Projects STRLCPY CatSniffer Commits 9a437a2f
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +/**
     2 + * These arguments were used when this file was generated. They will be automatically applied on subsequent loads
     3 + * via the GUI or CLI. Run CLI with '--help' for additional information on how to override these arguments.
     4 + * @cliArgs --board "/ti/boards/CC1352P_2_LAUNCHXL" --rtos "tirtos7" --product "[email protected]"
     5 + * @versions {"tool":"1.13.0+2553"}
     6 + */
     7 + 
     8 +/**
     9 + * Import the modules used in this configuration.
     10 + */
     11 +const ble = scripting.addModule("/ti/ble5stack/ble");
     12 +const CCFG = scripting.addModule("/ti/devices/CCFG");
     13 +const rfdesign = scripting.addModule("/ti/devices/radioconfig/rfdesign");
     14 +const Display = scripting.addModule("/ti/display/Display");
     15 +const Display1 = Display.addInstance();
     16 +const AESCCM = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/AESCCM");
     17 +const AESCCM1 = AESCCM.addInstance();
     18 +const AESCTRDRBG = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/AESCTRDRBG");
     19 +const AESCTRDRBG1 = AESCTRDRBG.addInstance();
     20 +const AESECB = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/AESECB");
     21 +const AESECB1 = AESECB.addInstance();
     22 +const ECDH = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/ECDH");
     23 +const ECDH1 = ECDH.addInstance();
     24 +const GPIO = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/GPIO");
     25 +const GPIO3 = GPIO.addInstance();
     26 +const GPIO4 = GPIO.addInstance();
     27 +const GPIO8 = GPIO.addInstance();
     28 +const NVS = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/NVS");
     29 +const NVS1 = NVS.addInstance();
     30 +const RF = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/RF");
     31 +const TRNG = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/TRNG");
     32 +const TRNG1 = TRNG.addInstance();
     33 +const Settings = scripting.addModule("/ti/posix/tirtos/Settings");
     34 +const BIOS = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/BIOS");
     35 +const GateMutexPri = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/gates/GateMutexPri");
     36 +const HeapCallback = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/heaps/HeapCallback");
     37 +const Event = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/knl/Event");
     38 +const Idle = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/knl/Idle", {}, false);
     39 +const Idle2 = Idle.addInstance();
     40 +const Mailbox = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/knl/Mailbox");
     41 +const Error = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/runtime/Error");
     42 +const SysCallback = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/runtime/SysCallback");
     43 +const Timestamp = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/runtime/Timestamp");
     44 + 
     45 +/**
     46 + * Write custom configuration values to the imported modules.
     47 + */
     48 +ble.rfDesign = "LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-2";
     49 +ble.deviceRole = "BROADCASTER_CFG";
     50 +ble.lockProject = true;
     51 +ble.numOfAdvSets = 1;
     52 +ble.numOfDefAdvSets = 1;
     53 +ble.advSet1.$name = "ti_ble5stack_broadcaster_advertisement_set0";
     54 +ble.advSet1.advParam1.$name = "ti_ble5stack_broadcaster_advertisement_params0";
     55 +ble.advSet1.advParam1.eventProps = ["GAP_ADV_PROP_LEGACY","GAP_ADV_PROP_SCANNABLE"];
     56 +ble.advSet1.advData1.$name = "ti_ble5stack_broadcaster_advertisement_data0";
     57 +ble.advSet1.advData1.GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS = true;
     58 +ble.advSet1.advData1.advertisingFlags = ["GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED"];
     59 +ble.advSet1.scanRes1.$name = "ti_ble5stack_broadcaster_advertisement_data1";
     60 +ble.advSet1.scanRes1.GAP_ADTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE = true;
     61 +ble.advSet1.scanRes1.GAP_ADTYPE_POWER_LEVEL = true;
     62 +ble.radioConfig.codeExportConfig.$name = "ti_devices_radioconfig_code_export_param0";
     63 + 
     64 +CCFG.xoscCapArray = true;
     65 +CCFG.xoscCapArrayDelta = 0xC1;
     66 +CCFG.enableBootloader = true;
     67 +CCFG.enableBootloaderBackdoor = true;
     68 +CCFG.dioBootloaderBackdoor = 15;
     69 +CCFG.levelBootloaderBackdoor = "Active low";
     70 +CCFG.forceVddr = true;
     71 +CCFG.ccfgTemplate.$name = "ti_devices_CCFG_CCFGCC26XXTemplate0";
     72 + 
     73 +rfdesign.rfDesign = "LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-2";
     74 +rfdesign.fbSub1g = "none";
     75 + 
     76 +Display1.$name = "CONFIG_Display_0";
     77 +Display1.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.XDS110UART;
     78 +Display1.enableANSI = true;
     79 +Display1.uartBufferSize = 128;
     80 +Display1.uart.$name = "CONFIG_DISPLAY_UART";
     81 +Display1.uart.txPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_UART_TX";
