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    10 10  KubeOperator 是一个开源的轻量级 Kubernetes 发行版,专注于帮助企业规划、部署和运营生产级别的 Kubernetes 集群。
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    12  -KubeOperator 提供可视化的 Web UI,支持离线环境,支持物理机、VMware 和 OpenStack 等 IaaS 平台,支持 x86_64arm64 架构,支持 GPU,内置应用商店,已通过 CNCF 的 Kubernetes 软件一致性认证。
     12 +KubeOperator 提供可视化的 Web UI,支持离线环境,支持物理机、VMwareOpenStackFusionCompute 等 IaaS 平台,支持 x86ARM64 架构,支持 GPU,内置应用商店,已通过 CNCF 的 Kubernetes 软件一致性认证。
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    14 14  KubeOperator 使用 Terraform 在 IaaS 平台上自动创建主机(用户也可以自行准备主机,比如物理机或者虚机),通过 Ansible 完成自动化部署和变更操作,支持 Kubernetes 集群 从 Day 0 规划,到 Day 1 部署,到 Day 2 运营的全生命周期管理。
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    20 20  ## Web UI 展示
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    22  -![Web UI](https://kubeoperator.io/images/screenshot/05.jpg)
     22 +![Web UI](https://kubeoperator.io/images/screenshot/day-2.png)
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    24 24  >更多功能截屏点击:[这里](https://kubeoperator.io/features.html)
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    295 295  ## 支持组件
    296 296   
    297 297  - 核心
    298  - - [kubernetes](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes) v1.18.14
     298 + - [kubernetes](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes) v1.20.4
    299 299   - [etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd) v3.4.14
    300  - - [docker](https://www.docker.com/) v19.03.9
     300 + - [docker](https://www.docker.com/) v19.03.15
    301 301   - [containerd](https://containerd.io/) v1.4.3
    302 302  - 网络
    303 303   - [calico](https://github.com/projectcalico/calico) v3.16.5
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    312 312  - 工具
    313 313   - [istio](https://github.com/istio/istio) 1.8.0
    314 314   - [dashboard](https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard) v2.0.3
    315  - - [kubeapps](https://github.com/kubeapps/kubeapps) v1.10.2
    316  - - [prometheus](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus) v2.18.1
     315 + - [kubeapps](https://github.com/kubeapps/kubeapps) v2.0.1
     316 + - [prometheus](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus) v2.20.1
    317 317   - [grafana](https://github.com/grafana/grafana) v7.3.3
    318  - - [loki](https://github.com/grafana/loki) v2.0.0
     318 + - [loki](https://github.com/grafana/loki) v2.1.0
    319 319   - [logging](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch) v7.6.2
    320 320   - [chartmuseum](https://github.com/helm/chartmuseum) v0.12.0
    321 321   - [docker-registry](https://github.com/docker/distribution) v2.7.1
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    338 338  ## 致谢
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    340 340  - [Terraform](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform): KubeOperator 采用 Terraform 来自动创建虚机;
    341  -- [Clarity](https://github.com/vmware/clarity/): KubeOperator 采用 Clarity 作为前端 Web 框架;
    342 341  - [Ansible](https://github.com/ansible/ansible): KubeOperator 采用 Ansible 作为自动化部署工具;
    343 342  - [Kubeapps](https://github.com/kubeapps/kubeapps): KubeOperator 采用 Kubeapps 作为应用商店方案。
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    13 13  ## How it works?
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    15  -KubeOperator uses Terraform to auto-build infrastructure on LaaS platform (vSphere, OpenStack, user can also use their resources, e.g. VMs or On-premise). It also implements automated deployment and allows changing operation through Ansible, supporting Kubernetes clusters a full life-cycle self-defined management from Day 0 planning, Day 1 deployment, to Day 2 operating.
     15 +KubeOperator uses Terraform to auto-build infrastructure on LaaS platform (vSphere, OpenStack, FusionCompute, user can also use their resources, e.g. VMs or On-premise). It also implements automated deployment and allows changing operation through Ansible, supporting Kubernetes clusters a full life-cycle self-defined management from Day 0 planning, Day 1 deployment, to Day 2 operating.
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    17 17  > Note: KubeOperator passed the [Certified Kubernetes Conformance Program] (https://landscape.cncf.io/selected=kube-operator) provided by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation)
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    225 225  ## Thanks to (Credits)
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    227 227  - [Terraform](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform): Allowing to auto-build VMs;
    228  -- [Clarity](https://github.com/vmware/clarity/): Using as a front-end web framework;
    229 228  - [Ansible](https://github.com/ansible/ansible): Using as an automated deployment tool;
    230 229  - [Kubeapps](https://github.com/kubeapps/kubeapps): Creating a marketplace based on Kubeapps.
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