  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    28 28   
    29 29  And remember: With great power comes... (we already know).
    30 30   
    31  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32  -Level 1 | Basic
    33  -------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------
    34  -[0] | TCP or UDP server just to receive messages
    35  -[1] | TCP chat server
    36  -[2] | UDP chat server
    37  -[3] | Multi-threaded UDP or TCP chat server
    38  -[4] | Server for file transfers
    39  -[5] | Caesar Cipher tool
    40  -[6] | TCP chat server -> The messages should be encoded with Caesar Cipher
    41  -[7] | ROT13 Cipher
    42  -[8] | UDP Chat server -> The messages should be encoded with ROT13 Cipher
    43  -[9] | Remote command execution
    44  -[10] | Recreate the Netcat tool
    45  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46  -Level 2 | Essential
    47  -------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------
    48  -[11] | Simple port scanner
    49  -[12] | Port scanner with OS fingerprint using TTL (Time To Live)
    50  -[13] | Port scanner with port footprint (HTTP? DNS? FTP? IRC?)
    51  -[14] | Simple Web Directory brute-forcer (Threaded)
    52  -[15] | Recursive Web Directory brute-forcer (Threaded peer recursion)
    53  -[16] | Web Login bruteforce tool
    54  -[17] | FTP Login bruteforce tool
    55  -[18] | SSH Login bruteforce tool
    56  -[19] | FTP User footprint
    57  -[20] | MYSQL User footprint
    58  -[21] | Simple Google Bot for web scan
    59  -[22] | Auto website comment bot
    60  -[23] | Auto website message bot
    61  -[24] | Web-scrapping using Regex
    62  -[25] | Bot to collect information about someone using Google / Bing / Yahoo!
    63  -[26] | Simple SQLi tester
    64  -[27] | Simple XSS tester
    65  -[28] | Simple Wordpress brute-forcer
    66  -[29] | SQLi database retriever
    67  -[30] | Spam creator
    68  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69  -Level 3 | Advanced Network Attacks
    70  -------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------
    71  -[31] | Payload for reverse shell
    72  -[32] | Payload to capture screenshots
    73  -[33] | Implement a Botnet
    74  -[34] | Passive web scanner
    75  -[35] | ARP poisoning tool
    76  -[36] | Application that creates random shortcuts on screen
    77  -[37] | Application to encrypt a file
    78  -[38] | Develop a Ransomware application
    79  -[39] | Spam Email sender
    80  -[40] | HTTP server for phishing
    81  -[41] | Honeypot creator
    82  -[42] | Application that connects to the Tor Network
    83  -[43] | IRC Server
    84  -[44] | Packet Capture tool
     31 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     32 +Level 1 | Basic | Exemple
     33 +------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------
     34 +[0] | TCP or UDP server just to receive messages | - [x]
     35 +[1] | TCP chat server | - [x]
     36 +[2] | UDP chat server | - []
     37 +[3] | Multi-threaded UDP or TCP chat server | - []
     38 +[4] | Server for file transfers | - []
     39 +[5] | Caesar Cipher tool | - []
     40 +[6] | TCP chat server -> The messages should be encoded with Caesar Cipher | - []
     41 +[7] | ROT13 Cipher | - []
     42 +[8] | UDP Chat server -> The messages should be encoded with ROT13 Cipher | - []
     43 +[9] | Remote command execution | - []
     44 +[10] | Recreate the Netcat tool | - []
     45 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     46 +Level 2 | Essential | Exemple
     47 +------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------
     48 +[11] | Simple port scanner | - [x]
     49 +[12] | Port scanner with OS fingerprint using TTL (Time To Live) | - []
     50 +[13] | Port scanner with port footprint (HTTP? DNS? FTP? IRC?) | - []
     51 +[14] | Simple Web Directory brute-forcer (Threaded) | - []
     52 +[15] | Recursive Web Directory brute-forcer (Threaded peer recursion) | - []
     53 +[16] | Web Login bruteforce tool | - []
