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    4 4   
    5 5  Nim, known for its efficiency and expressiveness, isn't immune to the subtle intricacies of command execution on Windows. By experimenting with a simple Nim script designed to execute a `test.bat` file with varying inputs, we uncover the nuances of command injection vulnerability.
    6 6   
     7 +**Your system could be vulnerable if it matches these conditions:**
     8 + 
     9 +- Operating on Windows
     10 +- Executes commands within the application
     11 +- Accepts user input
     12 +- Executes batch files based on user input
     13 + 
    7 14  ### The Experiment
    8 15   
    9 16  The Nim script executes the batch file in three distinct manners:
    10  -- Without quoting the shell input.
    11  -- With quoting, using `quoteShell`.
    12  -- Direct shell command execution.
     17 +- Without quoting the shell input using `execProcess`
     18 +- With quoting, using `quoteShell` using `execProcess`
     19 +- Direct shell command execution using `execShellCmd`
    13 20   
    14 21  ```
    15 22  import osproc, os
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