filetype:ora ora
     332 +filetype:ora tnsnames
     333 +filetype:pass pass intext:userid
     334 +filetype:pdf "Assessment Report" nessus
     335 +filetype:pem intext:private
     336 +filetype:properties inurl:db intext:password
     337 +filetype:pst inurl:"outlook.pst"
     338 +filetype:pst pst -from -to -date
     339 +filetype:reg reg +intext:"defaultusername" +intext:"defaultpassword"
     340 +filetype:reg reg +intext:\"defaultusername\" +intext:\"defaultpassword\"
     341 +filetype:reg reg +intext:â? WINVNC3â?
     342 +filetype:reg reg +intext:”defaultusername” +intext:”defaultpassword”
     343 +filetype:reg reg HKEY_ Windows Registry exports can reveal
     344 +filetype:reg reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER SSHHOSTKEYS
     345 +filetype:sql "insert into" (pass|passwd|password)
     346 +filetype:sql ("values * MD5" | "values * password" | "values * encrypt")
     347 +filetype:sql (\"passwd values\" | \"password values\" | \"pass values\" )
     348 +filetype:sql (\"values * MD\" | \"values * password\" | \"values * encrypt\")
     349 +filetype:sql +"IDENTIFIED BY" -cvs
     350 +filetype:sql password
     351 +filetype:sql password
     352 +filetype:sql “insert into” (pass|passwd|password)
     353 +filetype:url +inurl:"ftp://" +inurl:";@"
     354 +filetype:url +inurl:\"ftp://\" +inurl:\";@\"
     355 +filetype:url +inurl:”ftp://” +inurl:”;@”
     356 +filetype:xls inurl:"email.xls"
     357 +filetype:xls username password email
     358 +index of: intext:Gallery in Configuration mode
     359 +index.of passlist
     360 +index.of perform.ini mIRC IRC ini file can list IRC usernames and
     361 +index.of.dcim
     362 +index.of.password
     363 +intext:" -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users)
     364 +intext:""BiTBOARD v2.0" BiTSHiFTERS Bulletin Board"
     365 +intext:"# -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users) "# -FrontPage-" inurl:service.pwd
     366 +intext:"#mysql dump" filetype:sql
     367 +intext:"#mysql dump" filetype:sql 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
     368 +intext:"A syntax error has occurred" filetype:ihtml
     369 +intext:"ASP.NET_SessionId" "data source="
     370 +intext:"About Mac OS Personal Web Sharing"
     371 +intext:"An illegal character has been found in the statement" -"previous message"
     372 +intext:"AutoCreate=TRUE password=*"
     373 +intext:"Can't connect to local" intitle:warning
     374 +intext:"Establishing a secure Integrated Lights Out session with" OR intitle:"Data Frame - Browser not HTTP 1.1 compatible" OR intitle:"HP Integrated Lights-
     375 +intext:"Fatal error: Call to undefined function" -reply -the -next
     376 +intext:"Fill out the form below completely to change your password and user name. If new username is left blank, your old one will be assumed." -edu
     377 +intext:"Generated by phpSystem"
     378 +intext:"Host Vulnerability Summary Report"
     379 +intext:"HostingAccelerator" intitle:"login" +"Username" -"news" -demo
     380 +intext:"IMail Server Web Messaging" intitle:login
     381 +intext:"Incorrect syntax near"
     382 +intext:"Index of" /"chat/logs"
     383 +intext:"Index of /network" "last modified"
     384 +intext:"Index of /" +.htaccess
     385 +intext:"Index of /" +passwd
     386 +intext:"Index of /" +password.txt
     387 +intext:"Index of /admin"
     388 +intext:"Index of /backup"
     389 +intext:"Index of /mail"
     390 +intext:"Index of /password"
     391 +intext:"SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near"
     392 +intext:"Thank you for your order" +receipt
     393 +intext:"Thank you for your order" +receipt
     394 +intext:"Thank you for your purchase" +download
     395 +intext:"The following report contains confidential information" vulnerability -search
     396 +intext:"phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump" "INSERT INTO" -"the"
     397 +intext:"phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump" filetype:txt
     398 +intext:"phpMyAdmin" "running on" inurl:"main.php"
     399 +intextpassword | passcode) intextusername | userid | user) filetype:csv
     400 +intextpassword | passcode) intextusername | userid | user) filetype:csv
     401 +intitle:"index of" etc/shadow
     402 +intitle:"index of" htpasswd
     403 +intitle:"index of" members OR accounts
     404 +intitle:"index of" mysql.conf OR mysql_config
     405 +intitle:"index of" passwd
     406 +intitle:"index of" people.lst
     407 +intitle:"index of" pwd.db
     408 +intitle:"index of" spwd
     409 +intitle:"index of" user_carts OR user_cart
     410 +intitle:"index.of *" admin news.asp configview.asp
     411 +inurl:admin inurl:userlist Generic userlist files
     412 +inurl:php?id=
     413 +inurl:index.php?id=
     414 +```
     415 + 
     416 +```markdown
     417 +ext:asa | ext:bak intext:uid intext:pwd -"uid..pwd" database | server | dsn
     418 +ext:inc "pwd=" "UID="
     419 +ext:ini eudora.ini
     420 +ext:ini Version= password
     421 +ext:passwd -intext:the -sample -example
     422 +ext:txt inurl:unattend.txt
     423 +ext:yml database inurl:config
     424 +filetype:bak c reateobjec t sa
     425 +filetype:bak inurl:"htac c ess|passwd|shadow|htusers"
     426 +filetype:c fg mrtg "target
     427 +filetype:c fm "c fapplication name" password
     428 +filetype:c onf oekakibbs
     429 +filetype:c onf slapd.c onf
     430 +filetype:c onfig c onfig intext:appSettings "User ID"
     431 +filetype:dat "password.dat"
     432 +filetype:dat inurl:Sites.dat
     433 +filetype:dat wand.dat
     434 +filetype:inc dbc onn
     435 +filetype:inc intext:mysql_connec t
     436 +filetype:inc mysql_c onnec t OR mysql_pc onnec t
     437 +filetype:inf sysprep
     438 +filetype:ini inurl:"serv-u.ini"
     439 +filetype:ini inurl:flashFXP.ini
     440 +filetype:ini ServUDaemon
     441 +filetype:ini wc x_ftp
     442 +filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd
     443 +filetype:ldb admin
     444 +filetype:log "See `ipsec --copyright"
     445 +filetype:log inurl:"password.log"
     446 +filetype:mdb inurl:users.mdb
     447 +filetype:mdb wwforum
     448 +filetype:netrc password
     449 +filetype:pass pass intext:userid
     450 +filetype:pem intext:private
     451 +filetype:properties inurl:db intext:password
     452 +filetype:pwd servic e
     453 +filetype:pwl pwl
     454 +filetype:reg reg +intext:"defaultusername" +intext:"defaultpassword"
     455 +filetype:reg reg +intext:â? WINVNC3â?
