Projects STRLCPY BananaPhone Files
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warning This code, and interface is likely to change. If you use it and it works, that's rad, but it might not work and/or break interfaces on the next commit. pls no rely on it (yet) thx.

This is mostly a re-write of go/src/ to fit in with bananaphone good.



-mode Option | Description ------------- | ------------- auto | Automatically resolves sysID. First attempts to resolve in-memory, then falls back to disk. This is the default option. memory | Resolves sysID's by locating ntdll in memory by parsing the PEB, enumerating exports, and extracting the sysID from the function pointers. disk | Resolves sysID's by parsing ntdll on-disk. Uses filesystem read API's built in to go. raw | Does not resolve sysID's. Functions must be provided the sysID externally. (this may be useful if you want to hard-code them into the bin to avoid detection on resolution).



This option will not use a global var for sys ID resolution. This means the PEB will be parsed/ntdll.dll on disk will be read every time the generated function is called. This might be what you want for some insane reason, no judgement here.



Is everything just not really working, and you have no idea what values are being given to your syscalls? This option will print every param + the returns etc for your debugging pleasure. It uses print( which I didn't even realise was a thing until I saw it in mkwinsyscall! TIL!



Specify the output filename. This overwrites the file if it exists (because that's useful when doing go generate).


It's recommended that you have a file specific for your syscalls, but in theory, you only need the following signature:

//dsys funcname(param type) (err error)

You can optionally include a suffix that allows you to have a different go function name, but calls a specified Windows API call. Below will create a func named whateveryouwant(), and resolve the NtAllocateVirtualMemory syscall ID.

//dsys whateveryouwant() (err error) = NtAllocateVirtualMemory

so for example, if you wanted to bananaphone up a NtAllocateVirtualMemory call, but not export it you would do this:

//dsys ntAllocateVirtualMemory(processHandle syscall.Handle, baseAddress *uintptr, zeroBits uintptr, regionSize *uintptr, allocationType uint64, protect uint64) (err error) = NtAllocateVirtualMemory

Once you have your syscall.go file (or whatever it's called), you can run this program against it (mkdirectwinsyscall syscall.go). By default this will print to stdout.

Pro move is to use go generate to do it all for you. Include a line like this in syscall.go and then run go generate . in the package that has the file:

//go:generate go run -output zsyscall_windows.go syscall.go

This will run the generator, and replace the zsyscall_windows.go file with a newly generated version.

Success/Error values:

See ntstatus.go

As far as I can tell, all Nt function calls (which are the only relevant function calls in this lib besides Zw) have a single return value of type NtStatus. This is a 32 bit value ( with a bunch of different possible meanings. The os or syscall package should probably support these values better than I can.

At present, the return value for the Syscall function is always checked against 0, and if not 0, err is filled with a message that contains the hex representation of NtStatus (incase your func def omitted it, but still had the err value for some reason). If your return is between 0 and 0x3FFFFFFF, you need to check the err value for that, or specify the expected value in []'s, just like the normal mkwinsyscall.

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