     54 +[17] | FTP Login bruteforce tool | - []
     55 +[18] | SSH Login bruteforce tool | - [x]
     56 +[19] | FTP User footprint | - []
     57 +[20] | MYSQL User footprint | - []
     58 +[21] | Simple Google Bot for web scan | - []
     59 +[22] | Auto website comment bot | - []
     60 +[23] | Auto website message bot | - []
     61 +[24] | Web-scrapping using Regex | - []
     62 +[25] | Bot to collect information about someone using Google / Bing / Yahoo! | - []
     63 +[26] | Simple SQLi tester | - []
     64 +[27] | Simple XSS tester | - []
     65 +[28] | Simple Wordpress brute-forcer | - []
     66 +[29] | SQLi database retriever | - []
     67 +[30] | Spam creator | - []
     68 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     69 +Level 3 | Advanced Network Attacks | exemple
     70 +------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------
     71 +[31] | Payload for reverse shell | - []
     72 +[32] | Payload to capture screenshots | - []
     73 +[33] | Implement a Botnet | - []
     74 +[34] | Passive web scanner | - []
     75 +[35] | ARP poisoning tool | - []
     76 +[36] | Application that creates random shortcuts on screen | - []
     77 +[37] | Application to encrypt a file | - []
     78 +[38] | Develop a Ransomware application | - []
     79 +[39] | Spam Email sender | - []
     80 +[40] | HTTP server for phishing | - []
     81 +[41] | Honeypot creator | - []
     82 +[42] | Application that connects to the Tor Network | - []
     83 +[43] | IRC Server | - []
     84 +[44] | Packet Capture tool | - []
    85 85   
    86  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87  -Level 4 | Data analysis, payloads and more networking
    88  -------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------
    89  -[45] | Packet Data analysis
    90  -[46] | Packet image analysis with OpenCV
    91  -[47] | Develop a hexdump tool
    92  -[48] | Payload that moves the mouse cursor
    93  -[49] | Vigenère Cipher
    94  -[50] | Payload that starts automatically using Windows Regedit
    95  -[51] | Payload that starts as a daemon
    96  -[52] | Payload that retrieves browser information
    97  -[53] | Link generator
    98  -[54] | ASCII Name generator [ just for fun :) ]
    99  -[55] | Full chat server with private messages, file and image transfer
    100  -[56] | Simple firewall
    101  -[57] | Gateway
    102  -[58] | Powershell payload generator
    103  -[59] | Bash payload generator
    104  -[60] | Subdomain enumerator
    105  -[61] | DNS Enumerator
    106  -[62] | Your own interpreter
    107  -[63] | Develop a Worm
    108  -[64] | Server for DDOS
    109  -[65] | Implement an IP Tracker
    110  -[66] | BurpSuite extender
    111  -[67] | Develop a Trojan
    112  -[68] | Man In The Browser tool (kind of)
    113  -[69] | Process monitor (Windows and Linux)
    114  -[70] | Windows token privilege escalation tool
     86 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     87 +Level 4 | Data analysis, payloads and more networking | exemple
     88 +------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------
     89 +[45] | Packet Data analysis | -[]
     90 +[46] | Packet image analysis with OpenCV | -[]
     91 +[47] | Develop a hexdump tool | -[]
     92 +[48] | Payload that moves the mouse cursor | -[]
     93 +[49] | Vigenère Cipher | -[]
     94 +[50] | Payload that starts automatically using Windows Regedit | -[]
     95 +[51] | Payload that starts as a daemon | -[]
     96 +[52] | Payload that retrieves browser information | -[]
     97 +[53] | Link generator | -[]
     98 +[54] | ASCII Name generator [ just for fun :) ] | -[]
     99 +[55] | Full chat server with private messages, file and image transfer | -[]
     100 +[56] | Simple firewall | -[]
     101 +[57] | Gateway | -[]
     102 +[58] | Powershell payload generator | -[]
     103 +[59] | Bash payload generator | -[]
     104 +[60] | Subdomain enumerator | -[]
     105 +[61] | DNS Enumerator | -[]
     106 +[62] | Your own interpreter | -[]
     107 +[63] | Develop a Worm | -[]