     456 +filetype:reg reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER SSHHOSTKEYS
     457 +filetype:sql "insert into" (pass|passwd|password)
     458 +filetype:sql ("values * MD5" | "values * password" | "values * encrypt")
     459 +filetype:sql +"IDENTIFIED BY" -c vs
     460 +filetype:sql password
     461 +filetype:url +inurl:"ftp://" +inurl:";@"
     462 +filetype:xls username password email
     463 +htpasswd
     464 +htpasswd / htgroup
     465 +htpasswd / htpasswd.bak
     466 +intext:"enable password 7"
     467 +intext:"enable sec ret 5 $"
     468 +intext:"
     469 +EZGuestbook"
     470 +intext:"
     471 +Web Wiz Journal"
     472 +intitle:"index of" intext:c onnec
     473 +intitle:"index of"
     474 + 
     475 +intitle:"Index of" passwords modified
     476 +intitle:"Index of" sc _serv.conf sc _serv content
     477 +intitle:"phpinfo()" +"mysql.default_password" +"Zend s•ri•ting Language Engine"
     478 +intitle:dupic s inurl:(add.asp | default.asp | view.asp | voting.asp)
     479 +intitle:index.of administrators.pwd
     480 +intitle:Index.of etc shadow
     481 +intitle:index.of intext:"sec ring.skr"|"secring.pgp"|"secring.bak"
     482 +intitle:rapidshare intext:login
     483 +inurl:"c alendars•ri•t/users.txt"
     484 +inurl:"editor/list.asp" | inurl:"database_editor.asp" | inurl:"login.asa" "are set"
     485 +inurl:"GRC.DAT" intext:"password"
     486 +inurl:"Sites.dat"+"PASS="
     487 +inurl:"slapd.c onf" intext:"credentials" -manpage -"Manual Page" -man: -sample
     488 +inurl:"slapd.c onf" intext:"rootpw" -manpage -"Manual Page" -man: -sample
     489 +inurl:"wvdial.conf" intext:"password"
     490 +inurl:/db/main.mdb
     491 +inurl:/wwwboard
     492 +inurl:/yabb/Members/Admin.dat
     493 +inurl:cc bill filetype:log
     494 +inurl:cgi-bin inurl:c alendar.cfg
     495 +inurl:chap-secrets -cvs
     496 +inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
     497 +inurl:filezilla.xml -cvs
     498 +inurl:lilo.c onf filetype:conf password - tatercounter2000 -bootpwd -man
     499 +inurl:nuke filetype:sql
     500 +inurl:ospfd.c onf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download
     501 +inurl:pap-sec rets -cvs
     502 +inurl:pass.dat
     503 +inurl:perform filetype:ini
     504 +inurl:perform.ini filetype:ini
     505 +inurl:secring ext:skr | ext:pgp | ext:bak
     506 +inurl:server.c fg rc on password
     507 +inurl:ventrilo_srv.ini adminpassword
     508 +inurl:vtund.c onf intext:pass -c vs
     509 +inurl:zebra.c onf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download
     510 +LeapFTP intitle:"index.of./" sites.ini modified
     511 +master.passwd
     512 +mysql history files
     513 +NickServ registration passwords
     514 +passlist
     515 +passlist.txt (a better way)
     516 +passwd
     517 +passwd / etc (reliable)
     518 +people.lst
     519 +psyBNC config files
     520 +pwd.db
     521 +server-dbs "intitle:index of"
     522 +signin filetype:url
     523 +spwd.db / passwd
     524 +trillian.ini
     525 +wwwboard WebAdmin inurl:passwd.txt wwwboard|webadmin
     526 +[WFClient] Password= filetype:ic a
     527 +intitle:"remote assessment" OpenAanval Console
     528 "resistanc e is obsolete" "Report Bugs" "Username" "password"
     529 +"bp blog admin" intitle:login | intitle:admin
     530 +"Emergisoft web applications are a part of our"
     531 +"Establishing a sec ure Integrated Lights Out session with" OR intitle:"Data Frame - Browser
     532 +10/11/2008 All Google Hacking Keywords
     533 +… 3/16
     534 +not HTTP 1.1 compatible" OR intitle:"HP Integrated Lights-
     535 +"HostingAcc elerator" intitle:"login" +"Username" -"news" -demo
     536 +"iCONECT 4.1 :: Login"
     537 +"IMail Server Web Messaging" intitle:login
     538 +"inspanel" intitle:"login" -"cannot" "Login ID" -site:inspediumsoft.c om
     539 +"intitle:3300 Integrated Communic ations Platform" inurl:main.htm
     540 +"Login - Sun Cobalt RaQ"
     541 +"login prompt" inurl:GM.c gi
     542 +"Login to Usermin" inurl:20000
     543 +"Mic rosoft CRM : Unsupported Browser Version"
     544 +"OPENSRS Domain Management" inurl:manage.cgi
     545 +"pc ANYWHERE EXPRESS Java Client"
     546 +"Please authentic ate yourself to get ac cess to the management interface"
     547 +"please log in"
     548 +"Please login with admin pass" -"leak" -sourc eforge
     549 +"
     550 +CuteNews" "2003..2005 CutePHP"
     551 +"
     552 +DWMail" password intitle:dwmail
     553 +"
     554 +Merak Mail Server Software" -site:merakmailserver.c om
     555 +"
     556 +Midmart Messageboard" "Administrator Login"
     557 +"
     558 +Monster Top List" MTL numrange:200-
     559 +"
     560 +UebiMiau" -site:sourc
     561 +"site info for" "Enter Admin Password"
     562 +"SquirrelMail version" "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
     563 +"SysCP - login"
     564 +"This is a restricted Ac c ess Server" "Javas•ri•t Not Enabled!"|"Messenger Express" -edu -ac
     565 +"This sec tion is for Administrators only. If you are an administrator then please"
     566 +"ttawlogin.c gi/?action="
     567 +"VHCS Pro ver" -demo
     568 +"VNC Desktop" inurl:5800
     569 +"Web-Based Management" "Please input password to login" -inurl:johnny.ihac
     570 +"WebExplorer Server - Login" "Welc ome to WebExplorer Server"
     571 +"WebSTAR Mail - Please Log In"
     572 +"You have requested ac cess to a restric ted area of our website. Please authentic ate
     573 +yourself to c ontinue."
     574 +"You have requested to ac c ess the management func tions"
     575 +(intitle:"Please login - Forums
     576 +UBB.threads")|(inurl:login.php "ubb")
     577 +(intitle:"Please login - Forums
     578 +WWWThreads")|(inurl:"wwwthreads/login.php")|(inurl:"wwwthreads/")
     579 +(intitle:"rymo Login")|(intext:"Welcome to rymo") -family
     580 +(intitle:"WmSC e-Cart Administration")|(intitle:"WebMyStyle e-Cart Administration")
     581 +(inurl:"ars/c gi-bin/arweb?O=0" | inurl:arweb.jsp) -site:remedy.c om -site:mil
     582 +4images Administration Control Panel
     583 +allintitle:"Welc ome to the Cyclades"
     584 +allinurl:"exchange/logon.asp"
     585 +allinurl:wps/portal/ login
     586 +ASP.login_aspx "ASP.NET_SessionId"
     587 +CGI:IRC Login
     588 +ext:cgi intitle:"control panel" "enter your owner password to continue!"
     589 +ez Publish administration
     590 +filetype:php inurl:"webeditor.php"
     591 +filetype:pl "Download: SuSE Linux Openexchange Server CA"
     592 +filetype:r2w r2w
     593 +intext:""BiTBOARD v2.0" BiTSHiFTERS Bulletin Board"
     594 +intext:"Fill out the form below c ompletely to change your password and user name. If new
     595 +username is left blank, your old one will be assumed." -edu
     596 +intext:"Mail admins login here to administrate your domain."
     597 +intext:"Master Acc ount" "Domain Name" "Password" inurl:/c gi-bin/qmailadmin
     598 +intext:"Master Acc ount" "Domain Name" "Password" inurl:/c gi-bin/qmailadmin
     599 +intext:"Storage Management Server for" intitle:"Server Administration"
     600 +intext:"Welc ome to" inurl:"c p" intitle:"H-SPHERE" inurl:"begin.html" -Fee
     601 +intext:"vbulletin" inurl:adminc p
     602 +intitle:"*- HP WBEM Login" | "You are being prompted to provide login ac count information
     603 +for *" | "Please provide the information requested and press
     604 +intitle:"Admin Login" "admin login" "blogware"
     605 +intitle:"Admin login" "Web Site Administration" "Copyright"
     606 +intitle:"AlternC Desktop"
     607 +intitle:"Athens Authentic ation Point"
     608 +intitle:"b2evo > Login form" "Login form. You must log in! You will have to ac cept c ookies in
     609 +order to log in" -demo
     610 +intitle:"Cisc o CallManager User Options Log On" "Please enter your User ID and Password in
     611 +the spac es provided below and c lick the Log On button to c o
     612 +intitle:"ColdFusion Administrator Login"
     613 +intitle:"communigate pro * *" intitle:"entranc e"
     614 +intitle:"Content Management System" "user name"|"password"|"admin" "Mic rosoft IE 5.5" -
     615 +mambo
     616 +intitle:"Content Management System" "user name"|"password"|"admin" "Mic rosoft IE 5.5" -
     617 +mambo
     618 +intitle:"Dell Remote Ac cess Controller"
     619 +intitle:"Doc utek ERes - Admin Login" -edu
     620 +intitle:"Employee Intranet Login"
     621 +intitle:"eMule *" intitle:"- Web Control Panel" intext:"Web Control Panel" "Enter your
     622 +password here."
     623 +intitle:"ePowerSwitch Login"
     624 +intitle:"eXist Database Administration" -demo
     625 +intitle:"EXTRANET * - Identific ation"
     626 +intitle:"EXTRANET login"
     627 +intitle:"EZPartner" -netpond
     628 +intitle:"Flash Operator Panel" -ext:php -wiki -c ms -inurl:asternic -inurl:sip -intitle:ANNOUNCE
     629 +-inurl:lists
     630 +intitle:"i-sec ure v1.1" -edu
     631 +intitle:"Ic ecast Administration Admin Page"
     632 +intitle:"iDevAffiliate - admin" -demo
     633 +intitle:"ISPMan : Unauthorized Acc ess prohibited"
     634 +intitle:"ITS System Information" "Please log on to the SAP System"
     635 +intitle:"Kurant Corporation StoreSense" filetype:bok
     636 +intitle:"ListMail Login" admin -demo
     637 +intitle:"Login -
     638 +Easy File Sharing Web Server"
     639 +intitle:"Login Forum
     640 +AnyBoard" intitle:"If you are a new user:" intext:"Forum
     641 +AnyBoard" inurl:goc hat -edu
     642 +intitle:"Login to @Mail" (ext:pl | inurl:"index") -dwaffleman
     643 +intitle:"Login to Cacti"
     644 +intitle:"Login to the forums -" inurl:login.cfm?id=
     645 +intitle:"MailMan Login"
     646 +intitle:"Member Login" "NOTE: Your browser must have cookies enabled in order to log into
     647 +the site." ext:php OR ext:cgi
     648 + 
     649 +intitle:"Merak Mail Server Web Administration"
     650 +intitle:"mic rosoft certific ate servic es" inurl:c ertsrv
     651 +intitle:"MikroTik RouterOS Managing Webpage"
     652 +intitle:"MX Control Console" "If you c an't remember"
     653 +intitle:"Novell Web Services" "GroupWise" -inurl:"doc /11924" -filetype:pdf
     654 +intitle:"Novell Web Services" intext:"Selec t a servic e and a language."
