Projects STRLCPY BananaPhone Commits ccfabf94
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package main
     2 + 
     3 +import (
     4 + "fmt"
     5 + 
     6 + bananaphone ""
     7 +)
     8 + 
     9 +func main() {
     10 + fmt.Println("modules!")
     11 + x, y, z := bananaphone.GetModuleLoadedOrder(0)
     12 + fmt.Printf("%x, %x %+v\n", x, y, z)
     13 + x, y, z = bananaphone.GetModuleLoadedOrder(1)
     14 + fmt.Printf("%x, %x %+v\n", x, y, z)
     15 + x, y, z = bananaphone.GetModuleLoadedOrder(2)
     16 + fmt.Printf("%x, %x %+v\n", x, y, z)
     17 + 
     18 + fmt.Println("end modules!")
     19 + fmt.Println(bananaphone.InMemLoads())
     20 + 
     21 + fmt.Printf("%+v\n", bananaphone.GetModuleLoadedOrderPtr(1))
     22 + fmt.Println("end modules!")
     23 +}
     24 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 28 lines
    29 29  
    30 30   RET
    31 31   
     32 +//func getModuleLoadedOrder(i int) (start uintptr, size uintptr)
     33 +TEXT ·getModuleLoadedOrder(SB), $0-32
     34 + //All operations push values into AX
     35 + //PEB
     36 + MOVQ 0x60(GS), AX
     37 + //PEB->LDR
     38 + MOVQ 0x18(AX),AX
     39 + 
     40 + //LDR->InMemoryOrderModuleList
     41 + MOVQ 0x20(AX),AX
     42 + 
     43 + //loop things
     44 + XORQ R10,R10
     45 +startloop:
     46 + CMPQ R10,i+0(FP)
     47 + JE endloop
     48 + //Flink (get next element)
     49 + MOVQ (AX),AX
     50 + INCQ R10
     51 + JMP startloop
     52 +endloop:
     53 + //Flink - 0x10 -> _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
     54 + //_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY->DllBase (offset 0x30)
     55 + MOVQ 0x20(AX),CX
     56 + MOVQ CX, start+8(FP)
     57 +
     58 + MOVQ 0x30(AX),CX
     59 + MOVQ CX, size+16(FP)
     60 + MOVQ AX,CX
     61 + ADDQ $0x38,CX
     62 + MOVQ CX, modulepath+24(FP)
     63 + //SYSCALL
     64 + RET
     65 + 
     66 +//func GetModuleLoadedOrderPtr(i int) *LdrTableThing
     67 +TEXT ·GetModuleLoadedOrderPtr(SB), $0-16
     68 + //All operations push values into AX
     69 + //PEB
     70 + MOVQ 0x60(GS), AX
     71 + //PEB->LDR
     72 + MOVQ 0x18(AX),AX
     73 + 
     74 + //LDR->InMemoryOrderModuleList
     75 + MOVQ 0x20(AX),AX
     76 + 
     77 + //loop things
     78 + XORQ R10,R10
     79 +startloop:
     80 + CMPQ R10,i+0(FP)
     81 + JE endloop
     82 + //Flink (get next element)
     83 + MOVQ (AX),AX
     84 + INCQ R10
     85 + JMP startloop
     86 +endloop:
     87 + MOVQ AX,CX
     88 + SUBQ $0x10,CX
     89 + MOVQ CX, ret+8(FP)
     90 +
     91 + RET
     92 + 
    32 93  //based on
    33 94  #define maxargs 16
    34 95  //func Syscall(callid uint16, argh ...uintptr) (uint32, error)
    skipped 53 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 17 lines
    18 18  //GetNtdllStart returns the start address of ntdll in memory
    19 19  func GetNtdllStart() (start uintptr, size uintptr)
    20 20   
     21 +//getModuleLoadedOrder returns the start address of module located at i in the load order. This might be useful if there is a function you need that isn't in ntdll, or if some rude individual has loaded themselves before ntdll.
     22 +func getModuleLoadedOrder(i int) (start uintptr, size uintptr, modulepath *stupidstring)
     23 + 
     24 +//GetModuleLoadedOrderPtr returns a pointer to the ldr data table entry in full, incase there is something interesting in there you want to see.
     25 +func GetModuleLoadedOrderPtr(i int) *LdrDataTableEntry
     26 + 
     27 +//GetModuleLoadedOrder returns the start address of module located at i in the load order. This might be useful if there is a function you need that isn't in ntdll, or if some rude individual has loaded themselves before ntdll.
