Projects STRLCPY 0rly Commits 255b8b2a
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +```
     2 + ________
     3 +/ \ usage: ./
     4 +| 0rly? | runs
     5 +\__ __'\ (bash version) stores whois info the IPs resolved from subs
     6 + |/ \\ sorts out cloudflare IPs
     7 + \ \\ . runs rustscan against non-cloudflare ips
     8 + |\\/| generates html reports
     9 + / " '\
     10 + . . .
     11 + / ) |
     12 + ' _.' |
     13 + '-'/ \
     14 +```
     15 + 
     16 + 
     17 +## known dependencies ##
     18 +
     19 +--
     20 + 
     21 +### most package managers:
     22 +* nmap
     23 +* xsltproc
     24 + 
     25 +### fancy shit:
     26 +* rustscan
     27 + * [with rust installed]( (`cargo install rustscan`)
     28 + * [without rust installed](
     29 +
     30 +* findomain
     31 + * [with rust installed]( (`cargo install findomain`)
     32 + * [without rust installed](
     33 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +#!/usr/bin/env bash
     2 +BNR="G1s0MG0bWzMybSAga2F5b3MgKHRjcC5kaXJlY3QpICAbWzBtChtbNDBtG1szMm0gICAg4pae4paA4paWICDilpwgICAgICDilp7iloDilpYgICAbWzBtChtbNDBtG1szMm0gICAg4paM4pae4paM4paZ4paA4paQIOKWjCDilowgICDilpfilpggICAbWzBtChtbNDBtG1szMm0gICAg4pabIOKWjOKWjCDilpAg4paa4paE4paMICAg4paYICAgIBtbMG0KG1s0MG0bWzMybSAgICDilp3iloAg4paYICDilpjilpfiloTilpggICDilpggICAgG1swbQo="
     3 +############################
     4 +# -------> kayos <-------- #
     5 +# #
     6 +# #
     7 +# #
     8 +############################
     9 + 
     10 +# ________
     11 +#/ \
     12 +#| 0rly? |
     13 +#\__ __'\
     14 +# |/ \\
     15 +# \ \\ .
     16 +# |\\/|
     17 +# / " '\
     18 +# . . .
     19 +# / ) |
     20 +# ' _.' |
     21 +# '-'/ \
     22 + 
     23 +# usage: ./
     24 + 
     25 +# uses findomain, runs whois on all the resolvable subs found
     26 +# sorts out cloudflare IPs, run rustscan on all non-cloudflare IPs
     27 +# generate HTML reports
     28 + 
     29 +###### known dependencies ######
     30 + 
     31 +#### most package managers:
     32 +# - nmap
     33 +# - xsltproc
     34 + 
     35 +#### fancy shit:
     36 +# - rustscan
     37 +# --- with rust: (cargo install rustscan)
     38 +# --- without:
     39 +# - findomain
     40 +# --- with rust: (cargo install findomain)
     41 +# --- without:
     42 + 
     43 +###############################################################################
     44 + 
     45 +#######################
     46 + 
     47 +function _spinner() {
     48 + # $1 start/stop
     49 + #
     50 + # on start: $2 display message
     51 + # on stop : $2 process exit status
     52 + # $3 spinner function pid (supplied from stop_spinner)
     53 + 
     54 + local on_success="DONE"
     55 + local on_fail="FAIL"
     56 + local white="\e[1;37m"
     57 + local green="\e[1;32m"
     58 + local red="\e[1;31m"
     59 + local nc="\e[0m"
     60 + 
     61 + case $1 in
     62 + start)
     63 + # calculate the column where spinner and status msg will be displayed
     64 + let column=$(tput cols)-${#2}-8
     65 + # display message and position the cursor in $column column
     66 + echo -ne ${2}
     67 + printf "%${column}s"
     68 + 
     69 + # start spinner
     70 + i=1
     71 + sp='\|/-'
     72 + delay=${SPINNER_DELAY:-0.15}
     73 + 
     74 + while :
     75 + do
     76 + printf "\b${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}"
     77 + sleep $delay
     78 + done
     79 + ;;
     80 + stop)
     81 + if [[ -z ${3} ]]; then
     82 + echo "spinner is not running.."