     655 +intitle:"oMail-admin Administration - Login" -inurl:omnis.c h
     656 +intitle:"OnLine Rec ruitment Program - Login"
     657 +intitle:"Philex 0.2*" -s•ri•t
     658 +intitle:"PHP Advanc ed Transfer" inurl:"login.php"
     659 +intitle:"php ic alendar administration" -site:sourc
     660 +intitle:"php ic alendar administration" -site:sourc
     661 +intitle:"phpPgAdmin - Login" Language
     662 +intitle:"PHProjekt - login" login password
     663 +intitle:"please login" "your password is *"
     664 +intitle:"Remote Desktop Web Connec tion" inurl:tsweb
     665 +intitle:"SFXAdmin - sfx_global" | intitle:"SFXAdmin - sfx_loc al" | intitle:"SFXAdmin - sfx_test"
     666 +intitle:"SHOUTc ast Administrator" inurl:admin.c gi
     667 +intitle:"site administration: please log in" "site designed by emarketsouth"
     668 +intitle:"Supero Doc tor III" -inurl:supermic ro
     669 +intitle:"SuSE Linux Openexchange Server" "Please ac tivate Javas•ri•t!"
     670 +intitle:"teamspeak server-administration
     671 +intitle:"Tomc at Server Administration"
     672 +intitle:"TOPdesk ApplicationServer"
     673 +intitle:"TUTOS Login"
     674 +intitle:"TWIG Login"
     675 +intitle:"vhost" intext:"vHost . 2000-2004"
     676 +intitle:"Virtual Server Administration System"
     677 +intitle:"VisNetic WebMail" inurl:"/mail/"
     678 +intitle:"VitalQIP IP Management System"
     679 +intitle:"VMware Management Interfac e:" inurl:"vmware/en/"
     680 +intitle:"VNC viewer for Java"
     681 +intitle:"web-c yradm"|"by Luc de Louw" "This is only for authorized users" -tar.gz -site:web-
     683 +intitle:"WebLogic Server" intitle:"Console Login" inurl:c onsole
     684 +intitle:"Welcome Site/User Administrator" "Please selec t the language" -demos
     685 +intitle:"Welcome to Mailtraq WebMail"
     686 +intitle:"welc ome to netware *" -site:novell.c om
     687 +intitle:"WorldClient" intext:"? (2003|2004) Alt-N Tec hnologies."
     688 +intitle:"xams 0.0.0..15 - Login"
     689 +intitle:"XcAuc tionLite" | "DRIVEN BY XCENT" Lite inurl:admin
     690 +intitle:"XMail Web Administration Interface" intext:Login intext:password
     691 +intitle:"Zope Help System" inurl:HelpSys
     692 +intitle:"ZyXEL Prestige Router" "Enter password"
     693 +intitle:"inc . vpn 3000 c onc entrator"
     694 +intitle:("Trac kerCam Live Video")|("TrackerCam Applic ation Login")|("Trac kerc am Remote") -
     695 +trac kerc am.c om
     696 web-acc ess
     697 +intitle:endymion.sak? | inurl:sake.servlet
     698 +intitle:Group-Office "Enter your username and password to login"
     699 +intitle:ilohamail "
     700 +IlohaMail"
     701 +intitle:ilohamail intext:"Version 0.8.10" "
     702 +IlohaMail"
     703 +intitle:IMP inurl:imp/index.php3
     704 +intitle:Login * Webmailer
     705 +intitle:Login intext:"RT is ? Copyright"
     706 +```
     707 + 
     708 +<pre class="language-markdown"><code class="lang-markdown">intitle:Node.List Win32.Version.3.11
     709 +intitle:Novell intitle:WebAcc ess "Copyright *-* Novell, Inc "
     710 +intitle:open-xc hange
     711 +intitle:Ovislink inurl:private/login
     712 +intitle:phpnews.login
     713 +intitle:plesk inurl:login.php3
     714 +inurl:"/admin/c onfiguration. php?" Mystore
     715 +inurl:"/slxweb.dll/external?name=(c ustportal|webticketc ust)"
     716 +inurl:"1220/parse_xml.c gi?"
     717 +inurl:"631/admin" (inurl:"op=*") | (intitle:CUPS)
     718 +inurl:":10000" intext:webmin
     719 +inurl:"Ac tivex/default.htm" "Demo"
     720 +inurl:"c alendar.asp?ac tion=login"
     721 +inurl:"default/login.php" intitle:"kerio"
     722 +inurl:"gs/adminlogin.aspx"
     723 +inurl:"php121login.php"
     724 +inurl:"suse/"
     725 +inurl:"typo3/index.php?u=" -demo
     726 +inurl:"usysinfo?login=true"
     727 +inurl:"utilities/TreeView.asp"
     728 +inurl:"vsadmin/login" | inurl:"vsadmin/admin" inurl:.php| .asp
     729 +Code:
     730 +nurl:/admin/login.asp
     731 +inurl:/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?noframes=1
     732 +inurl:/Citrix/Nfuse17/
     733 +inurl:/dana-na/auth/welc ome.html
     734 +inurl:/eprise/
     735 +inurl:/Merchant2/ | inurl:/Merc hant2/admin.mvc | intitle:"Miva Merc hant
     736 +Administration Login" -inurl:c
     737 +inurl:/modcp/ intext:Moderator+vBulletin
     738 +inurl:/SUSAdmin intitle:"Mic rosoft Software upd•t• Servic es"
     739 +inurl:/webedit.* intext:WebEdit Professional -html
     740 +inurl:1810 "Orac le Enterprise Manager"
     741 +inurl:2000 intitle:RemotelyAnywhere -site:realvnc .com
     742 +inurl::2082/frontend -demo
     743 +inurl:administrator "welc ome to mambo"
     744 +inurl:bin.welc | inurl:bin.welc ome.bat | intitle:eHealth.5.0
     745 +inurl:cgi-bin/ultimatebb.c gi?ubb=login
     746 +inurl:Citrix/MetaFrame/default/default.aspx
     747 +inurl:confixx inurl:login|anmeldung
     748 +inurl:coranto.c gi intitle:Login (Authorized Users Only)
     749 +inurl:csCreatePro.c gi
     750 +inurl:default.asp intitle:"WebCommander"
     751 +inurl:exchweb/bin/auth/owalogon.asp
     753 +inurl:ids5web
     754 +inurl:irc filetype:c gi c gi:irc
     755 +inurl:login filetype:swf swf
     756 +inurl:login.asp
     757 +inurl:login.c fm
     758 +inurl:login.php "SquirrelMail version"
     759 +inurl:metaframexp/default/login.asp | intitle:"Metaframe XP Login"
     760 +<strong>
     761 +</strong>inurl:mewebmail
     762 +inurl:names.nsf?opendatabase
     763 +inurl:oc w_login_username
     764 +inurl:orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login
     765 +inurl:postfixadmin intitle:"postfix admin" ext:php
     766 +inurl:searc h/admin.php
     767 +inurl:textpattern/index.php
     768 +inurl:WCP_USER
     769 +inurl:webmail./ "Interface"
     770 +inurl:webvpn.html "login" "Please enter your"
     771 +Login ("
     772 +Jetbox One CMS â?¢" | "
     773 +Jetstream ? *")
     774 +Novell NetWare intext:"netware management portal version"
     775 +Outlook Web Ac c ess (a better way)
     776 +PhotoPost PHP Upload
     777 +PHPhotoalbum Statistic s
     778 +PHPhotoalbum Upload
     779 +phpWebMail
     780 +Please enter a valid password! inurl:polladmin
     781 +INDEXU
     782 +Ultima Online loginservers
     783 +W-Nailer Upload Area
     784 +intitle:"Doc uShare" inurl:"docushare/dsweb/" -faq -gov -edu
     785 +"#mysql dump" filetype:sql
     786 +"#mysql dump" filetype:sql 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
     787 +"allow_call_time_pass_referenc e" "PATH_INFO"
     788 +"Certific ate Prac tice Statement" inurl:(PDF | DOC)
     789 +"Generated by phpSystem"
     790 +"generated by wwwstat"
     791 +"Host Vulnerability Summary Report"
     792 +"HTTP_FROM=googlebot" googlebot.c om "Server_Software="
     793 +"Index of" / "c hat/logs"
     794 +"Installed Objects Sc anner" inurl:default.asp
     795 +"MacHTTP" filetype:log inurl:mac http.log
     796 +"Mecury Version" "Infastruc ture Group"
     797 +"Mic rosoft (R) Windows * (TM) Version * DrWtsn32 Copyright (C)" ext:log
     798 +"Most Submitted Forms and s•ri•ts" "this sec tion"
     799 +"Network Vulnerability Assessment Report"
     800 +"not for distribution" confidential
     801 +"not for public release"
     802 +"phone * * *" "address *" "e-mail" intitle:"c urriculum vitae"
     803 +"phpMyAdmin" "running on" inurl:"main.php"
     804 +"produced by getstats"
     805 +"Request Details" "Control Tree" "Server Variables"
     806 +"robots.txt" "Disallow:" filetype:txt
     807 +"Running in Child mode"
     808 +"sets mode: +p"
     809 +"sets mode: +s"
     810 +"Thank you for your order" +rec eipt
     811 +"This is a Shareaza Node"
     812 +"This report was generated by WebLog"
