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    9 9  ### chatgpt session
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    11  - - Q: Can you describe me where is the vuln in CVE-2021-20294 of readelf ?
    12  - - A: CVE-2021-20294 is a vulnerability that was discovered in the GNU Binutils readelf utility, which is .. // he was describing the vuln and basically telling which data structures where in touch but then suddenly removing the answer. I think because the info is of 2021
    13  -```
     11 +**Q:** Can you describe me where is the vuln in CVE-2021-20294 of readelf ?
    14 12   
     13 +**A:** CVE-2021-20294 is a vulnerability that was discovered in the GNU Binutils readelf utility, which is .. // he was describing the vuln and basically telling which data structures where in touch but then suddenly removing the answer. I think because the info is of 2021
    15 14   
    16  - - Q: In binutils project, what does the following function do?
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     16 +**Q:** In binutils project, what does the following function do?
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    18 18  ```c
    19 19  static const char * get_symbol_version_string (Filedata * filedata,
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    26 26   unsigned short * vna_other)
    27 27  ```
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    29  - - A: The function `static const char * get_symbol_version_string (Filedata *filedata, bfd_boolean is_dynsym, const char *strtab, unsigned long int strtab_size, unsigned int si, Elf_Internal_Sym *psym, enum versioned_symbol_info *sym_info, unsigned short *vna_other)` is a function that is part of the binutils project. It appears to be used to extract version information from a symbol in an ELF object file.
     29 +**A:** The function `static const char * get_symbol_version_string (Filedata *filedata, bfd_boolean is_dynsym, const char *strtab, unsigned long int strtab_size, unsigned int si, Elf_Internal_Sym *psym, enum versioned_symbol_info *sym_info, unsigned short *vna_other)` is a function that is part of the binutils project. It appears to be used to extract version information from a symbol in an ELF object file.
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    31 31  In more detail, this function takes several parameters as input:
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    45 45  It's important to note that the codebase of binutils is constantly changing, so the functionality of this function may be different in the current version of the project.
    46 46  I recommend checking the documentation, comments or the context of the codebase of the specific version you're using to find more information about the function you're looking for.
    47 47   
    48  - - Q: how to compile an ELF to have symbol version information ?
    49  - - A: etc.
     48 +**Q:** how to compile an ELF to have symbol version information ?
     49 + 
     50 +**A:** etc.
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