     108 +[64] | Server for DDOS | -[]
     109 +[65] | Implement an IP Tracker | -[]
     110 +[66] | BurpSuite extender | -[]
     111 +[67] | Develop a Trojan | -[]
     112 +[68] | Man In The Browser tool (kind of) | -[]
     113 +[69] | Process monitor (Windows and Linux) | -[]
     114 +[70] | Windows token privilege escalation tool | -[]
    115 115   
    116  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    117  - Level 5 | Cryptography, Reverse Engineering and Post exploitation
    118  -------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------
    119  -[71] | Develop a code injection tool
    120  -[72] | Develop a Worm with auto replication over email
    121  -[73] | Simple Disassembler
    122  -[74] | Server for DDoS with multi-staged operations and multi-threaded handling of clients
    123  -[75] | Password hash cracker
    124  -[76] | Direct code injection exploit
    125  -[77] | Android daemon payload
    126  -[78] | Browser exploitation tool
    127  -[79] | Simple tool for Reverse Engineering
    128  -[80] | Script for OS enumeration (after shell)
    129  -[81] | RSA Payload generator
    130  -[82] | Handshake capture
    131  -[83] | Wifi monitor
    132  -[84] | Buffer Overflow exploit
    133  -[85] | Stack Overflow exploit
    134  -[86] | Banner exploit
    135  -[87] | ISS Exploit
    136  -[88] | Wifi de-authentication attack (DoS) tool
    137  -[89] | Badchar detector
    138  -[90] | Firewall detector
    139  -[91] | Exploitation Framework
    140  -[92] | Botnet with SSH C&C and automatic server backup to prevent loss of control
    141  -[93] | Windows enumeration tool
    142  -[94] | Application information gathering (after shell)
    143  -[95] | Recreate TCPDUMP
    144  -[96] | Bluetooth exploit
    145  -[97] | Windows Blue Screen Exploit
    146  -[98] | Encoded exploit
    147  -[99] | Antivirus evasion application
    148  -[100] | Your own metasploit module
    149  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     116 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     117 + Level 5 | Cryptography, Reverse Engineering and Post exploitation | exemple
     118 +------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------
     119 +[71] | Develop a code injection tool | - []
     120 +[72] | Develop a Worm with auto replication over email | - []
     121 +[73] | Simple Disassembler | - []
     122 +[74] | Server for DDoS with multi-staged operations and multi-threaded handling of clients | - []
     123 +[75] | Password hash cracker | - []
     124 +[76] | Direct code injection exploit | - []
     125 +[77] | Android daemon payload | - []
     126 +[78] | Browser exploitation tool | - []
     127 +[79] | Simple tool for Reverse Engineering | - []
     128 +[80] | Script for OS enumeration (after shell) | - []
     129 +[81] | RSA Payload generator | - []
     130 +[82] | Handshake capture | - []
     131 +[83] | Wifi monitor | - []
     132 +[84] | Buffer Overflow exploit | - []
     133 +[85] | Stack Overflow exploit | - []
     134 +[86] | Banner exploit | - []
     135 +[87] | ISS Exploit | - []
     136 +[88] | Wifi de-authentication attack (DoS) tool | - []
     137 +[89] | Badchar detector | - []
     138 +[90] | Firewall detector | - []
     139 +[91] | Exploitation Framework | - []
     140 +[92] | Botnet with SSH C&C and automatic server backup to prevent loss of control | - []
     141 +[93] | Windows enumeration tool | - []
     142 +[94] | Application information gathering (after shell) | - []
     143 +[95] | Recreate TCPDUMP | - []
     144 +[96] | Bluetooth exploit | - []
     145 +[97] | Windows Blue Screen Exploit | - []
     146 +[98] | Encoded exploit | - []
     147 +[99] | Antivirus evasion application | - []
     148 +[100] | Your own metasploit module | - []
     149 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    150 150  ## Adding your examples
    151 151   
    152 152  You can make a pull request for the "Projects" directory and name the file in
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