     813 +( filetype:mail | filetype:eml | filetype:mbox | filetype:mbx ) intext:password|subject
     814 +(intitle:"PRTG Traffic Grapher" inurl:"allsensors")|(intitle:"PRTG Traffic Grapher - Monitoring
     815 +Results")
     816 +(intitle:WebStatistica inurl:main.php) | (intitle:"WebSTATISTICA server") -inurl:statsoft -
     817 + 
     818 +inurl:statsoftsa -inurl:statsoftinc.c om -edu -software -rob
     819 +(inurl:"robot.txt" | inurl:"robots.txt" ) intext:disallow filetype:txt
     820 ++":8080" +":3128" +":80" filetype:txt
     821 ++"HSTSNR" -""
     822 -"The PHP Group" inurl:sourc e inurl:url ext:pHp
     824 +AIM buddy lists
     825 +allinurl:/examples/jsp/snp/snoop.jsp
     826 +allinurl:c dkey.txt
     827 +allinurl:servlet/SnoopServlet
     828 +cgiirc.c onf
     829 +cgiirc.c onf
     830 +contac ts ext:wml
     831 +data filetype:mdb -site:gov -site:mil
     832 +exported email addresses
     833 +ext:(doc | pdf | xls | txt | ps | rtf | odt | sxw | psw | ppt | pps | xml) (intext:c onfidential
     834 +salary | intext:"budget approved") inurl:c onfidential
     835 +ext:asp inurl:pathto.asp
     836 +ext:cc m c c m -catac omb
     837 +ext:CDX CDX
     838 +ext:cgi inurl:editc gi.c gi inurl:file=
     839 +ext:conf inurl:rsync d.c onf -cvs -man
     840 +ext:conf NoCatAuth -cvs
     841 +ext:dat bpk.dat
     842 +ext:gho gho
     843 +ext:ics ic s
     844 +ext:ini intext:env.ini
     845 +ext:jbf jbf
     846 +ext:ldif ldif
     847 +ext:log "Software: Microsoft Internet Information Servic es *.*"
     848 +ext:mdb inurl:*.mdb inurl:fpdb shop.mdb
     849 +ext:nsf nsf -gov -mil
     850 +ext:plist filetype:plist inurl:bookmarks.plist
     851 +ext:pqi pqi -database
     852 +ext:reg "username=*" putty
     853 +ext:txt "Final enc ryption key"
     854 +ext:txt inurl:dxdiag
     855 +ext:vmdk vmdk
     856 +ext:vmx vmx
     857 +filetype:asp DBQ=" * Server.MapPath("*.mdb")
     858 +filetype:bkf bkf
     859 +filetype:blt "buddylist"
     860 +filetype:blt blt +intext:screenname
     861 +filetype:c fg auto_inst.c fg
     862 +filetype:c nf inurl:_vti_pvt ac c ess.cnf
     863 +filetype:c onf inurl:firewall -intitle:c vs
     864 +filetype:c onfig web.config -CVS
     865 +filetype:c tt Contac t
     866 +filetype:c tt ctt messenger
     867 +filetype:eml eml +intext:"Subject" +intext:"From" +intext:"To"
     868 +filetype:fp3 fp3
     869 +filetype:fp5 fp5 -site:gov -site:mil -"c vs log"
     870 +filetype:fp7 fp7
     871 +filetype:inf inurl:c apolicy.inf
     872 +filetype:lic lic intext:key
     873 +filetype:log acc ess.log -CVS
     874 +filetype:log c ron.log
     875 +10/11/2008 All Google Hacking Keywords
     876 +… 9/16
     877 +filetype:mbx mbx intext:Subject
     878 +filetype:myd myd -CVS
     879 +filetype:ns1 ns1
     880 +filetype:ora ora
     881 +filetype:ora tnsnames
     882 +filetype:pdb pdb backup (Pilot | Pluc kerdb)
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     884 +filetype:pot inurl:john.pot
     885 +filetype:PS ps
     886 +filetype:pst inurl:"outlook.pst"
     887 +filetype:pst pst -from -to -date
     888 +filetype:qbb qbb
     889 +filetype:QBW qbw
     890 +filetype:rdp rdp
     891 +filetype:reg "Terminal Server Client"
     892 +filetype:vcs vc s
     893 +filetype:wab wab
     894 +filetype:xls -site:gov inurl:c ontac t
     895 +filetype:xls inurl:"email.xls"
     896 +Financ ial spreadsheets: financ e.xls
     897 +Financ ial spreadsheets: financ es.xls
     898 +Ganglia Cluster Reports
     899 +haccess.c tl (one way)
     900 +haccess.c tl (VERY reliable)
     901 +ICQ c hat logs, please...
     902 +intext:"Session Start * * * *:*:* *" filetype:log
     903 +intext:"Tobias Oetiker" "traffic analysis"
     904 +intext:(password | passcode) intext:(username | userid | user) filetype:c sv
     905 +intext:gmail invite intext: om/gmail/a
     906 +intext:SQLiteManager inurl:main.php
     907 +intext:ViewCVS inurl:Settings.php
     908 +intitle:"admin panel" +"
     909 +RedKernel"
     910 +intitle:"Apac he::Status" (inurl:server-status | inurl:status.html | inurl:apac he.html)
     911 +intitle:"AppServ Open Project" -site:www.appservnetwork.c om
     912 +intitle:"ASP Stats Generator *.*" "ASP Stats Generator" "2003-2004 weppos"
     913 +intitle:"Big Sister" +"OK Attention Trouble"
     914 +intitle:"curric ulum vitae" filetype:doc
     915 +intitle:"edna:streaming mp3 server" -forums
     916 +intitle:"FTP root at"
     917 +intitle:"index of" +myd size
     918 +intitle:"Index Of" -inurl:maillog maillog size
     919 +intitle:"Index Of" cookies.txt size
     920 +intitle:"index of" mysql.c onf OR mysql_c onfig
     921 +intitle:"Index of" upload size parent directory
     922 +intitle:"index.of *" admin news.asp configview.asp
     923 +intitle:"index.of" .diz .nfo last modified
     924 +intitle:"Joomla - Web Installer"
     925 +intitle:"LOGREP - Log file reporting system"
     926 +intitle:"Multimon UPS status page"
     927 +intitle:"PHP Advanc ed Transfer" (inurl:index.php | inurl:showrec ent.php )
     928 +intitle:"PhpMyExplorer" inurl:"index.php" -cvs
     929 +intitle:"statistic s of" "advanc ed web statistic s"
     930 +intitle:"System Statistics" +"System and Network Information Center"
     931 +intitle:"urc hin (5|3|admin)" ext:cgi
     932 +intitle:"Usage Statistics for" "Generated by Webalizer"
     933 +intitle:"wbem" compaq login "Compaq Information Tec hnologies Group"
     934 +</code></pre>
     935 + 
     936 +```markdown
     937 +intitle:"Web Server Statistic s for ****"
     938 +intitle:"web server status" SSH Telnet
     939 +intitle:"Welcome to F-Sec ure Policy Manager Server Welc ome Page"
     940 +intitle:"welc"
     941 +intitle:admin intitle:login
     942 +intitle:Bookmarks inurl:bookmarks.html "Bookmarks
     943 +intitle:index.of "Apac he" "server at"
     944 +intitle:index.of c leanup.log
     945 +intitle:index.of dead.letter
     946 +intitle:index.of inbox
     947 +intitle:index.of inbox dbx
     948 +intitle:index.of ws_ftp.ini
     949 +intitle:intranet inurl:intranet +intext:"phone"
     950 +inurl:"/axs/" -s•ri•t
     951 +inurl:"/c ricket/grapher.cgi"
     952 +inurl:"bookmark.htm"
     953 +inurl:"c acti" +inurl:"graph_view.php" +"Settings Tree View" -cvs -RPM
     954 +inurl:"newsletter/admin/"
     955 +inurl:"newsletter/admin/" intitle:"newsletter admin"
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     960 +inurl:/_layouts/settings
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     962 +inurl:admin intitle:login
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     964 +inurl:build.err
     965 +inurl:cgi-bin/printenv
     966 +inurl:cgi-bin/testcgi.exe "Please distribute TestCGI"
     967 +inurl:changepassword.asp
     969 +inurl:email filetype:mdb
     970 +inurl:fc gi-bin/ec ho
     971 +inurl:forum filetype:mdb
     972 +inurl:forward filetype:forward -c vs
     973 +inurl:getmsg.html intitle:hotmail
     974 +inurl:log.nsf -gov
     975 +inurl:main.php phpMyAdmin
     976 +inurl:main.php Welc ome to phpMyAdmin
     977 +inurl:netsc ape.hst
     978 +inurl:netsc ape.hst
     979 +inurl:netsc ape.ini
     980 +inurl:odbc.ini ext:ini -c vs
     981 +inurl:perl/printenv
     982 +inurl:php.ini filetype:ini
     983 +inurl:preferenc es.ini "[emule]"
     984 +inurl:profiles filetype:mdb
     985 +inurl:report "EVEREST Home Edition "
     986 +inurl:server-info "Apac he Server Information"
     987 +inurl:server-status "apac he"
     988 +inurl:snitz_forums_2000.mdb
     989 +inurl:ssl.c onf filetype:conf
     990 +inurl:tdbin
     991 +inurl:vbstats.php "page generated"
     992 +inurl:wp-mail.php + "There doesn't seem to be any new mail."
