Projects STRLCPY 007-TheBond Commits 66aab810
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  import requests
    13 13  import sys
    14 14  import urllib
     15 +import logging
    15 16  from username import *
    16 17  
    17 18  
    skipped 83 lines
    101 102   banner=pyfiglet.figlet_format("007-The Bond", font="slant")
    102 103   print(banner)
    103 104  
    104  - print(" \t Script by DeadShot0x7 V 1.0")
     105 +
     106 + print(" \t Script by DeadShot0x7 V 2.0")
    105 107   print("\n \n")
     108 + print("DeadShot0x7 will not be responsible for the Loss you have made ,Enter y or n")
     109 + ans=str(input(">>>>>>>>>"))
     110 + if ans == 'y' or ans =="yes" or ans=="Y":
     111 + logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
     112 +"Yes I'm Responsbile for the loss I have done ")
     113 +
     114 +
    106 115   while(1):
     116 + os.system("cls")
     117 + banner=pyfiglet.figlet_format("007-The Bond", font="slant")
     118 + print(banner)
     119 +
     120 +
     121 + print(" \t Script by DeadShot0x7 V 2.0")
     122 + print("\n \n")
    107 123   print("1.Instagram \t 2.Search")
    108 124   print("3.Phoneloopkup \t 4.Iplookup")
    109 125   print("5.Update \t 6.Search username Across the Social Media")
    skipped 6 lines
    116 132   query = str ( input ("Search :") )
    117 133   web_search(query)
    118 134   if a == 3:
    119  - no = str (input("Enter number : \t"))
     135 + no = str (input("Enter number with country code : \t"))
    120 136   number(no)
    121 137   if a == 4:
    122 138   ip=str(input ("Enter Ip address "))
    skipped 4 lines
    127 143   except Exception as e:
    128 144   print("Check your Internet Connection or No repository found")
    129 145   if a == 6:
    130  - print("\n")
    131  - print(" this features is coming soon")
    132  - print("\n")
     146 + name=str(input ("Enter Username"))
     147 + instagram(name)
     148 + facebook(name)
     149 + pinrest(name)
     150 +
     151 +
    133 152  
    134 153   if a == 7:
    135 154   print("Closing the application in 10 second")
    skipped 12 lines
  • __pycache__/igdox.cpython-39.pyc
    Binary file.
  • __pycache__/username.cpython-39.pyc
    Binary file.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  #author : Sayyed Viquar ahmed
    2 2  import requests
    3 3  import urllib
     4 +import time
    4 5   
    5 6   
    6 7  def instagram(username):
    7 8   try:
    8 9   url=""+username
    9 10   print("Username found in Instagram")
    10  - return("Username found ")
     11 +
    11 12   except Exception as e :
    12 13   print("Can't find the Username ")
    13  - return("Can't find the the username ")
     14 +
    14 15   
    15 16  def pinrest(username):
    16 17   try:
    17 18   url=""+username
    18 19   print("Username found in Pinrest platform")
    19  - return("Username Found")
     20 +
    20 21   except Exception as e:
    21 22   print("cant find the username")
    22 23   
    23 24  def facebook(username):
    24 25   try:
    25 26   url=""+username
    26  - print("Username found in Pinrest platform")
    27  - return("Username Found")
     27 + print("Username found in FaceBook platform")
     28 +
    28 29   except Exception as e:
    29 30   print("cant find the username")
     31 +
    30 32   
    31 33   
    32 34   
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