     82 +Display1.uart.rxPinInstance.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_UART_RX";
     83 + 
     84 +AESCCM1.$name = "CONFIG_AESCCM0";
     85 + 
     87 +AESCTRDRBG1.aesctrObject.$name = "CONFIG_AESCTR_0";
     88 + 
     89 +AESECB1.$name = "CONFIG_AESECB0";
     90 + 
     91 +ECDH1.$name = "CONFIG_ECDH0";
     92 + 
     93 +GPIO3.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components["BTN-1"];
     94 +GPIO3.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_BTN1";
     95 + 
     96 +GPIO4.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components["BTN-2"];
     97 +GPIO4.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_BTN2";
     98 + 
     99 +GPIO8.$name = "CONFIG_GPIO_LED_0";
     100 +GPIO8.mode = "Output";
     101 +GPIO8.gpioPin.$assign = "boosterpack.6";
     102 + 
     103 +NVS1.$name = "CONFIG_NVSINTERNAL";
     104 +NVS1.internalFlash.$name = "ti_drivers_nvs_NVSCC26XX0";
     105 +NVS1.internalFlash.regionBase = 0x48000;
     106 +NVS1.internalFlash.regionSize = 0x4000;
     107 + 
     108 +RF.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components["SKY13317-373LF"];
     109 + 
     110 +TRNG1.$name = "CONFIG_TRNG_0";
     111 + 
     112 +BIOS.assertsEnabled = false;
     113 +BIOS.rtsGateType = "BIOS_GateMutexPri";
     114 +BIOS.heapSize = 0x00000000;
     115 +BIOS.heapType = "HeapCallback";
     116 + 
     117 +const Hwi = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/family/arm/m3/Hwi", {}, false);
     118 +Hwi.enableException = false;
     119 + 
     120 +HeapCallback.initFxn = "osalHeapInitFxn";
     121 +HeapCallback.allocInstFxn = "osalHeapAllocFxn";
     122 +HeapCallback.freeInstFxn = "osalHeapFreeFxn";
     123 +HeapCallback.getStatsInstFxn = "osalHeapGetStatsFxn";
     124 +HeapCallback.isBlockingInstFxn = "osalHeapIsBlockingFxn";
     125 + 
     126 +const Clock = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/knl/Clock", {}, false);
     127 +Clock.tickPeriod = 10;
     128 +Clock.swiPriority = 5;
     129 + 
     130 +const Timer = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/family/arm/cc26xx/Timer", {}, false);
     131 + 
     132 +Idle2.$name = "powerIdle";
     133 +Idle2.idleFxn = "Power_idleFunc";
     134 + 
     135 +const Semaphore = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/knl/Semaphore", {}, false);
     136 +Semaphore.supportsPriority = false;
     137 + 
     138 +const Swi = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/knl/Swi", {}, false);
     139 +Swi.numPriorities = 6;
     140 + 
     141 +const Task = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/knl/Task", {}, false);
     142 +Task.defaultStackSize = 512;
     143 +Task.idleTaskStackSize = 768;
     144 +Task.numPriorities = 6;
     145 + 
     146 +Error.policy = "Error_SPIN";
     147 +Error.printDetails = false;
     148 + 
     149 +const System = scripting.addModule("/ti/sysbios/runtime/System", {}, false);
     150 +System.abortFxn = "System_abortSpin";
     151 +System.exitFxn = "System_exitSpin";
     152 +System.extendedFormats = "%f";
     153 +System.supportModule = "SysCallback";
     154 + 
     155 +/**
     156 + * Pinmux solution for unlocked pins/peripherals. This ensures that minor changes to the automatic solver in a future
     157 + * version of the tool will not impact the pinmux you originally saw. These lines can be completely deleted in order to
     158 + * re-solve from scratch.
     159 + */
     160 +Display1.uart.uart.$suggestSolution = "UART0";
     161 +Display1.uart.uart.txPin.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.4";
     162 +Display1.uart.uart.rxPin.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.3";
     163 +GPIO3.gpioPin.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.13";
     164 +GPIO4.gpioPin.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.8";
     165 +RF.rfAntennaPin0.$suggestSolution = "ball.41";
     166 +RF.rfAntennaPin1.$suggestSolution = "ball.42";
     167 +RF.rfAntennaPin2.$suggestSolution = "ball.43";
     168 +Timer.rtc.$suggestSolution = "RTC0";
     169 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 6 lines
    7 7  ## Instructions
    8 8  - Open CCS
    9 9  - Using the Resource Explorer follow the path:
     10 + Blinker:
    10 11   "Software"_ "SimpleLink CC13xx CC26xx SDK -" _ "CC1352P-2 LaunchPad" _ "TI Drivers" _ "empty" _ "TI-RTOS" _ "CCS Compiler" _ "empty"
     12 + Beacon (BLE):
     13 + "Software"_ "SimpleLink CC13xx CC26xx SDK -" _ "CC1352P-2 LaunchPad" _ "BLE5-Stack" _ "simple_broadcaster" _ "TI-RTOS7" _ "TI Clang Compiler" _ "simple_broadcaster"
    11 14   and import the example.
    12  -- Inside the "empty_CC1352P_2_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs" files, delete the "empty.syscfg" file and replace with "catsniffer.syscfg"
    13  -- Compile
     15 +- Inside the imported project files, delete the file with the ".syscfg" extention and replace it with the catsniffer ".syscfg".
     16 +- Compile and program.
    14 17   
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