     993 +inurl:XcCDONTS.asp
     994 + 
     995 +ipsec .conf
     996 +ipsec .secrets
     997 +ipsec .secrets
     998 +Lotus Domino address books
     999 +mail filetype:c sv -site:gov intext:name
     1000 +Mic rosoft Money Data Files
     1001 +mt-db-pass.c gi files
     1002 +MySQL tabledata dumps
     1003 +mystuff.xml - Trillian data files
     1004 +OWA Public Folders (direct view)
     1005 +Peoples MSN c ontac t lists
     1006 +php-addressbook "This is the addressbook for *" -warning
     1007 +phpinfo()
     1008 +phpMyAdmin dumps
     1009 +phpMyAdmin dumps
     1010 +private key files (.c sr)
     1011 +private key files (.key)
     1012 +Quicken data files
     1013 +rdbqds
     1014 +robots.txt
     1015 +site:edu admin grades
     1016 +site:www.mailinator.c om
     1017 +SQL data dumps
     1018 +Squid c ache server reports
     1019 +Unreal IRCd
     1020 +WebLog Referrers
     1021 +Welcome to ntop!
     1022 +Fic hier contenant des informations sur le r?seau :
     1023 +filetype:log intext:"Connec tionManager2"
     1024 +"apric ot - admin" 00h
     1025 +"by Reimar Hoven. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer" | inurl:"log/logdb.dta"
     1026 +"Network Host Assessment Report" "Internet Sc anner"
     1027 +"Output produced by SysWatc h *"
     1028 +"Phorum Admin" "Database Connec tion" inurl:forum inurl:admin
     1029 +"phpOpenTrac ker" Statistic
     1030 +"powered | performed by Beyond Security's Automated Sc anning" -kazaa -example
     1031 +"Shadow Sec urity Sc anner performed a vulnerability assessment"
     1032 +"SnortSnarf alert page"
     1033 +"The following report c ontains c onfidential information" vulnerability -search
     1034 +"The statistics were last upd•t•d" "Daily"-mic
     1035 +"this proxy is working fine!" "enter *" "URL***" * visit
     1036 +"This report lists" "identified by Internet Sc anner"
     1037 +"Traffic Analysis for" "RMON Port * on unit *"
     1038 +"Version Info" "Boot Version" "Internet Settings"
     1039 +((inurl:ifgraph "Page generated at") OR ("This page was built using ifgraph"))
     1040 +Analysis Console for Incident Databases
     1041 +ext:cfg radius.c fg
     1042 +ext:cgi intext:"nrg-" " This web page was c reated on "
     1043 +filetype:pdf "Assessment Report" nessus
     1044 +filetype:php inurl:ipinfo.php "Distributed Intrusion Detec tion System"
     1045 +filetype:php inurl:nqt intext:"Network Query Tool"
     1046 +filetype:vsd vsd network -samples -examples
     1047 +intext:"Welc ome to the Web V.Networks" intitle:"V.Networks [Top]" -filetype:htm
     1048 +10/11/2008 All Google Hacking Keywords
     1049 +… 12/16
     1050 +intitle:"ADSL Configuration page"
     1051 +intitle:"Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client Trac ker"
     1052 +intitle:"Belarc Advisor Current Profile" intext:"Clic k here for Belarc's PC Management
     1053 +produc ts, for large and small c ompanies."
     1054 +intitle:"BNBT Trac ker Info"
     1055 +intitle:"Mic rosoft Site Server Analysis"
     1056 +intitle:"Nessus Scan Report" "This file was generated by Nessus"
     1057 +intitle:"PHPBTTrac ker Statistic s" | intitle:"PHPBT Trac ker Statistic s"
     1058 +intitle:"Retina Report" "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION"
     1059 +intitle:"start.managing.the.devic e" remote pbx ac c
     1060 +intitle:"sysinfo * " intext:"Generated by Sysinfo * written by The Gamblers."
     1061 +intitle:"twiki" inurl:"TWikiUsers"
     1062 +inurl:"/c atalog.nsf" intitle:catalog
     1063 +inurl:"install/install.php"
     1064 +inurl:"map.asp?" intitle:"WhatsUp Gold"
     1065 +inurl:"NmConsole/Login.asp" | intitle:"Login - Ipswitch WhatsUp Professional 2005" |
     1066 +intext:"Ipswitch WhatsUp Professional 2005 (SP1)" "Ipswitch, Inc"
     1067 +inurl:"sitescope.html" intitle:"sitesc ope" intext:"refresh" -demo
     1068 +inurl:/adm-cfgedit.php
     1069 +inurl:/cgi-bin/finger? "In real life"
     1070 +inurl:/cgi-bin/finger? Enter (ac count|host|user|username)
     1071 +inurl:/counter/index.php intitle:"+PHPCounter 7.*"
     1072 +inurl:CrazyWWWBoard.c gi intext:"detailed debugging information"
     1073 +inurl:login.jsp.bak
     1074 +inurl:ovc gi/jovw
     1075 +inurl:phpSysInfo/ "created by phpsysinfo"
     1076 +inurl:portsc an.php "from Port"|"Port Range"
     1077 +inurl:proxy | inurl:wpad ext:pac | ext:dat findproxyforurl
     1078 +inurl:statrep.nsf -gov
     1079 +inurl:status.c gi?host=all
     1080 +inurl:testcgi xitami
     1081 +inurl:webalizer filetype:png -opendarwin
     1083 +Looking Glass
     1084 +site:netc raft.c om intitle:That.Site.Running Apache
     1085 +"A syntax error has oc c urred" filetype:ihtml
     1086 +"access denied for user" "using password"
     1087 +"An illegal c haracter has been found in the statement" -"previous message"
     1088 +"ASP.NET_SessionId" "data sourc e="
     1089 +"Can't c onnect to loc al" intitle:warning
     1090 +"Chatologica MetaSearch" "stac k trac king"
     1091 +"detec ted an internal error [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]"
     1092 +"error found handling the request" c oc oon filetype:xml
     1093 +"Fatal error: Call to undefined function" -reply -the -next
     1094 +"Incorrect syntax near"
     1095 +"Incorrect syntax near"
     1096 +"Internal Server Error" "server at"
     1097 +"Invision Power Board Database Error"
     1098 +"ORA-00933: SQL c ommand not properly ended"
     1099 +"ORA-12541: TNS:no listener" intitle:"error occurred"
     1100 +"Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE" "on line" filetype:php
     1101 +"PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: parser: parse error"
     1102 +"Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resourc e"
     1103 +"Syntax error in query expression " -the
     1104 +"The s•ri•t whose uid is " "is not allowed to ac cess"
     1105 +"There seems to have been a problem with the" " Please try again by c licking the Refresh
     1106 +button in your web browser."