     83 + exit 1
     84 + fi
     85 + 
     86 + kill $3 > /dev/null 2>&1
     87 + 
     88 + # inform the user uppon success or failure
     89 + echo -en "\b["
     90 + if [[ $2 -eq 0 ]]; then
     91 + echo -en "${green}${on_success}${nc}"
     92 + else
     93 + echo -en "${red}${on_fail}${nc}"
     94 + fi
     95 + echo -e "]"
     96 + ;;
     97 + *)
     98 + echo "invalid argument, try {start/stop}"
     99 + exit 1
     100 + ;;
     101 + esac
     102 +}
     103 + 
     104 +function start_spinner {
     105 + # $1 : msg to display
     106 + _spinner "start" "${1}" &
     107 + # set global spinner pid
     108 + _sp_pid=$!
     109 + disown
     110 +}
     111 + 
     112 +function stop_spinner {
     113 + # $1 : command exit status
     114 + _spinner "stop" $1 $_sp_pid
     115 + unset _sp_pid
     116 +}
     117 + 
     118 +################################################
     119 + 
     120 +rmap() {
     121 + sudo $HOME/.cargo/bin/rustscan --ulimit 10000 -a $1 -- -Pn -A -T Aggressive -oX $RESULTS/XML/$1.xml
     122 + sudo xsltproc $RESULTS/XML/$1.xml -o $RESULTS/HTML/$1.html
     123 +}
     124 + 
     125 + 
     126 +echo $BNR | base64 -d
     127 + 
     128 +set -e
     129 + 
     130 +RESULTS="$HOME/0rly/$1"
     131 +echo "Creating directory: $RESULTS"
     132 +echo ""
     133 +mkdir -p $RESULTS
     134 +if [ ! -f $HOME/0rly/resolvers.txt ]; then
     135 + echo -e "\e[33m$HOME/0rly/resolvers.txt not found!"
     136 + echo -e "would you like to use your system's resolvers?\e[0m"
     137 + read -r -p " [y/N] " response
     138 + case "$response" in
     139 + [yY][eE][sS]|[yY])
     140 + ;;
     141 + *)
     142 + echo "re-run after you populate resolvers.txt, exiting"
     143 + exit
     144 + ;;
     145 + esac
     146 + 
     147 + echo "using nameservers:"
     148 + cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep 'nameserver' | grep '\.' | sed 's/nameserver //g' | tee $HOME/0rly/resolvers.txt
     149 +fi
     150 + 
     151 +echo ""
     152 + 
     153 +start_spinner "running findomain..."
     154 + 
     155 +findomain -q -i --resolvers $HOME/0rly/resolvers.txt --target "$1" -u $RESULTS/findomain.txt>/dev/null;
     156 +awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' $RESULTS/findomain.txt | sort -u > $RESULTS/findomain.unique.ips.txt;
     157 + 
     158 +stop_spinner $?
     159 + 
     160 +echo ""
     161 + 
     162 +start_spinner "running whois and deteecting cloudflare IPs..."
     163 + 
     164 +while read line; do
     165 + whois "$line" > $RESULTS/$line.whois.txt
     166 + if ! cat $RESULTS/$line.whois.txt | grep -i -q cloudflare; then
     167 + echo "cloudflare ip found: $line"
     168 +# echo -e "\e[2m$line (cloudflare)\e[0m";
     169 + echo "$line" >> $RESULTS/cloudflare.ips.txt;
     170 + else
     171 + echo "$line" >> $RESULTS/noncloudflare.ips.txt;
     172 + echo -n "$line ("; cat $RESULTS/$line.whois.txt | grep -i -m1 org-name; echo -n ")";
     173 + fi
     174 +done < $RESULTS/findomain.unique.ips.txt
     175 + 
     176 +echo -n "would you like to execute rustscan on all non-cloudflare IPs and generate HTML reports?"
     177 +read -r -p " [y/N] " response
     178 +case "$response" in
     179 +[yY][eE][sS]|[yY])
     180 + ;;
     181 +*)
     182 + echo "Well then, I suppose we're done!"
     183 + echo "Here's what we've got:"
     184 + ls $RESULTS;
     185 + exit
     186 + ;;
     187 +esac
     188 + 
     189 +mkdir -p $RESULTS/XML
     190 +mkdir -p $RESULTS/HTML
     191 + 
     192 +set +e
     193 + 
     194 +while read line; do
     195 + start_spinner "Scanning $line..."
     196 + rmap $line >/dev/null
     197 + stop_spinner $?
     198 +done < $RESULTS/noncloudflare.ips.txt
     199 + 
     200 + 
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