     28 +func GetModuleLoadedOrder(i int) (start uintptr, size uintptr, modulepath string) {
     29 + var badstring *stupidstring
     30 + start, size, badstring = getModuleLoadedOrder(i)
     31 + modulepath = badstring.String()
     32 + return
     33 +}
     34 + 
     35 +//Image contains info about a loaded image. Literally just a Base Addr and a Size - it should allow someone with a handy PE parser to pull the image out of memory...
     36 +type Image struct {
     37 + BaseAddr uint64
     38 + Size uint64
     39 +}
     40 + 
     41 +//InMemLoads returns a map of loaded dll paths to current process offsets (aka images) in the current process. No syscalls are made.
     42 +func InMemLoads() (map[string]Image, error) {
     43 + ret := make(map[string]Image)
     44 + s, si, p := GetModuleLoadedOrder(0)
     45 + start := p
     46 + i := 1
     47 + ret[p] = Image{uint64(s), uint64(si)}
     48 + for {
     49 + s, si, p = GetModuleLoadedOrder(i)
     50 + if p != "" {
     51 + ret[p] = Image{uint64(s), uint64(si)}
     52 + }
     53 + if p == start {
     54 + break
     55 + }
     56 + i++
     57 + }
     58 + 
     59 + return ret, nil
     60 +}
     61 + 
    21 62  //GetSysIDFromMemory takes the exported syscall name or ordinal and gets the ID it refers to (try not to supply both, it might not work how you expect). This function will not use a clean version of the dll, if AV has hooked the in-memory ntdll module, the results of this call may be bad.
    22 63  func GetSysIDFromMemory(funcname string) (uint16, error) {
    23 64   return getSysIDFromMemory(funcname, 0, false)
    skipped 219 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 6 lines
    7 7   
    8 8   ""
    9 9   ""
     10 + ""
    10 11  )
    11 12   
    12 13  //rvaToOffset converts an RVA value from a PE file into the file offset. When using binject/debug, this should work fine even with in-memory files.
    skipped 72 lines
    85 86   return binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(b[4:8]), nil
    86 87  }
    87 88   
     89 +//stupidstring is the stupid internal windows definiton of a unicode string. I hate it.
     90 +type stupidstring struct {
     91 + Length uint16
     92 + MaxLength uint16
     93 + PWstr *uint16
     94 +}
     95 + 
     96 +func (s stupidstring) String() string {
     97 + return windows.UTF16PtrToString(s.PWstr)
     98 +}
     99 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package bananaphone
     2 + 
     3 +type LdrDataTableEntry struct {
     4 + InLoadOrderLinks ListEntry
     5 + InMemoryOrderLinks ListEntry
     6 + InInitializationOrderLinks ListEntry
     7 + DllBase *uintptr
     8 + EntryPoint *uintptr
     9 + SizeOfImage *uintptr
     10 + FullDllName stupidstring
     11 + BaseDllName stupidstring
     12 + Flags uint32
     13 + LoadCount uint16
     14 + TlsIndex uint16
     15 + HashLinks ListEntry
     16 + TimeDateStamp uint64
     17 +}
     18 + 
     19 +type ListEntry struct {
     20 + Flink *ListEntry
     21 + Blink *ListEntry
     22 + //Awful struct I hate it
     23 +}
     24 + 
     25 +/*
     26 +typedef struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
     27 +{
     28 + LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderLinks;
     29 + LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderLinks;
     30 + LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderLinks;
     31 + PVOID DllBase;
     32 + PVOID EntryPoint;
     33 + ULONG SizeOfImage;
     34 + UNICODE_STRING FullDllName;
     35 + UNICODE_STRING BaseDllName;
     36 + ULONG Flags;
     37 + WORD LoadCount;
     38 + WORD TlsIndex;
     39 + union
     40 + {
     41 + LIST_ENTRY HashLinks;
     42 + struct
     43 + {
     44 + PVOID SectionPointer;
     45 + ULONG CheckSum;
     46 + };
     47 + };
     48 + union
     49 + {
     50 + ULONG TimeDateStamp;
     51 + PVOID LoadedImports;
     52 + };
     53 + _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT * EntryPointActivationContext;
     54 + PVOID PatchInformation;
     55 + LIST_ENTRY ForwarderLinks;
     56 + LIST_ENTRY ServiceTagLinks;
     57 + LIST_ENTRY StaticLinks;
     59 +*/
     60 + 
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