     1107 + 
     1108 +"Unable to jump to row" "on MySQL result index" "on line"
     1109 +"Unc losed quotation mark before the c harac ter string"
     1110 +"Warning: Bad arguments to (join|implode) () in" "on line" -help -forum
     1111 +"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent"
     1112 +"Warning: Division by zero in" "on line" -forum
     1113 +"Warning: mysql_connec t(): Ac c ess denied for user: '*@*" "on line" -help -forum
     1114 +"Warning: mysql_query()" "invalid query"
     1115 +"Warning: pg_connec t(): Unable to c onnec t to PostgreSQL server: FATAL"
     1116 +"Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in"
     1117 +"Warning:" "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed" "on line"
     1118 +"Warning:" "SAFE MODE Restriction in effect." "The s•ri•t whose uid is" "is not allowed to
     1119 +ac c ess owned by uid 0 in" "on line"
     1120 +"SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Inc orrec t syntax near"
     1121 +An unexpected token "END-OF-STATEMENT" was found
     1122 +Coldfusion Error Pages
     1123 +filetype:asp + "[ODBC SQL"
     1124 +filetype:asp "Custom Error Message" Category Sourc e
     1125 +filetype:log "PHP Parse error" | "PHP Warning" | "PHP Error"
     1126 +filetype:php inurl:"logging.php" "Discuz" error
     1127 +ht://Dig htsearch error
     1128 +IIS 4.0 error messages
     1129 +IIS web server error messages
     1130 +Internal Server Error
     1131 +intext:"Error Message : Error loading required libraries."
     1132 +intext:"Warning: Failed opening" "on line" "include_path"
     1133 +intitle:"Apac he Tomc at" "Error Report"
     1134 +intitle:"Default PLESK Page"
     1135 +intitle:"Error Oc curred While Processing Request" +WHERE (SELECT|INSERT) filetype:cfm
     1136 +intitle:"Error Oc curred" "The error occ urred in" filetype:c fm
     1137 +intitle:"Error using Hypernews" "Server Software"
     1138 +intitle:"Exec ution of this s•ri•t not permitted"
     1139 +intitle:"Under c onstruction" "does not currently have"
     1140 +intitle:Configuration.File inurl:softc art.exe
     1141 +MYSQL error message: supplied argument....
     1142 +mysql error with query
     1143 +Netscape Applic ation Server Error page
     1144 +ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL c ommand
     1145 +ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL c ommand
     1146 +ORA-00936: missing expression
     1147 +PHP application warnings failing "include_path"
     1148 +sitebuilderc ontent
     1149 +sitebuilderfiles
     1150 +sitebuilderpictures
     1151 +Snitz! forums db path error
     1152 +SQL syntax error
     1153 +Supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
     1154 +warning "error on line" php sablotron
     1155 +Windows 2000 web server error messages
     1156 +"ftp://" ""
     1157 +"html allowed" guestbook
     1158 +"
     1159 +: vBulletin Version 1.1.5"
     1160 +"Select a database to view" intitle:"filemaker pro"
     1161 +"set up the administrator user" inurl:pivot
     1162 +"There are no Administrators Ac c ounts" inurl:admin.php -mysql_fetc h_row
     1163 +"Welc ome to Administration" "General" "Loc al Domains" "SMTP Authentic ation" inurl:admin
     1164 +"Welc ome to Intranet"
     1165 +10/11/2008 All Google Hacking Keywords
     1166 +… 14/16
     1167 +"Welc ome to PHP-Nuke" congratulations
     1168 +"Welc ome to the Prestige Web-Based Configurator"
     1169 +"YaBB SE Dev Team"
     1170 +"you c an now password" | "this is a special page only seen by you. your profile visitors"
     1171 +inurl:imc haos
     1172 +("Indexed.By"|"Monitored.By") hAc xFtpSc an
     1173 +(inurl:/shop.cgi/page=) | (inurl:/
     1174 +allinurl:"index.php" "site=sglinks"
     1175 +allinurl:install/install.php
     1176 +allinurl:intranet admin
     1177 +filetype:c gi inurl:"fileman.cgi"
     1178 +filetype:c gi inurl:"Web_Store.cgi"
     1179 +filetype:php inurl:vAuthentic ate
     1180 +filetype:pl intitle:"Ultraboard Setup"
     1181 +Gallery in c onfiguration mode
     1182 +Hassan Consulting's Shopping Cart Version 1.18
     1183 +intext:"Warning: * am able * write ** configuration file" "inc ludes/c onfigure.php" -
     1184 +intitle:"Gateway Configuration Menu"
     1185 +intitle:"Horde :: My Portal" -"[Tickets"
     1186 +intitle:"Mail Server CMailServer Webmail" "5.2"
     1187 +intitle:"MvBlog powered"
     1188 +intitle:"Remote Desktop Web Connec tion"
     1189 +intitle:"Samba Web Administration Tool" intext:"Help Workgroup"
     1190 +intitle:"Terminal Services Web Connec tion"
     1191 +intitle:"Uploader - Uploader v6" -pixloads.c om
     1192 +intitle:osCommerc e inurl:admin intext:"redistributable under the GNU" intext:"Online Catalog"
     1193 +-demo
     1194 +intitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin ***" "running on * as root@*"
     1195 +intitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin ***" "running on * as root@*"
     1196 +inurl:"/NSearc h/AdminServlet"
     1197 +inurl:"index.php? module=ew_filemanager"
     1198 +inurl:aol*/_do/rss_popup?blogID=
     1199 .php
     1200 .php
     1201 +inurl:ManyServers.htm
     1202 +inurl:newsdesk.cgi? inurl:"t="
     1203 +inurl:pls/admin_/gateway.htm
     1204 +inurl:rpSys.html
     1205 +inurl:searc h.php vbulletin
     1206 +inurl:servlet/webac c
     1207 +natterc hat inurl:home.asp -site:natterchat.c
     1208 +XOOPS Custom Installation
     1209 +inurl:htpasswd filetype:htpasswd
     1210 +inurl:yapboz_detay.asp
     1211 ++ View Webcam User Accessing
     1212 +allinurl:control/multiview
     1213 +inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode="
     1214 +intitle:"WJ-NT104 Main Page"
     1215 +inurl:netw_tcp.shtml
     1216 +intitle:"supervisioncam protocol"
     1217 +```
     1218 + 
     1219 +Thanks and let me know if you guys find any new operators.
     1220 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Books and References
     2 + 
     3 +{% embed url="" %}
     4 + 
     5 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Github Dorks
     2 + 
     3 +```
     4 +Few top Github dorks for hacking!
     5 +access_key
     6 +access-token
     7 +access_token
     8 +accesstoken
     9 +access_token_secret
     10 +admin
     11 +admin_pass
     12 +admin_user
     13 +algolia_admin_key
     14 +algolia_api_key
     15 +alias_pass
     16 +alicloud_access_key
     17 +amazonaws
     18 +amazon_secret_access_key
     19 +ansible_vault_password
     20 +aos_key
     21 +apidocs
     22 +api.googlemaps AIza
     23 +api.googlemaps+AIza
     24 +api-key
     25 +api_key
     26 +apikey
     27 +api_key_secret
     28 +api_key_sid
     29 +api_secret
     30 +apiSecret
     31 +api_secret_key
     32 +api_token
     33 +app_debug
     34 +app_id
     35 +app_key
     36 +appkey
     37 +appkeysecret
     38 +application_key
     39 +app_log_level
     40 +app_secret
     41 +appsecret
     42 +appspot
     43 +auth
     44 +authentication
     45 +authkey
     46 +authorization
     47 +authorization_bearer:
     48 +authorization_key
     49 +authorization_token
     50 +authorizationToken
     51 +authsecret
     52 +auth_token
     53 +authtoken
     54 +aws_access
     55 +aws_access_key_id
     56 +aws_bucket
     57 +aws_key
     58 +aws_secret
     59 +aws_secret_access_key
     60 +aws_secret_key
     61 +AWSSecretKey
     62 +aws_token
     63 +b2_app_key
     64 +bashrc password
     65 +bashrc+password
     66 +bearer
     67 +bintray_apikey
     68 +bintray_gpg_password
     69 +bintray_key
     70 +bintraykey
     71 +bluemix_api_key
     72 +bluemix_pass
     73 +bot_access_token
     74 +browserstack_access_key
     75 +bucket
     76 +bucketeer_aws_access_key_id
     77 +bucketeer_aws_secret_access_key
     78 +bucket_password
     79 +built_branch_deploy_key
     80 +bx_password
     81 +cache_driver
     82 +cache_s3_secret_key
     83 +cattle_access_key
     84 +cattle_secret_key
     85 +certificate_password
     86 +ci_deploy_password
     87 +client_id
     88 +client_key
     89 +client-secret
     90 +client_secret
     91 +clientsecret
     92 +client_zpk_secret_key
     93 +clojars_password
     94 +cloudant_password
     95 +cloud_api_key
     96 +cloudflare_api_key
     97 +cloudflare_auth_key
     98 +cloudinary_api_secret
     99 +cloudinary_name
     100 +cloud_watch_aws_access_key
     101 +codecov_token
