Projects STRLCPY CatSniffer Files
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name: "\U0001F640 Bug report " about: Report a bug or unexpected behavior while using the CatSniffer Board. title: 'ElectronicCats' labels: bug

Please, before reporting any issue

  • Make sure your board it's in good condition.
  • Verify that it really is a board problem and not a hardware problem.
  • Avoid to submit a GitHub issue for project troubleshooting.

Any feedback/suggestions should be discussed on the feedback section:

  • Just click on New Issue and select the correct category.

When reporting any issue, please try to provide all relevant information to help on its resolution.

Describe the problem: A clear and concise description of what the problem is. The more detailed this is, the easier we can come up with a solution.

To Reproduce: Explanation of the steps you followed and how your problem arose. If you think it is absolutely necessary, mention in detail what you modified.

Expected behavior: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots: If applicable, add screenshots or photos to help explain your problem.

To help us to understand your situation, we would like to ask you for the following additional information:

  • What Operating System and version are you using (e.g. Windows 11, macOS 12.0, Linux)?
  • In case you are using the Arduino IDE, What version of the Arduino IDE?
  • Did it work before?, If it worked before, what were the parameters that you modify?

Additional context: Add any other context about the problem here that you think will help us to solve your problem.

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