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    1 1  # CVE-2023-0179 PoC
    2 2   
    3  -This repository contains the exploit for my recently discovered vulnerability in Nftables that was assigned CVE-2023-0179, affecting all Linux versions from 5.5 to 6.2-rc3, although the exploit was tested on 6.1.6.
     3 +This repository contains the exploit for my recently discovered vulnerability in the nftables subsystem that was assigned CVE-2023-0179, affecting all Linux versions from 5.5 to 6.2-rc3, although the exploit was tested on 6.1.6.
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    5 5  The vulnerability details and writeup can be found on [oss-security](https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/01/13/2)
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    7 7  ## Building instructions
    8  -Just invoke the `make` command and two executables will be generated.
     8 +Just invoke the `make leak` and `make crash` commands to generate the corresponding executables.
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    10 10  `libmnl` and `libnftnl` are required for the build to succeed:
    11 11  ```bash
    skipped 16 lines
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    29 29  ## Credits
    30 30  - David Bouman's `libnftnl` [implementation](https://github.com/pqlx/CVE-2022-1015) and detailed [blog post](https://blog.dbouman.nl/2022/04/02/How-The-Tables-Have-Turned-CVE-2022-1015-1016/)
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