     102 +config
     103 +connectionstring
     104 +conn.login
     105 +consumer_key
     106 +ConsumerKey
     107 +consumer_secret
     108 +ConsumerSecret
     109 +credentials
     110 +cypress_record_key
     111 +database_password
     112 +database_schema_test
     113 +datadog_api_key
     114 +datadog_app_key
     115 +DB_DATABASE=
     116 +DB_HOST=
     117 +dbpasswd
     118 +db_password
     119 +dbpassword
     120 +DB_PASSWORD=
     121 +DB_PORT=
     122 +DB_PW=
     123 +db_server
     124 +dbuser
     125 +DB_USER=
     126 +db_username
     127 +DB_USERNAME
     128 +deploy_password
     129 +digitalocean_ssh_key_body
     130 +digitalocean_ssh_key_ids
     131 +docker_hub_password
     132 +dockerhub_password
     133 +dockerhubpassword
     134 +docker_key
     135 +docker_pass
     136 +docker_passwd
     137 +docker_password
     138 +dot-files
     139 +dotfiles
     140 +droplet_travis_password
     141 +dynamoaccesskeyid
     142 +dynamosecretaccesskey
     143 +elastica_host
     144 +elastica_port
     145 +elasticsearch_password
     146 +email
     147 +encryption-key
     148 +encryption_key
     149 +encryptionkey
     150 +encryption_password
     151 +env.heroku_api_key
     152 +env.sonatype_password
     153 +eureka.awssecretkey
     154 +fabricApiSecret
     155 +facebook_secret
     156 +fb_secret
     157 +firebase
     158 +flickr_api_key
     159 +fossa_api_key
     160 +ftp
     161 +ftp_password
     162 +FTP_PASSWORD
     163 +FTP_PORT
     164 +gatsby_wordpress_base_url
     165 +gatsby_wordpress_client_id
     166 +gatsby_wordpress_user
     167 +gh_api_key
     168 +ghost_api_key
     169 +gh_token
     170 +github_api_key
     171 +github_deploy_hb_doc_pass
     172 +github_id
     173 +github_key
     174 +github_password
     175 +github_token
     176 +gitlab
     177 +gmail_password
     178 +gmail_username
     179 +google_maps_api_key
     180 +google_private_key
     181 +google_secret
     182 +google_server_key
     183 +gpg_key_name
     184 +gpg_keyname
     185 +gpg_passphrase
     186 +HEROKU_API_KEY
     187 +HEROKU_API_KEY language:json
     188 +HEROKU_API_KEY+language:json
     189 +HEROKU_API_KEY language:shell
     190 +HEROKU_API_KEY+language:shell
     191 +herokuapp
     192 +heroku_oauth
     193 +heroku_oauth_secret
     194 +heroku_oauth_token
     195 +heroku_secret
     196 +heroku_secret_token
     198 +htaccess_pass
     199 +htaccess_user
     200 +id_dsa
     201 +incident_channel_name
     202 +internal
     203 +irc_pass
     205 +jwt_client_secret_key
     206 +jwt_lookup_secert_key
     207 +jwt_password
     208 +jwt_secret
     209 +jwt_secret_key
     210 +jwt_token
     211 +jwt_user
     212 +jwt_web_secert_key
     213 +jwt_xmpp_secert_key
     214 +key
     215 +keyPassword
     216 +ldap_password
     217 +ldap_username
     218 +linux_signing_key
     219 +ll_shared_key
     220 +location_protocol
     221 +log
     222 +log_channel
     223 +lottie_happo_api_key
     224 +lottie_happo_secret_key
     225 +lottie_s3_api_key
     226 +lottie_s3_secret_key
     227 +magento password
     228 +magento+password
     229 +mailchimp
     230 +mailchimp_api_key
     231 +mailchimp_key
     232 +mailgun
     233 +mailgun apikey
     234 +mailgun+apikey
     235 +mailgun_key
     236 +mailgun_password
     237 +mailgun_priv_key
     238 +mailgun_secret_api_key
     239 +mail_password
     240 +mail_port
     241 +manage_key
     242 +mandrill_api_key
     243 +mapbox api key
     244 +mapbox+api+key
     245 +master_key
     246 +mg_api_key
     247 +mg_public_api_key
     248 +mh_apikey
     249 +mh_password
     250 +mile_zero_key
     251 +minio_access_key
     252 +minio_secret_key
     253 +mix_pusher_app_cluster
     254 +mix_pusher_app_key
     255 password
     257 +msg nickserv identify filename:config
     258 +msg+nickserv+identify+filename:config
     259 +mydotfiles
     260 +mysql
     261 +mysql password
     262 +mysql+password
     263 +mysql_root_password
     264 +netlify_api_key
     265 +nexus password
     266 +nexus+password
     267 +nexus_password
     268 +node_env
     269 +node_pre_gyp_accesskeyid
     270 +node_pre_gyp_secretaccesskey
     271 +npm_api_key
     272 +npm_password
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     274 +npmrc+_auth
     275 +npm_secret_key
     276 +nuget_api_key
     277 +nuget_apikey
     278 +nuget_key
     279 +number
     280 +oauth
     281 +oauth_token
     282 +object_storage_password
     283 +octest_app_password
     284 +octest_password
     285 +okta_key
     286 +omise_key
     287 +onesignal_api_key
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     289 +openwhisk_key
     290 +org_gradle_project_sonatype_nexus_password
     291 +org_project_gradle_sonatype_nexus_password
     292 +os_password
     293 +ossrh_jira_password
     294 +ossrh_pass
     295 +ossrh_password
     296 +OTP
     297 +pagerduty_apikey
     298 +parse_js_key
     299 +pass
     300 +passcode
     301 +passwd
     302 +password
     303 +password hash
     304 +passwords
     305 +password travis
     306 +password+travis
     307 +path:sites databases password
     308 +path:sites+databases+password
     309 +paypal_secret
     310 +paypal_token
     311 +pem private
     312 +pem+private
     313 +personal_key
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     315 +plotly_apikey
     316 +plugin_password
     317 +postgres_env_postgres_password
     318 +postgresql_pass
     319 +"preprod"
     320 +preprod
     321 +private
     322 +private-key
     323 +private_key
     324 +privatekey
     325 +private -language:java
     326 +private+-language:java
     327 +private_signing_password
     328 +prod
     330 +prod_password
     331 +prod.secret.key
     332 +PT_TOKEN
     333 +PT_TOKEN language:bash
     334 +PT_TOKEN+language:bash
     335 +publish_key
     336 +pusher_app_id
     337 +pwd
     338 +queue_driver
     339 +rabbitmq_password
     340 password
     342 +"redis_password"
     343 +redis_password
     344 +remove password
     345 +response_auth_jwt_secret
     346 +rest_api_key
     347 +rinkeby_private_key
     348 +root
     349 +root_password
     350 +ropsten_private_key
     351 +route53_access_key_id
     352 +rtd_key_pass
     353 +rtd_store_pass
     354 +s3_access_key
     355 +s3_access_key_id
     356 +s3_key
     357 +s3_key_app_logs
     358 +s3_key_assets
     359 +s3_secret_key
     360 +salesforce_password
     361 +sandbox_aws_access_key_id
     362 +sandbox_aws_secret_access_key
     363 +sauce_access_key
     364 +secret
     365 +secret access key
     366 +secret+access+key
     367 +secret_access_key
     368 +secretaccesskey
     369 +secret_bearer
     370 +secret-key
     371 +secret_key
     372 +secretkey
     373 +secret_key_base
     374 +secret.password
     375 +secrets
     376 +secret_token
     377 +secure
     378 +security_credentials
     379 +sendgrid_api_key
     380 +sendgrid_key
     381 +sendgrid_password
     382 +send.keys
     383 +send_keys
     384 +sendkeys
     385 +ses_access_key
     386 +ses_secret_key
     387 +session_key
     388 +session_secret
     390 +setdstaccesskey
     391 +setsecretkey
     392 +sf_username
     393 +SF_USERNAME
     394 +shodan_api_key language:python
     395 +sid_token
     396 +signing_key_password
     397 +signing_key_secret
     398 +slack_api
     399 +slack_api_token
     401 +slack_channel
     402 +slack_key
     403 +slack_outgoing_token
     404 +slack_secret_token
     405 +slack_signing_secret
     406 +slack_token
     407 +slack_webhook
     408 +slash_developer_space_key
     409 +snoowrap_password
     410 +socrata_password
     411 +sonar_organization_key
     412 +sonar_project_key
     413 +sonatype_password
     414 +sonatype_token_password
     415 +soundcloud_password
     416 +sql_password
     417 +sqsaccesskey
     418 +square_access_token
     419 +squareSecret
     420 +square_token
     421 +ssh
     422 +ssh2_auth_password
     423 +ssh-key
     424 +ssh_key
     425 +sshkey
     426 +sshpass
     427 +staging
     428 +stg
     429 +storePassword
     430 +stormpath_api_key_id
     431 +stormpath_api_key_secret
     432 +stripe
     433 +stripe_key
     434 +stripe_secret
     435 +strip_key
     436 +strip_secret_key
     437 +stripToken
     438 +svn_pass
     439 +swagger
     440 +tesco_api_key
     441 +tester_keys_password
     442 +testuser
     443 +thera_oss_access_key
     444 +token
     445 +trash
     446 +trusted_hosts
     447 +twilio_account_id
     448 +twilio_account_secret
     449 +twilio_account_sid
     450 +twilio_accountsid
     451 +twilio_acount_sid NOT env
     452 +twilio_acount_sid+NOT+env
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     454 +twilio_api_auth
     455 +twilioapiauth
     456 +twilio_api_key
     457 +twilio_api_secret
     458 +twilio_api_sid
     459 +twilio_api_token
     460 +twilio secret
     461 +twilio+secret
     462 +twilio_secret
     463 +twiliosecret
     464 +twilio_secret_token
     465 +TWILIO_SID NOT env
     466 +TWILIO_SID+NOT+env
     467 +twilio_token
     468 +twine_password
     469 +twitterKey
     470 +twitter_secret
     471 +user auth
     472 +username
     473 +user_pass
     474 +user_password
     475 +WFClient Password extension:ica
     476 +WFClient+Password+extension:ica
     477 +x-api-key
     478 +zendesk_api_token
     479 +zendesk_key
     480 +zendesk_token
     481 +zendesk_url
     482 +zendesk_username
     483 +zen_key
     484 +zen_tkn
     485 +zen_token
     486 +extension:bat
     487 +extension:cfg
     488 +extension:dbeaver-data-sources.xml
     489 +extension:env
     490 +extension:exs
     491 +extension:ini
     492 +extension:json
     494 +extension:json googleusercontent client_secret
     495 +extension:json+googleusercontent+client_secret
     496 +extension:json
     498 +extension:pem
     499 +extension:pem private
     500 +extension:pem+private
     501 +extension:ppk
     502 +extension:ppk private
     503 +extension:ppk+private
     504 +extension:properties
     505 +extension:sh
     506 +extension:sls
     507 +extension:sql
     508 +extension:sql mysql dump
     509 +extension:sql+mysql+dump
     510 +extension:sql mysql dump password
     511 +extension:sql+mysql+dump+password
     512 +extension:yaml
     514 +extension:zsh
     515 +filename:bash
     516 +filename:.bash_history
     517 +filename:bash_history
     518 +filename:bash_profile
     519 +filename:.bash_profile aws
     520 +filename:.bash_profile+aws
     521 +filename:bashrc
     522 +filename:.bashrc mailchimp
     523 +filename:.bashrc+mailchimp
     524 +filename:.bashrc password
     525 +filename:.bashrc+password
     526 +filename:beanstalkd.yml
     527 +filename:CCCam.cfg
     528 +filename:composer.json
     529 +filename:config
     530 +filename:config irc_pass
     531 +filename:config+irc_pass
     532 +filename:config.json auths
     533 +filename:config.json+auths
     534 +filename:config.php dbpasswd
     535 +filename:config.php+dbpasswd
     536 +filename:configuration.php JConfig password
     537 +filename:configuration.php+JConfig+password
     538 +filename:connections
     539 +filename:connections.xml
     540 +filename:constants
     541 +filename:credentials
     542 +filename:credentials aws_access_key_id
     543 +filename:credentials+aws_access_key_id
     544 +filename:.cshrc
     545 +filename:cshrc
     546 +filename:database
     547 +filename:dbeaver-data-sources.xml
     548 +filename:deployment-config.json
     549 +filename:deploy.rake
     550 +filename:dhcpd.conf
     551 +filename:dockercfg
     552 +filename:.dockercfg auth
     553 +filename:.dockercfg+auth
     554 +filename:env
     555 +filename:.env DB_USERNAME NOT homestead
     556 +filename:.env+DB_USERNAME+NOT+homestead
     557 +filename:environment
     558 +filename:.env
     559 +filename:.env
     561 +filename:.esmtprc password
     562 +filename:.esmtprc+password
     563 +filename:express.conf
     564 +filename:express.conf path:.openshift
     565 +filename:express.conf+path:.openshift
     566 +filename:filezilla.xml
     567 +filename:filezilla.xml Pass
     568 +filename:filezilla.xml+Pass
     569 +filename:.ftpconfig
     570 +filename:gitconfig
     571 +filename:.git-credentials
     572 +filename:git-credentials
     573 +filename:global
     574 +filename:.history
     575 +filename:history
     576 +filename:.htpasswd
     577 +filename:htpasswd
     578 +filename:hub oauth_token
     579 +filename:hub+oauth_token
     580 +filename:id_dsa
     581 +filename:idea14.key
     582 +filename:id_rsa
     583 +filename:id_rsa or filename:id_dsa
     584 +filename:id_rsa+or+filename:id_dsa
     585 +filename:known_hosts
     586 +filename:logins.json
     587 +filename:makefile
     588 +filename:master.key path:config
     589 +filename:master.key+path:config
     590 +filename:netrc
     591 +filename:.netrc password
     592 +filename:.netrc+password
     593 +filename:_netrc password
     594 +filename:_netrc+password
     595 +filename:npmrc
     596 +filename:.npmrc _auth
     597 +filename:.npmrc+_auth
     598 +filename:pass
     599 +filename:passwd path:etc
     600 +filename:passwd+path:etc
     601 +filename:.pgpass
     602 +filename:pgpass
     603 +filename:prod.exs
     604 +filename:prod.exs NOT prod.secret.exs
     605 +filename:prod.exs+NOT+prod.secret.exs
     606 +filename:prod.secret.exs
     607 +filename:proftpdpasswd
     608 +filename:recentservers.xml
     609 +filename:recentservers.xml Pass
     610 +filename:recentservers.xml+Pass
     611 +filename:.remote-sync.json
     612 +filename:robomongo.json
     613 +filename:.s3cfg
     614 +filename:s3cfg
     615 +filename:secrets.yml password
     616 +filename:secrets.yml+password
     617 +filename:server.cfg
     618 +filename:server.cfg rcon password
     619 +filename:server.cfg+rcon+password
     620 +filename:settings
     621 SECRET_KEY
     623 +filename:sftp-config.json
     624 +filename:sftp-config.json password
     625 +filename:sftp.json path:.vscode
     626 +filename:sftp.json+path:.vscode
     627 +filename:shadow
     628 +filename:shadow path:etc
     629 +filename:shadow+path:etc
     630 +filename:.sh_history
     631 +filename:spec
     632 +filename:sshd_config
     633 +filename:travis.yml
     634 +filename:tugboat
     635 +filename:.tugboat NOT _tugboat
     636 +filename:.tugboat+NOT+_tugboat
     637 +filename:ventrilo_srv.ini
     638 +filename:vim_settings.xml
     639 +filename:WebServers.xml
     640 +filename:wp-config
     641 +filename:wp-config.php
     642 +filename:zhrc
     643 +language:bash ftp
     644 +language:python ftp
     645 +language:shell username
     646 +language:sql username
     647 +language:yaml -filename:travis
     648 +language:yaml+-filename:travis
     649 +```
     650 + 
     651 +{% @github-files/github-code-block %}
     652 + 
     653 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# Shodan Dorks
     2 + 
     3 +```
     4 +ssl:"" http.html:"Login, username, password"
     5 +http.title:"Admin"
     6 +ssl:"" org:"Cloudflare, Inc." product:"nginx" 200
     7 +kibana content-length:217 net:"cidr"
     8 +org:"Amazon" ssl:"target"
     9 +ssl:"target"
     10 +html:"Dashboard Jenkins" http.component:"jenkins"
     11 +http.title:"302 Found"
     12 +X-Amz-Bucket-Region
     13 +x-jenkins 200
     14 +X-Generator: Drupal 7
     15 +ssl:Google
     16 +all:"mongodb server information" all:"metrics"
     17 +port:27017 -all:"partially" all:"fs.files"
     18 +port:"9200" all:"elastic indices"
     19 +product:elastic port:9200
     20 +product: CouchDB
     21 +title:"system dashboard" html:jira
     22 +product: "apache tomcat"
     23 +ssl%3A”development”+org%3A””+port%3A”number”
     24 +http.component:ruby port:3000
     25 +html:”secret_key_base”
     26 +html:”rack.version”
     27 +http.html:QUERY ssl:””
     28 +http.favicon.hash:81586312 200
     29 +html:/dana-na/ Pulse Secure VPN exploit
     30 +"MongoDB Server Information" port:27017 -authentication
     31 +"Set-Cookie: mongo-express=" "200 OK"
     32 +mysql port:"3306"
     33 +port:"9200" all:"elastic indices"
     34 +port:5432 PostgreSQL
     35 +"220" "230 Login successful." port:21
     36 +proftpd port:21
     37 +port:"25" product:"exim"
     38 +port:"11211" product:"Memcached"
     39 +"X-Jenkins" "Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID" http.title:"Dashboard"
     40 +"port: 53" Recursion: Enabled
     41 +product:"Apache httpd" port:"80"
     42 +product:"Microsoft IIS httpd"
     44 +ssl.cert.expired:true
     45 +"Authentication: disabled" port:445
     46 +"220" "230 Login successful." port:21
     47 +```
     48 + 
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